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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    MySQL Logging

    Are the scripts that make the INSERT statements ones you have written or are they third party?Either way, but if they are your scripts this will be easier, you can create a log function and use it everytime an INSERT statement is called in your code. The function can update a seperate table with info about the insert.
  2. use something like this to check if it is on seat 10 of each row. If it is you know to start a new table row If InStr(rs('seat')) <> -1 Then 'start new row 'etcEnd If
  3. the easiaet was is to "simulate" the effect with background images.Look at this page I made you look at my XHTML and CSS you will see I have very little XHTML code because I chose to not fight the inconsistancies of each browser but used a centered y-axis repeating body background image.Feel free to copy the code for testing.
  4. How about explaining hte situation and I am sure there is a standards compliant way of doing things. Maybe I should have used 99.999%.I have yet to incounter a situation that could not be done using a standards compliant method. The people that develop standards aren't idiots...they don't make decisions without devleopemnt situations in mind.
  5. aspnetguy

    Listbox Problem!

    I would suggest a hidden listbox..add the selected value on each postback then you can loop through once you have hiddenListBox.Items.Count == 3
  6. You will need to provide a much more detailed description and post the code you already have. We are not hear to write scripts for you but to help work through you writing your own.
  7. This was posted on my forum...I didn't bother to check it out myself http://forums.aspnetguy.com/index.php?show...dpost&p=451
  8. I think that should work.
  9. why...it would be 100 time easier.<?php include('footer.html');?> How hard is that? and you just put the sstraight html into footer.html
  10. I am sorry I do not agree with you at all.That is how we a rrived at IE6...the worst browser on the planet. Developers are forced to write their standards compliant code for every browser then debug it for IE6 which makes a lot of extra work.You can just redefine the rules to suit your situation. 99% of the time there is a standards compliant way to acheive the same thing.
  11. Take a look at this article that outlines some challenges for providing streaming video to wireless devices such as phones.http://www.informit.com/articles/article.a...qNum=5&rl=1read this article to get XHTML strict code so you don't have to use the depreciated <embed>http://www.alistapart.com/articles/byebyeembedlook for the section titled Eureka! One object for Windows Media PlayerGood luck
  12. Are you using Visual Studio 2003??? If so it is a bug in the program.Post the FULL code of this page and I'll tell you if it the bug that is causing this.
  13. Code actually looks like s sentence too! I have had a cobol book sitting on my self for 2 years and I think I opened it twice...haven't had a need for it at all. No offense intended. What can you use COBOL that C or C++ couldn't do.
  14. no it doesn't unforunately, I find it weird doing OOP with javascript, I work with C# everyday and it is fully OOP enabled like C++.Even PHP has some OOP limitations although I they have made many improvements in PHP5...I don't now where it is now compared to say C or C++.
  15. actually I did mean OO javascript (Object Oriented JavaScript ) OOP is just a generialization of the Object Oriented concept and doesn't pertain to a specific language
  16. Very true I am considering writing my own but I don't really have the time yet I don't want to pay for software for my tiny site.At the moment I am weighing my options and am waiting the outcome of some server upgrades I am going ot try first before settling on piece of software yet.
  17. Both of you are forcing me to see this in 2 diffent lights and both have strong cases.Skemcin is right in that the admins are responsible to protect their users and have failed in that regard.However what justsomeguy is saying is also right. The hackers were malicous and broke the law.Perhaps a metaphor is in order.Situation 1:A burglar breaks into a home, that has no security system and the owners forgot to lock the door before going to bed, and steals all the valuables.Legally the crook is legally responsible and would go to jail if caught but on the other hand the home owners were very negliable and stupid and ultimately contributed greatly to their own dilema.Situation 2:Someone breaks into a high security bank and steals $12 million. Regardless of the crook is caught the bank is liable to its customers for the money...that is why they buy insurance.So it can be looked at from both ways.
  18. Again it depends on the circumstances.Lets say for example (all reality and legal stuff aside) I wanted to have a website microsoft.com (let's imagine real hard) but it is already taken but look microsoft.net is available I'll get that.Now you have your .net lets look a smoe possibilities.You are marketing and you tell people that your address is www.microsoft.net. 99% of people that you tell will not visit your site right away and will probably forget you until a time arises that they need your services.If they remeber that your website was microsoft dot soething...tehy will most like try .com.When they realise that possible can't be you (no offense...actually it could be a compliment) they will try a search. So they type in microsoft in Google and they get a billion results and you are probably number 999,999,957 on the list. They will never find you in a search because you will be overshadowed by microsoft.com.Just something to think about...it may not apply but someday it might.
  19. luckily for me I was just making a few add-ons to the program and hadn't had to develop the whole thing
  20. My guess is that our admins had tools to allow them to perform backups. I think IPB has built-in tols to make backups but you have to do it manually. The admins didn't visit the forums very much...hopefully they will be around more at least just to do backups...I hope.Invision probably does a backup of their servers everyday but it would be more difficult to backup from those (I am guessing).Either way, who's fault it is isn't really relaivant, what we should ask and I would like to know is what have we adn the admins learned from it?I do not feel so safe now running my own forums and have started making regular backups and looking for ways to prevent this from happening to me.
  21. good idea...using OO javascript will make it easy for you update the control
  22. It could have been much worse but on the other hand making a backup only every 3 weeks is very irresponsible...I think we got lucky this time.
  23. 100% right...Hackers will always exist and will cause trouble but had the admins been diligent and installed the updates as they came out the hacker would not have been able to get in.At the time of the hack the forums were running on version 2.0.4...a far cry from the most up-to-date version 2.1.7 (13 releases since the forum had been updated - unexcusable) which has fixed the exploits these hackers are using on alot of IPB forums.
  24. The backup they used was from July 8 so everything that had been posted after the 8th is lost.
  25. I worked on a Flash app once...I found that actionscript was a lot like javascript.
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