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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Same reason I don't use PERL anymore. Same reason I chose C++ and not C. Same reason I use ASP.Net and not ASP.They are newer languages that have a stronger framework that take care of things that are left to the programmer in the older languages and they handle newer situations better.
  2. let me know how that is working for you in 5 years....if oyu are going to get anywhere in life you need ot grow up and stop being so immature.With an attitude like that you would never get a job in this business even if everyone else was less qualified.It would be very easy to sink as low as you but then that would make me as pathetic as you...consider yourself banned!!!
  3. How about the code ot the event handlers too.Is anything happening at all?
  4. try this...Google is your friend http://www.tutorialized.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46
  5. aspnetguy

    title bar

    stop spamming threads by repeating what someone else has already said...next time you will get a warning.
  6. Thank you...I feel like an idiot. I have been fighting to load a page (on same domain) in a hidden iframe then read the entire contents opf the frame to pass to ajax to then pass to .Net to generate a static page....its a long story but it is a workaround to a problem our companies CMS has with not getting indexed by google because of 2 automatic redirects the app does whne the site first loads.Anyways it works...thank you. My brain is fried today
  7. I know I can get the contents of the page with document.body.innerHTML but is it possible to get the entire html code of the page?I need to get everything between <html> and </html>. Is this possibel with javascript?
  8. aspnetguy

    ASP hosting.

    hopefully it will be much better
  9. post this code...what lanaguage are you using to process the form...I believe ASP requires a thrid party app to send mail but PHP and ASP.Net have it builtin.
  10. I was a bit surprised myself at how old the backup. Not sure if the admins can make manual backups or not but Invision (hosting provider) should have more regular backups than every 3-4 weeks.
  11. please do not make posts like this...there is no need to repeat what someone has already said. Posts should add value to the thread.
  12. aspnetguy

    ASP hosting.

    wow I didn't realise their db manager was so bad...they should run phpmyadmin or something...it is free.Other control panels like XPanel intergrate phpMyAdmin for easier management.
  13. try changing hte if statement to this If StrComp(Trim(rsShow1Avail("status")),"Booked") <> 0 Then
  14. The backup they used to restore the forums was from July 8th
  15. Have you read through all the w3schools' PHP tutorial?
  16. aspnetguy

    ASP hosting.

    if you can get it installed, phpMyAdmin is probably your best bet
  17. you do have an sql field called 'status' right? And if a seat is booked status says "Booked" right?Is it possible to see a screenshot of the database table (including the data).
  18. do this Response.Write "<td><table width=80% border=1 align=center><tr><td bgcolor=""" & col & """><div align=center class=style3><font face=verdana>"If rsShow1Avail("status") <> "Booked" Then Response.Write "<a href=update_form.asp?ID=" & rsShow1Avail("seat") & ">" & rsShow1Avail("Seat") & "</a>"Else Response.Write rsShow1Avail("Seat")End IfResponse.Write "</font></div></td></tr></table></td>"
  19. aspnetguy

    ASP hosting.

    you got a screen shot of the contorl panel...I imagine you should be able to install phpMyAdmin.
  20. I guess your sneers at XML come from ignorance than...in your own words.I was not saying that COBOL is not useful or even a great lanaguage I was saying I see no advantage to using it (for myself) and that based on the thought that the large piece of code shown was onlhy performing hte tasks of unpacking the string. However you are entitled to your opinions and I am entitle to mine.Whether it is true (in your opinion or in reality) or not I feel it is a waste of time to learn a langauge that has only one purpose and can only accomplish limited tasks (no matter how good it performs them).
  21. you may want to look into using the IE conditional comments tags to use a seperate stylesheet for IE. The main difference between them is they have different html engines so things get interpreted slightly different sometimes.
  22. I am lost...why can't you setup different classes in the stylesheet fromt he beginning and just change the class names of the elements?Or are the class attributes generated randomly and there is too many to do this? Sorry for the dumb questions.
  23. ok what is your question??? Both code examples you posted are identical.I went to your site and the menu is working fine. What did you want?
  24. The tutorials will never be availabel for purchase...they will remain free supported by ads.
  25. ME too....it is nice to see that people get what they deserve sometimes
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