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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    alot of hosts still use 1.3.x but you can get 2.x now 2.x still has a few quirks. I don't know if 1.3.x will run PHP5 or not...you'd have ot check
  2. aspnetguy

    Suggestions needed

    what was my feedback again???
  3. <select onchange="document.location=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value"> <option value ="http://volvo.com">Volvo</option> <option value ="http://saab.com">Saab</option> <option value ="http://opel.com">Opel</option> <option value ="http://audi.com">Audi</option></select> Try that
  4. 'Of course they COULD be the answer...so could 1 and 5 and 99 or 5873763990!I'll wait for post 42 because that is divisable by 3 and 7...that must be the answer....come on this is getting sad. why is 6 the first perfect number???
  5. I had a friend that knew HTML and I was interested. He helped me setup my first website at Geocities and how to look at source code and understand it.
  6. a multi selection combo box looks like this <select id="cb" multiple="multiple" size="5"> <option value="1">One</option> <option value="2">Two</option> <option value="3">Three</option> <option value="4">Four</option> <option value="5">Five</option></select> you hold down CTRL while selecting
  7. take a look at my title.You just go to "My Controls" -> "Edit Personal Info" ...if you do not have that option that means you do not have enough posts. I can't remember when I noticed that I could change it? 500 posts maybe?
  8. what are you asking for?
  9. aspnetguy

    Beginer with PHP

    Please post that question in the javascript forum. Please don't ask new questions in someone else's thread. Thanks.
  10. Actually they are higher because the sys admin is not aware of all the security issues thus does not have them patched.All it takes is for you to post your url in a forum and a hacker decideds to test your security.Depending on what this website is hopefully they are going to promote it and try and make it grow...it is just a matter of time before someone finds you and tries to hack your server
  11. So if I buy a lotto ticket on the way home and pick all 7's I am garenteed to win??? *sheesh*
  12. aspnetguy


    The built-in HTML version of this box is just a simple <select>...whether or not you get the scroll bar or not depends on the browser used to view it (i think)
  13. Being a server admin is far more than installing the software ans getting it to work. Like justsomeguy said there are probably a million holes in your server you are not even aware of. You have to know how the OS works (completely) and the concepts of networking to understand the ways you can be hacked.My UNIX professer from college has a doctorate in Computer Science and was also the schools UNIX admin.He seriously is the smartest IT person I have ever met. He mad the Windows admins look like morons, and they weren't noobs either...they had been doing it for 5 or more years.Whenever anything witht he network went wrong he was the first person they went to. The things I saw him do with a shell script and 5 minutes was amazing.Hey let me get you his email...he could hack you in 30 seconds with his eyes closed.Seriously...just because I have a working wesever doesn't mean I consider myself a sysadmin....by no means....for now I am just playing.Also knowing HTML has nothing to do with knowing how to run a server or build one either.
  14. aspnetguy


    ok what do you mean by a scroll down menu? <select multiple="multiple" size="5">...serveral options...</select> is that what you mean???It produces a select box 5 options high and scrolls if there are more than 5 options and you can choose as many options as you want.
  15. aspnetguy


    actual it is not a text box. It works just like a regualr frame except you can position it anywhere on the page have it the dimensions you want.
  16. <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/sheet.css' /> it is that simple. use ../ to go back a level
  17. why is 6 the first perfect number??? Historically speaking 3 and 7 are considered special in some religions.God created the universe in 7 days. The Holy Trinity (3), etc.
  18. 100% right, don't get me started on fedora core. I got it installed after many tries and that is were it stopped...I couldn't even get the internet connection cinfiguraed let alone run it as a webserver.I have been playing with Unbuntu but haven't made much progress there either. In the end I went back to windows for my server. On the bright side I did get my copy of windows server 2003 runnning. No more apache (not that it is bad...I just work with IIS at work everyday) and I can finally have ASp.Net again.
  19. Sounds a bit like 'A Beautiful Mind' were Russell Crowe loses his mind looking for spy codes in magazine ads.
  20. aspnetguy

    long shot

    I know it is not likely, I haven't been able to find anything yet but has anyone written a script to transfer the content of a IPB (1.3.1 or 2.x - doesn't matter which) database (MySql) to Community Server (any version)(Sql Server)?I know it is a long shot but I thought it would be worth a try before I start writing it myself.I have decided to use Community Server since it ties blog and forums togehter instead of using IPB and WordPress seperately.
  21. yes... yourpage.php?variable=value for passing one variable and yourpage.php?variable1=value&variable2=value for passing multiple varaibles.You would then get the values in php like this $var1 = $_POST['variable1'];$var2 = $_POST['variable2'];
  22. try this h1{ display: inline; margin : 0px 0px 0px 0px; /*play with this value to get the proper spacing you want*/}
  23. read thishttp://ca.php.net/dateas for the mysql field make sure you use the one of these datatypes
  24. Running your own server requires a static ip address which you do not get with residential internet service. Also you should have high speed internet if you are going to host.There are ways around this issue if you do not have a static ip. You can use services like everydns.net which manage your domains and give you a script to download that will update your ip address when you set it as a windows task.A very cheap and easy way to go would be to use Windows and Apache. You will want a seperate PC though and a routre with a firewall.Anymore questions just ask.
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