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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. oops sorry.So I have tried turning off my firewall which made no difference. I did notice that everything works 100% when logging directly into the webserver, but if I access it from my other computer (on the same network) then the problems are there.I was going to install win server 2003 this morning but my spare harddrive died...it would format to 99% then hang. I am currently in the market for a good used har drive. Hopefully I 'll find something soon and then I can see if it is apache that is the issue since I don't know much about configuring it.
  2. Yeah but it is nicer to have a built in form, plus you don't have post your email address that way.Yeah everyone has Outlook Express because it is built into windows, but that is like saying everyone has Internet Explorer...so, what's your point
  3. ummm....errrr...beta? No. It is a copy of an educational version I got from the college I went to. Shhhh!I am not using server 2003 right now. I am using apache on winXP
  4. The firewall is off and the webserver is completely exposed to the internet. There should be no intereference from the router now.so does anyone still have troble viewing this site http://blog.aspnetguy.com ?
  5. try this <?php if(strlen($row_rs_schoolbus['fax']) > 0) { ?><li>Fax: <?php echo $row_rs_schoolbus['fax'];?> </li><?php } ?>
  6. aspnetguy

    2 ul list from DB

    yeah that would be more efficient. Thanks
  7. thanks for the suggestion but it is happening on other sites besides the blog, phpmyadmin for example.Strangly the forums are not effected.
  8. I wondered if XP would still limit me to 5 users even if I used Apache.Although I highly doubt there is always 5 users on the sites everytime I go there (I know there isn't).I am going to be playing with win server 2033 the next couple days but I will check my firewall settings.
  9. aspnetguy

    ASP hosting.

    www.brinkster.comYou can get 5GB space, 30GB mth transfer, PHP/ASP/ASP.Net, Access/100Mb MySQL, free domain, point upto 100 domains to that account, plus a tonne of other stuff for $7.95/mth
  10. aspnetguy

    2 ul list from DB

    something like this //already have db data in 2 arrays $desc and $url$ul1 = '<ul>';$ul2 = '<ul>';for($i=0;$i<sizeof($desc);$i++){ if(($i % 2) == 0) { $ul1 .= '<li><a href="' . $url[$i] . '">' . $desc[$i] . '</a></li>'; } else { $ul2 .= '<li><a href="' . $url[$i] . '">' . $desc[$i] . '</a></li>'; }}$ul1 .= '</ul>';$ul2 .= '</ul>';
  11. aspnetguy


    I have limited experience with Windows Forms but I can tell you it is a pain to get muultiple forms working together.I had to create a form class to hold instances of each form and then open then as Dialogs and not new forms.It was a very lengthy, complicated process which I don't think I could walkthrough again easily.
  12. aspnetguy

    Slide Shows

    read this http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp it will tell you everything you need to knwo about CSS files.
  13. try this <html><head> <title>How to opaque</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function ddlViewState(letter) { //disable both var ddlA = document.getElementById('ddlA'); var ddlB = document.getElementById('ddlB'); ddlA.disabled = true; ddlB.disabled = true; //enable selected ddl var selectedDdl = document.getElementById('ddl' + letter); selectedDdl.disabled = false; } </script></head><body><table> <tr> <td> <select id="ddlA"> <option value="1">One A</option> <option value="2">Two A</option> <option value="3">Three A</option> <option value="4">Four A</option> </select> </td> <td> <select id="ddlB"> <option value="1">One B</option> <option value="2">Two B</option> <option value="3">Three B</option> <option value="4">Four B</option> </select> </td> </tr></table><div> <input type="radio" name="radioGroup" value="A" onclick="ddlViewState(this.value)"/> A <br/> <input type="radio" name="radioGroup" value="B" onclick="ddlViewState(this.value)"/> B </div></body></html>
  14. <html><head> <title>some title</title> <script type="text/javascript"> onload= function someFunctionName() { //do something } </script><body></body></html> this is the same as <body onload="someFunctionName()">
  15. whoops sorry it should be thisprint "\n\t<td>{strtolower($row['CODE'])}</td>" . You can't use double quotes inside double quotes without escaping htem. in this case iwas just easier to use single quotes around CODE - 'CODE'
  16. I was mostly refering to coding th eback end of the form by hand. Well, I will have ot let someone else guide you through this because I don't know Frontpage at all.
  17. memery? why check the memory?If the memory was bad (I know nothing about memory issues btw) then wouldn't I have problems locally as well as remotely. As of know, I am only having issues accessing pages from outside the network.
  18. Sorry Dan, your post was hard to read and I thought you were saying you would choose a javascript method.Yes a server side redirect would be best.
  19. print "\n\t<td>{strtolower($row["CODE"])}</td>" ."\n\t<td>{$row["TR"]}</td>" . etc
  20. I have a webserver running at home using apache 2.0, PHP5, and MySQL.I have a domain and 4 subdomains setup. Everything works fine locally on my network but accessing some of the subdomains acts strangely fromt he outside.For example my blog ( http://blog.aspnetguy.com ) which is runnin with WordPress 2.0.3 will not load at all in Internet Explorer and in FireFox and Opera the pages only partially load and it requires multiple refreshes to view the whole page.For the subdomain I have to use phpMyAdmin parts of the stylesheet are not applied and again refreshing the page either helps or makes it worse.The wierdest part is that 1 of the subdomains ( http://forums.aspnetguy.com ) running Invision Power Board 1.31 works perfectly and has had no problems. As a note I did have to make some modifications to the IPB software to get it to run correctly with PHP5 (not sure if this is what is causing problems with the other software).All the DNs is setup the same for all 4 subdomains so I don't think that is the issue.So what could it be? Is apahce not configured correctly, is my router interfering with serving up pages, is the software conflicting with PHP5?Any ideas would be very appreciated since I have run out of them. :eek: This thread http://forums.aspnetguy.com/index.php?showtopic=33 has some more detilas on the strangenessThanks,
  21. I don;t know FrontPage...because Frontpage is a piece of crap.Is it a requirement for you to use it (or a better question, do you know how to code by hand?)?you will need at a minimum the ability to server up ASP pages.
  22. what happens if A and B are checked? You should use radio buttons or another dropdownlist.
  23. aspnetguy

    Border Position?

    True, that method only works with fixed width sites.
  24. aspnetguy

    Border Position?

    height = 100% means different things in different browsers. It is hard to get it to work how you want and the smallest changes can break it.I like to use background images to simulate this instead.
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