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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. document.oncontextclick = function(){return false} EDIT: hey scott you were a little faster this time
  2. aspnetguy


    you wan thte new array to be the same length as the first array? $array2 = array();for($i=0;$i<sizeof($array1);$i++){ $array2[] = "";} This would work...but I am sure there must be a better method.
  3. aspnetguy


    does declaring numOf make a difference? It doesn't appear to be declared.Or perhaps try this UBound(dictObj.Keys) I'm not too familiar witht he Dictionary object but I hope this helps a little.BTW, you don't get an errors do you?
  4. try thishttp://www.asppdf.com/
  5. I have run in this problem time and time again and I must say I have never found a sure-fire solution. Make sure you are not setting the timeout on multiple pages. In some cases the new tiomeout setting ends the current session.
  6. make your document.write staments look somethinglike this document.write("<a href='url'><img src='entssunday.jpg' width='424' height='82' border='0' align='left'"></a>);
  7. if you get Frame by using document.getELementById then you end up with the current documents content. I assume this is a bug.This will get you the content of the iframe document. document.frames['frameName'].document.body.innerHTML
  8. double click on the first ddl in design view and the event will be setup for you (VS.Net). Let me know if you do not have VS.Net or VWD Express). VWD Express is free BTW. private void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e){ //use sql to get ddl2 contents string sql = "SOME QUERY TO FILL DDL2"; SqlConnection cnt = new SQLConnection("connection string"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,cnt); SqlDataReader data; cnt.Open(); data = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ddl2.DataSource = data; ddl2.DataBind(); data.Close(); cnt.Close();} That may have some syntax errors but you should be able to clean it up. This is assuming you are using SQL Server....change to ODBC or OleDb depending on your needs.NOTE: DropDownList1 must have AutoPostBack set to TRUE
  9. Hi I have a domain registered with Yahoo. I have setup up my server running Apache, PHP, MySql, etc.I have the domain already pointing to my server but it automatically goes to the root. How can I setup new domains and subdomains to go to specific folders within the root?Thanks,
  10. I found that fedora core had a decent installer and it was mostly a graphical interface...I just couldn't get eh internet connection to configure. I followed all the sets in the installation guide but the internet connection just wouldn't work.In less time then it took to install linux and fool with the network settings I now have XP installed, apache, php, mysql, phpmyadmin, and wordpress all installed and running.
  11. we were told in college that it was not illegal to attacha copyright notice at the bottom and that it was technically copyrighted whether we put the notice or not, don't know though
  12. yeah, I am going ot run win XP that way I know what I have. I dumped Linux last night...what a pain in the butt!
  13. You will have to look at AJAx to accomplish this.
  14. I don't know what you are asking.You do realize that the link you have there would be "downloading" from the client's machine not the server?
  15. I have found something that may let me run WindowsXP, Apache and still have ASP.Net.http://www.mono-project.com/DownloadsMono claims to allow ASP.Net to run on Apache so this is looking like what I will do.I am going to give Fedora one more shot with a fresh install and if I can't get any results it is out.Thanks for your advice guys!
  16. okay sure,I am using a router to share my interenet connection, I have already taken care of the dchp ip issue, If this pc gets hacked it is not that big of a deal, I am mostly doing it to learn how to setup a server. There will be no shared drives, folders, anything between the server and my main PC.
  17. Thanks boen.I will have a router firewall plus the XP firewall and I do have good anti-virus.
  18. that was what I was expecting to hear.Okay then, does Windows XP still have the 5 user limit even if I use Apache instead of IIS?If so, what is a good version of linux to be used as a web server and is still easy to use since I have never used linux?I have been playing with Fedora Core 4 but can't get the internet connection to work.
  19. Now forgive me if this is a dumb question but I am trying ot setup an old pc as a webserver, mostly for playing around.Does Windows 98 have an limitations (eg. Windows XP only allows 5 concurrent users when used as a webserver).My goal is to use PWS so I can still run ASP.Net. If there are too many limitations I'll have to use apache.
  20. I didn't know that, wow, I ahve put the copyright syymbol on website before. Guess I will stop doing that
  21. I realize that but what I said is the the software is already written to produce an empty wiki app. You still have to fill inyour info.
  22. plus you can download and install wiki software that is already written.
  23. In the original game I always setup in south america but Risk II makes it so hard to hold it because of the extra access points and extra territory! :)I love risk!
  24. Okay, please explain the need to use different users.Did you say that if you use dev1 you don't get the permissions errors? If this is true you need to look at what is different between dev1 and ora1
  25. Ok I'll need some more info first.What OS are you using?What Server are you using? (Apache, IIS, Other)What version?What Server side language are you using? (PHP, ASP, Other)What database are you using?
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