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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Well it will display correctly if that is what you mean. You are not processing the form so I don't know if you will do it right or not :)I assume you put in ##### for hte name because you didn't want us to see the real name???As long as all radio buttons that belong to the same question have hte same name you will be fine.
  2. can you post the code for the whole page?whether it is in a .html or .php the code I gave will work. Do you mean you are echoing the html code for the anchors?This guessing game isn't working
  3. <?php echo "<script>alert('alert text')</script>";?>
  4. this works <html><head> <title>...</title></head><body><a href="#btm">Bottom</a><div style="height:1000px"></div><a name="btm">btm</a></body></html>
  5. /* Client-side access to querystring name=value pairs Version 1.2.3 22 Jun 2005 Adam Vandenberg*/function Querystring(qs) { // optionally pass a querystring to parse this.params = new Object() this.get=Querystring_get if (qs == null) qs=location.search.substring(1,location.search.length) if (qs.length == 0) return// Turn <plus> back to <space>// See: [url="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-"]http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/f...tml#h-[/url] qs = qs.replace(/\+/g, ' ') var args = qs.split('&') // parse out name/value pairs separated via & // split out each name=value pair for (var i=0;i<args.length;i++) { var value; var pair = args[i].split('=') var name = unescape(pair[0]) if (pair.length == 2) value = unescape(pair[1]) else value = name this.params[name] = value }}function Querystring_get(key, default_) { // This silly looking line changes UNDEFINED to NULL if (default_ == null) default_ = null; var value=this.params[key] if (value==null) value=default_; return value}
  6. download phpMyAdmin. It is a GUI for MySql.
  7. no I haven't but I usual choose re-build anyways.I have run into other bugs in VS 2003, my guess is that it is just another one.
  8. Well I suggest taking a trip to http://www.seochat.com and reading hteir articles on improving Google indexing.
  9. no I had to work early to finish up a project on time
  10. do you have a robots.txt file that might be limiting Googles search?
  11. Check Tools>Preferences ... I think the default setting for Opera is to delete cookies and cache when Opera is closed.
  12. do you have links to these files in subfolders from top level pages? Google will go to the first page of your site and follow the links that it finds.A good way to improve google ranking is to create a sitemap that links to every page in your site then link it to the index page.
  13. Rioght click the file and choose Open With... or Edit
  14. sorry I assumed you were using Javascript since you did post in the javascript forum . I will move this to ASP. You are using ASP(vbscript) right?
  15. ahhh I forgot about removing the float when using text-align.Man my brain is like goo today. I hate getting up at 5:30am!
  16. aspnetguy

    BB Code

    [url=http://www.somewhere.com][img=http://somewhere.com/somepicture.gif][/url] Did I win?
  17. Everyday is like a history lesson around here .There are so many things I 'knew' about never really understood what they meant or where they came from.I see ASCII refered to as ANSI all the time. I actually thought they were 2 different standards
  18. A good example of that was forums.asp.net's old serach engine. It was super fast...then again that is probably because it never returned any results. It was awful and useless.
  19. It was annoying...as soon as I hovered over something it popped out and took the whole screen and moved the links around. I don't like that.
  20. have you heard of escaping quotes $code = '<a href="javascript:myFunction(\'someParam\')">Click</a>';
  21. haha oops, thats for hte correction
  22. I just about had a panic attack It is really weird not clicking on stuff.
  23. try CSS opacity: 0.5; /*FF, Opera9*/filter:alpha(opacity=50); /*IE*/
  24. Brinkster.com is a good company. They offer Linux/Windows hosting for as little as 4.95/mth.You can try their 'educational' package for free if you are worried about their service. I have always found them a great company.
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