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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    Sorry I wasn't clear...I got the example from C++ but needed to use enum in PHP..which I guess is not possible.
  2. lol...I don't drink
  3. aspnetguy


    ok thanks...I'll have to find another way.
  4. aspnetguy


    Chances are some users are trying ot add products at the same time and some are getting lost.This is probably due tot he way the PHP code was written. It is easy to make systems for a single user but it multi-user systems that pose a challenge.
  5. I like to still pretend I am just 18...24 is getting to close to 30...
  6. Great, by then CSS4 and XHTML3 will be out and IE will be trying ot implement CSS3 and XHTML2 :)
  7. He doesn't want to get older?
  8. aspnetguy


    is this the correct way to define an enum??? I am using it in a class class className{ public enum Section { Page, Menu, Upload, Templates };} This is actually for a C/C++ example but I noticed alot about PHP is similar to C++.
  9. it is just 'renaming' the column.when you access it through your data array (Server Side Script) or it is displayed in your database program the column title will be highest_codigocliente instead of LAST(codigocliente)It is mostly for SQL Reports and such where you want hte output to look nice.
  10. I have hosted many pages on linux and .html works fine.
  11. aspnetguy


    Does PHP have enums??eg ASP.Net enum public enum Foo{ None=0, One=1, Two=2, Three=3} Response.Write(Foo.One); Output is 1
  12. aspnetguy


    It was not about W3C it was whether or not W3Schools.com was affiliated with W3C.And the question has been answered. I will close this thread now if nobody has objections. PM me if you feel there is value in leaving it open.
  13. aspnetguy


    use this document.getElementById('divID').innerHTML = 'what ever you want to put';
  14. use .html ... Internet Explorer cannot translate .xhtml (yet)
  15. <h1> - <h6> are header tags. The bold and and change the font size of the text...search engines seem to like these tags when they contain keywords.
  16. One small step for LG, one large step for the Internet :)EDIT: yeah the other way around
  17. You'll want ot put it outside the text area...it will save many headaches.something like this maybe?\ <div style="text-align:center"> <span style="text-decoration:underline">Updates</span><br/> <textarea......>updates here</textarea></div>
  18. aspnetguy


    Thanks Jonas...I didn't realise it was user-edited
  19. aspnetguy


    What are you saying about wikipedia? Is it not reliable?
  20. aspnetguy


    I am not worried I was just pointing out what you were telling them wasn't correct.
  21. aspnetguy


    no it wasn't.nxoc01.cern.ch was the first website. http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/history/firstsite.htmlAnd the topic is about w3schools not w3c anyways. This forum and w3schools are NOT related to W3C in any way!!!
  22. aspnetguy


    What? W3Schools.com is not related to the origins of the internet!The Internet began as a Network developed by the Department of Defense (DARPA) in the late 60's. It became public in the early 80's.W3schools.com provides tutorials on modern Internet technologies and is in no way responsible for creating and maintaining standards.W3schools.com is just a tutorial site, just like many other sites on the Interent that teach web technologies.
  23. Oh yeah I never said anything...it was just me and 1 friend who messed around with it once and a while. It wasn't until after I graduated that I got really serious.
  24. Actually no...I still play guitar...and bass..and drums...I usually keep the HTML part quiet....not that I pick up chicks...my wife wouldn't like that
  25. This is the "updated" post for running IE6 and IE7 side by side. Now it is important to not that the auther updated this post because the previous version of his article resulted in long term problems with IE6 service packs.So iwht that in mind...use with caution...I wouldn't install this unless you can afford to have a crash... ... AKA a test machine.http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2.../28/434132.aspx
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