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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Don't think so...used have to use an iframe.
  2. do this -- you need to use a XHTML DOCTYPE for this to work.CSS .center{ width: 400px; /*you have to specify a pixel width for this to work*/ margin: auto;} HTML <div class="center">Content here</div> This should work in all browsers
  3. aspnetguy


    You can probably use JavaScript to detect if the movie is playing or stopped.
  4. I agree with scott, this is a good order1 XHTML2 CSS3 Javascript4 PHP/MySQLI have been learning over a period of 6+ years now...this is the order I learned.1.HTML2.CSS3.XHTML4.JavaScript5.PERL6.ASP/Access8.ASP.Net/SQL Server9.PHP/MySQLMy suggestion is to not spend a lot of time on JavaScript (just the basics) unless you play to have very rich and interactive interfaces.
  5. Yes feel free to come here often with questions. I have been using ASP.Net for over 2 years now and love it. It is more efficient, faster, and cleaner than ASP and PHP.BTW, I live in Canada...a bit of a stroll (and a swim) from you
  6. You could use a table to display them in a 3x3 grid.
  7. I have seen that done before...it works well
  8. That is the way it works in IE but all other browsers require you to clear the floated elements . I am not sure why it is that way but that is just how it works
  9. you would check the password and username against your database to see if it is a match. If it is I usually put the username into a session. SO when checking a Session if it equals null then the user is logged in if it is equal to something, they are logged in.
  10. You want someone to give you a list of email addresses??? Good luck with that!!!Or are you wanting to sign-up for a newsletter???
  11. If you have 2 divs in the container you will need to float both of them. If you place <br style="clear:both"/>as the last line of the container it will keep the floated elements contained.
  12. aspnetguy


    Thanks guys. I have used Solaris for UNIX when I was in college. I believe we used Gnome, I have never tried KDE.I'll keep that in mind
  13. aspnetguy


    HI,It is looking like I will be able to get all the parts I need to make a small server. I am thinking of running Linux, PHP, Apache, and MySql.There is one problem, I have never used Linux. Which version is the easiest for a beginner but yet good enough to run a web server?Thanks for your advice.
  14. That specification is for CSS2...IE does not fully support CSS2. The reason for this is IE6 was released before CSS2. IE7 will have full CSS2 support.
  15. aspnetguy

    Spam Protection

    There are a lot of forums that integrate a security pin...some only when a user registers and some for every postThe security pin is most common in blogs and guestbooks tho
  16. both attempts 1 and 2 would work except you have small syntax errors.#1document.ideasandsubmissionsform.firstname.value#2document.getElementById('firstname').value
  17. I am closing htis thread...it is not the purpose of this forum to help users override other website's security measures.
  18. aspnetguy

    Spam Protection

    Can you modify the code???You could integrate a random security pin that has to be entered with each entry.
  19. try setting it like this var xmlHttp;if(document.all){ //IE xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}else{ //FF,Opera,NN xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();}
  20. Actuall textarea does not support maxlength.You can do it with javascript like this thoJSfunction maxLength(object,maxLength){ return (object.value.length <= maxLength);} ThenHTML <textarea id="myTA" onkeypress="return maxLength(this,15)"></textarea> Replace 15 witht he max length you want.
  21. Wow...I am sorry for what ever I did that made you think it was necessary to start making personal attacks.Since I know nothing about database design could you provide us with the right way to do things when setting up a database for this situation.
  22. oh ok I see what you mean now...that is really poor planning ot run the login and search on the same form. Is it like these forums (it always is index.php with different params)?I don't like that type of design...just makes things more complicated.
  23. ok I see what you mean.Why not when you find the ENTER key has been pressed just execute the same javascript that is executed on the onclick of the image.I am not sure how that is done but I know you can disable the form submission when someone hits ENTER and execute another function instead.
  24. I am not sure what you mean.This system sounds like a piece of crap! I hope this will not taint your view of .Net. :)Is it a system available on the web or is it a private system developed by someone.
  25. Just a quick comment. When you exchange links don't just exchange with anyone. Google will favor you more if you only exchange links with sites that have similar content and topics as yours. Having links from obscure sites can actually hurt your ranking
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