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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    Page Footer

    What I was think ing was that if the footer is say height: 50px;If you put a spacer div with height: 50px (or maybe a bit more) at the end of the content then it would push the container down before it got overlapped.
  2. aspnetguy

    Page Footer

    What about placing the footer div in the main container div then defining the footer like this #footer{ position: relative; bottom:0px; left:0px;} That way it is always attached to the bottom of the container, regardless of it's size.You would need be carful the content doesn't run underneath the footer tho adding some <br/> at the end of the content shoudld solve that or making a spacer div.
  3. what is your table structure??? What is the query you are using???
  4. When I suspend and warn I always remove the content of the spam message...not sure what the other mods are doing.
  5. He's not offering anything...basically asking for more advanced tutorials.
  6. Yup ASP.Net is a great programming language and it is getting bigger everyday. There are tonnes of custom controls, libraries you can download. I ran acroos a AJAX.Net library the other day...it makes using AJAX super easy in your .net pages.ATLAS is the newest .net 'plug-in' it is a framework to allow easy creation of applications like Google Maps
  7. yes that is fine and it will work.It is not bad practice and in fact sometimes it is necessary. I like to keep mine in the <head> whenever possible though just to keep it out of the way.
  8. I do not use Regex muxh, I am afraid I do not knowIt is basically saying Regex.Pattern is read only. I don't know if you can change that or not.
  9. are you viewing it in IE?
  10. read thesehttp://aspalliance.com/152http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.Asp?ID=4492
  11. try thishttp://www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmasc...f/win_open.html
  12. I need you to post ALL the code for ALL the pages in the frameset includeing the frameset page. This is everything between and includeing <html>...</html>.Bits and pieces are not much good, we need everything to know how it works together.Where the javascript is makes a big difference in the way it is written.
  13. is the js code and the html call code in the main.htm page aswell??? If not what page are they on....this is very important to make it work.
  14. do thismain.html <html><head> <title>Main Page</title></head><body><a href="form1.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">Open Form</a></body></html> form1.html <html><head> <title>Form 1</title></head><body><form action="test_process.html" method="post" onsubmit="opener.window.location='http://www.google.com';window.close()"><input type="submit" value="Submit"/></form></body></html>
  15. You will not find anyone willing to do this for free. You are welcome to post your questions here for the community to answer but nobody is going to be your personal tutor.
  16. It means that field name does not exist. Are you sure you spelled it correctly. You shouldn't use spaces in field names. You should modify your DB and rename that field to use (_) instead of a space.
  17. please post ALL your code or provide a link so we can see how your frames are setup.I am thinking you will need to do something like this. parent.document.frames['framename'].document.getElementById('divid') The frame must contain name= as well as id= for this to work. if you did this parent.document.getElementById('frameid').document.getElementById('divid') You would get an error (not usre why, in IE anyways)
  18. Thats what I was thinking too. But ot get a part of the page to scroll with out frames means you need to use this.<div style="width:##px;height:##px;overflow:auto">..div content...</div> If the content exceeds the width and height of the div scrollbars will appear inside hte div
  19. Linux and Unix and Networking use the term 'mask' as a format, something to 'overlay' to make the object conform to the proper format.Not sure if that is what he meant either??? Just a guessing game right now
  20. in the form window (assuming this is a seperate window that gets opened form the main window?)put this code <form .... onsubmit="opener.location = 'redirect url you want';window.close();".....>
  21. Can you post your code I am not fully understanding why you set it up this way. There is definately a better way to do it.
  22. I have decided to drop conText. I was only going ot use it for C++ anyway. I did not like the Borland compiler, it did not intgrate with conText, I followed the tut on the conText site and just got errors when I tried to compile some code.I decided to use Dev-C++ instead since it is really easy to install external libraries.Either way I am happy to have tossed out MS Visual C++, nasty bloated crap!Thanks for the info tho
  23. what do you mean mask date inout field? Force it into a certain format???
  24. ...and it is slow... I learned PERL in college...it was actually the first web programming language I learned. It was alright but it lacks the speed needed for large business application.
  25. PERL and CGI are still widely used but mostly by 'old school' programmers or developers maintaining legacy applications.They still work great but there is a speed issue.PHP and ASP are about 5 times faster than CGI and ASP.Net and JSP(compiled) is even faster still. So it is not that the language isn't useful it just has been outperformed by newer languages.
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