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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. The above sql statement is open to sql injection. A user could put and that statement would return true giving them access to your site. You need to be careful whne using variables directly in sql conditions.You are better off to select all the passwords and put them in an array. Then loop throught the array until you find a match.
  2. You can download mysql at www.mysql.com
  3. it is either a problem with your connection string , but most likely, it is an erro in your SQL statement.The firls first_time....what datatype is it???Boolean???? I think you need to use 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE.tryfirst_time=1
  4. take alook at this.http://www.troywolf.com/articles/php/class_http/Basically you have to use php to gather the html from the page first then you can echo it to any part of your page and you don't have to use the iframe.
  5. I don't think there is, even if there was goto is not an effiecient way of doing things...it can cause more trouble than it is worth.You can use try catch staements to find errors. try{ ....do something...}catch(err){ alert(err.description); //error occured}
  6. You can't read the innerHTML of an iframe if the src domain is not your own. YOu will get and Access Denied error.You can use AJAX and let the PHP or ASP "Screen scrap" the src page then return the contents tot he client.That is the only way you can do it. Well, you could just do it all in PHP or ASP and forget the AJAX but that is up to you. :)If you want to read an iframe that is your own domain you can like this: document.frames['iframename'].document.body.innerHTML or document.frames['iframename'].document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML
  7. That is on the list of things to do. I plan ot make all the browser buttons workable.
  8. Nope, AFAIK JavaScript is the only thing ot preload content
  9. You cannot 'bind' data to a combobox control in ASP (using the true sense of the word). You would need to use ASP.Net to do thisThis should probably go in the ASP section since you cannot access a database with javascript.
  10. http://110mb.com/valleycomputer/iframe.htmlLook at this page I have created. It simulates opening browser looking windows (actually iframes).You can click the Open New Window link as many times as you want and it will keep adding a window t the screen.Click the spider in the top right corner to close a window.I am making a personal website that looks like a Mac OSX desktop so I created this code to simulate the Safari browser.Feel free to use it, I got the drag and drop script for free. The source code will tell you how to get the scripts and images.
  11. I have been forcing myself away from using document.write because I am finding that it is not performing consistantly in different situations. Sometimes it re-write a new page losing all previous page data before document.write was called and not displaying the content after the call either.And then sometimes it works like a charm...can someone explain why it does this, what the cause is.Until I figure it out I am using the DOM
  12. try thishttp://www.quirksmode.org/viewport/compatibility.htmlYou are actually measuring the width and height of the viewport and taking into account the scrollbars.
  13. That is simple not true.When making your layouts with CSS instead of tables it is much easier to read and there is far less code.As far as load times...there is probably little or no difference because the extra time it would take to load the extra styles int the stylesheet would be proportionate to the extra tables code you would have to write, unless of course it has many, many nessted tables, inwhich the CSS layout would probably be more efficient.I understand your arguement, I was in the same place last year when I first was looking at hte issue. A year later I am pro CSS and wouldn't go back to tables. It takes some getting used to, you need to discover the quirks assciated with each major browser when making CSS layouts and understand the methods to get around them. After that it is smooth sailing and you'll be glad you switched.It was the same for me when switching from ASP to ASP.Net...it was a tough battle at first but now that I am there I see the mountain of benefits.
  14. <div> <div style="float:left;width:##px"><img src="..." alt=""/></div> <div style="float:left;width:##px">text</div> <div style="float:left;width:##px"><img src="..." alt=""/></div> <br style="clear:left"/></div>
  15. You do not need FRAMESET for IFRAMES only when using FRAMESET anf FRAMES.You find that that will not validate
  16. you can use <!-- #include file="navbarcode.html" --> You just need to name all the pages that use this code to filename.shtml
  17. Not that I know of. You could use a Server Side Language to Screen Scrap the webpage then build it into your page.
  18. That is because you are using the Remove by text feature...if you specify a index number it will only remove the specified index.I will look into adding support for Remove by text to remove only the first occurance or remove all.version 2 beta is coming nicely...far more complex than versoin 1.I think it will make sense to support both version 1 and 2 since they will be very different from each other. Or maybe even branch them into 2 different controls.Any more ideas?
  19. I am not sure of speed although I suspect #2 would be faster. #2 would clearly be easier to manage and easier to execute from code.
  20. aspnetguy

    help plz

    If you make a anchor to the file you want to dowload <a href="path to download file">Download Me</a> I am not sure what context you are asking about Binding. Are you working with ASP.Net???
  21. You can use JavaScript to preload images but I am not sure about movies or flash
  22. Actually you can add the form data to the database through a web language but the program (you would have to run it periodically to update the contacts) would have to be in C++ or .Net to add them to the email program.C#.Net or VB.Net is good if you are adding to Outlook or other Microsoft products.
  23. You should save the form to a database instead of sending it as an email.If it is a database you can thne write an app to automatically place contacts in the email program
  24. try thishttp://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/javascri...cle.php/3471181You have to resiz ethe new window form the original window not the new window html
  25. I have started the next version...it is going to be tougher but I think much better.
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