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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. My guess is because you are using document.writeif you create the elements throught he DOM then append them to the page it should work. var tbl = document.createElement('table') I believe I read somewhere that W3C is going to depreciate document.write in favor of a DOM method...don't quote me on that though.
  2. You can create a blank page (call it blank.html) then when you open new windows you can use window.open to open blank.html then write the extra html code to the window.
  3. Eurostile is not a default font for windows, mac, or linux is it???if you use this font then anyone without it on their computer will see the default font (probably Arial in your case).It a good idea to stick with default fonts or if you want a unique font, make an image iut of it and put the image on your page.
  4. w3schools tutorials aren't powered by learnflash.com (not last itme I checked).Powered By is another term people don't seem to understand. When a website says 'powered by' it is refering to any server side software it is running on (ie CMS software). This forum is powered by IPB 2.x (Invision Power Board software).The tutorials will not be, probably never, available in a downloadable format. It would mean the end for w3schools and a one time payment from a few members will not keep the site going.
  5. PHP has lots of great, built-in, functions for MySql. Choose that one...you will probably find more support for MySql as well.
  6. aspnetguy


    Do you mean that the menu control is shown below the other control or that the control is actually on top of your menu control???If it is showing below the other control it may be a problem with which control is getting rendered first or how the menu control is placed.If the other control is on top of your menu control you are probably using absolute positioning. This creates layering effects. It sounds like the 'other' layer is overlapping your menu layer.If you can post a link to an example of this problem or post your code we can give you a more specific answer.
  7. rajshekhar,Quoting someone else's post is not contributing to this thread.Please do not do this.
  8. aspnetguy


    Do you know a server side language??? If not you should learn one or look for a free script on the internet.
  9. txt, lbl, ddl, etc those are just abbreviations that MS made up so you know right away what type your control is. It is not a rule that you have to name things this way.You're right the file upload control is not just a textbox. I do not know what prefix is used for it but you can make up something you can remember for a prefix.I like to name things like this. FileUploadControl1 or FirstNameTextBox, but that is just my preference.
  10. aspnetguy


    take a look at this searchhttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...s&highlite=javaThis question has been asked a dozen and a half times.Tha answer boils down to if the admins have time and if the technology can be supported on the server, which I am sure java is not runnable on IIS.And that is only if you are referring to JSP (web JAVA). This site and forums focus only on web technologies not desktop languages.Please search for your question before posting. It avoids asking the same questions over and over.
  11. oops...busted. I guess I should have read before I posted...LOL
  12. HTML controls are just that, you deal directly with the HTML element.Web controls are built into ASP.Net, like <asp:TextBox/>. These are just 'wrappers' that make things easier to work with, in the end it still boils down to a HTML input control.All web controls render to HTML controls, they just make some tasks easier.I would use Web Controls.
  13. aspnetguy

    LIKE problem

    You should avoid having spaces in column names.
  14. Do you have control over the server the board is installed on or is it a free phpBB service???You can use php to access the database if you have control of the server. None of the free services give you access to the database (that I know of).
  15. Can these extra tagsets be posted somewhere, I didn't know about those :)I wish more people knew about, and used, CODEBOX
  16. That is just one of the many issues you need to take into account when desinging your site.I would suggest you design all your websites to look good in 800x600, that way it will look good on higher resolutions as well;
  17. thats because if you are pasting the url int the address box there is no referer.the referer is the page that you just came from(ie clicked a link/button on)
  18. It would be good if you are going to be in an area without internet access and you still need to find articles and info.It is true you will only have the forum content upto the time you updated and wouldn't be able to post to them but you would still have the wealth of information stored in them.Hey, people would have to use the search function of the forum instead of asking the same questions a million times
  19. the php include you just wrote is SSI. SSI is just a term. It is acheieved differently in different languages.
  20. aspnetguy


    This information (page numbers, document name) can be excluded by changing the page setup (File > Page Setup...)I have seen a script that does this automatically, I will see if I can find it.
  21. aspnetguy


    Are you running your program on your home pc (localhost) or do you have a hosting account????
  22. the only things that will be return in the dataset is av.Omim_Num and snp_idAre these the things you want to display to your screen???Whatever columns you SELECT is what is returned.
  23. You will have to make a function that creates the dynamic controls and on every postback you will need to run that function.Creating dynamic controls is a huge pain to maintain and should be avoided when ever possible
  24. actually outlook will screw it up.The user will fill out he form and then hit submit and outlook will open a Compose Mail window (blank).This method is very unreliable. Server Side code is the way to go.
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