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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I don't know how to do it in dreamweaver but you will have to either refresh and rebuil;d the page when they choose and option or use javascript to load the image.
  2. you will have to post your code so we can see what it is you are doing.When you say it isn't working, what do you mean? Do you get error messages, or does nothing happen?You will need to be more specific.
  3. You cannot do this with JavaScript. JavaScript is client side only and cannot access anything on a server, let alone a game.You will will need a server side langauge and possible even some .net assemblies or COM+ components.If you are purchasing the gaming server from a company they usually have tools like that available.www.toolclan.com have a cool server stats page using flash.
  4. you could use overflow:hidden this would get rid of the scrollbars but would clip any content that exceeds the width or height
  5. aspnetguy


    There are several ways...you need to be more specific. Are you using Visual Studio? Notepad?Have you read the w3schools asp.net tutorial yet?
  6. There are many ways to handle security in .net. The best way is forms authentication. Read about this and then come back and ask again.
  7. we'll need to see the full code...please tell us which line is causing the error.This will help give a quicker solution.
  8. aspnetguy

    New to asp.net

    You have the language defined as JScript but the code you are writing is VB...that is the problem.I would recommend using either C# or VB...there is far more sample code and support available for those instead of JScript (or J#, I can't remember which it is).
  9. A stored procedure is just a pre defined sql query stored on the database. So it will return results just the same as if you had ran a regular query. The results can then be bound to a dataset.
  10. aspnetguy


    you should be more specific when asking questions. First off you will need a database and you will need to know sql.You should read the tutorials at w3schools to get used to .net and how it interacts with databases. After that you will have a better idea on how to proceed.
  11. All jobs at some point are entry level.You will find as you do research that it will be very hard to secure a good web design/development job without 3-5 years experience meaning you are a the Entry Level of experience and must work your way up.
  12. aspnetguy

    IE 7 and CSS

    IE& will have full CSS2 supprot and support for XML.AFAIK there will be no new functionality except tabs, etc and working on standards compliance.If you want to know more about IE7 read the IEBlog
  13. aspnetguy


    Hi I can help withDHTMLAJAXPHPCSSJavaScriptASPASP.NetPhotoshopC#HTMLRegular ExpressionsVBScriptVisual BasicWindowsComputers [general]What about SQL??? I know SQL Server, MySql, Oracle, Access, TSQL PLSQL, Stored Procedures, etc.
  14. is the files in the wwwroot folder or did yu create a new folder for your website?If you created a new folder be sure you make it a virtual folder (web sharing).
  15. text-align:justify seems to be the only property to fit the warning.Does it actually justify the text even though it is not a block level element???You could add display:block to .mainfont
  16. aspnetguy

    error message

    When I press submit it says SQL Server 2005 is not setup for remote connections.
  17. hate to be a pain but the HTML would be very helpful for testing.If I can recreate the page I can figure out what is wrong.
  18. is it completely necessary to create the DDL dynamically??? It makes things more complicated...if it doesn't you should not do it dynamically.
  19. can you post your code so we know what you've done?
  20. I get annoyed when I read job ads were the employer has no clue what these techonoglies even areexample 1 Do they even know that DHTML is (HTML,CSS, and JavaScript)???? Programming job ads are the worstExample 2 seriously they probably don;t get eh right guy for the job because they do not know what the 'buzzwords' they are using even mean.They don't realize that half there requirements are reputition using other buzzwords and that many of those are siffrent langauges and can't be used together. Do they really run 3 different database softwares??? Not likely! It drives me crazy...There should be a position on Job websites that moderate these posts and force the employers to know what they want instead of posting useless garbage (for our sakes and theirs). Perhaps they should hire CatBert
  21. aspnetguy

    dll file

    This may helphttp://www.tizag.com/aspTutorial/aspDLL.php
  22. $1-$3 isn't that much for professional stock photos especially if you are making money off the design.If it is for a hobby then maybe a google image search will provide what you want but if you make it live you may have to deal with copyright issues.
  23. aspnetguy


    the code I gave you is using XHTML and CSS.CSS is intended to handle all presentation aspects of a layout.If you wanted to add padding to the divs you would use padding: ##px;You would need to subtract the padding from the width as well
  24. aspnetguy


    try something like this <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head> <title>Your Title Here</title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 780px; margin: auto; /*centers site...remove if you do not want it centered*/ } .paneLeft { width: 150px; float: left; } .paneRight { width: 630px float: left; } .clearer { clear: left; /*needed for FireFox so both columns will stay in the wrapper*/ } </style></head><body> <div id="wrapper"> <div class="paneLeft"> ...place menu here... </div> <div class="paneRight"> ...place content here... </div> <br class="clearer"/> </div></body></html>
  25. aspnetguy


    You will have to tell me what you are trying to do with those divs. Do you want them side by side or one on top of the other?
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