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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    Not exactly. The FK is a reference to another indexed column from another table (not just a PK form another table)
  2. aspnetguy

    newbie question

    That is just check to see if the object exists and that if it doe sit is not set to false
  3. Well if you started having this problem after installing SP2 then uninstalling your software and doing a reinstall may fix the problem.My system crashed when I installed SP2, I had to do a fresh install of XP to get everything running smoothly again.
  4. I have looked through all the list-style: available and none of them had anything to do with start= or value=.I don't know if CSS2 can do this. Surely W3C wouldn't depreciated those attributes without providing an alternative first, would they?
  5. I have never learned SSL either. I saw boen_robot talking about it in the XML forum. He could probably point you in the right direction.
  6. aspnetguy

    XML Web services

    ASP.net is written with C# or VB.Net. Same as ASP can be written with VBScript or JavaScript.
  7. Are you sending it like this<form action="mailto:someaddress@somedomain.com" ... ?This is very inconsistant. Many programs like outlook will interfer with this and cause it not to work.You should look into a server side lanaguage to process then email the results of the form.As far as encryption, I am not sure, look into SSL.
  8. I have searched everywhere and cannot find you a solution.The few times something came close it was an abstract CSS solution and they only worked in Opera.I am not sure what to suggest, except I hope you find a way to do it.
  9. aspnetguy

    .NET WebControls

    Sorry I did not read that closely enough.No that is definately not valid HTML.After all I heard about how VS 2005 was supposed to improve how they generated HTML I am dissappointed to see that.Just incase can you post the code you have for that page and I'll see if I can spot anything that looks out of place, but chances are that is just a bug in VS 2005.VS 2003 is full of junk like that.
  10. aspnetguy

    .NET WebControls

    That is not correct HTML it should have a closing </span>.Post your .net code, I am sure there is a reason it is being generated that way.
  11. You could have wrote it this way [password] but changing it was probably the best choice anyways.Wow, 60+ posts and it turned out to be that....lol....I should have looked closer, shame on me for missing that
  12. There is no HTML tags to do that.It would involve a lot of javascript, a database, and a server side scripting language like PHP or ASP.I have not done projects like that so I don't have any samples to help you out with.If you are unfamiliar with the mentioned languages you should read up on them at www.w3schools.com
  13. What is happening on Google Suggest is that is not a combo box but a JavaScript that gets database data based on what is already in the text box (ajax) and then displays it in the 'form' of a combo box.It is really just a rectangle floating below the textbox.
  14. HTML <form><input type="text" id="box1" size="20"/><input type="text" id="box2" size="20"/><input type="button" id="submitButton" value="Submit" onclick="submitForm()">/></form> JS <script type="text/javascript"> function submitForm() { var box1 = document.getElementById('box1'); var box2 = document.getElementById('box2'); //hide box1 box1.style.display = 'none'; //change value of box2 box2.value = "some value"; document.forms[0].submit(); }</script>
  15. header("Location: mypage.php?id=1");
  16. aspnetguy


    When using Access it is writing the SQL for you, it is still SQL.Are you asking how to write the Queries by hand in SQL???
  17. Ok are you able to load the page at all??? Is it just the Sessions that are not working??? Or do you get 'Page cannot be found" error?
  18. If you go to www.sqlteam.com and search their forums you are bound to find an answer.Also www.redgate.com has some nice SQL Server tools for syncronizing databases on diffrent servers. They are a bit expensive. We use them at our company and they are amazing, but I couldn't have afforded them on my own. They have a free 30 trial if you want to try them (you may be able to accomplish what you need within the 30 days)
  19. There is no way to really stop them from getting more than 1 account and if you block by ip they will be able to go to another pc.Ther is not a 100% sure fire method. If they are determined to cheat they will find a way.
  20. Not likely to be visting there....ever but thank you so much anyways
  21. You must have domain 'gripping' turned on. It is different from forwarding in the fact that it 'grips' and the url will remain that domain. It must be a simple setting in your godaddy account.
  22. actually you validate it with w3c not w3schools...they are not related in any way.w3c is the group that sets web standards and w3schools is the tutorial site for this forum.
  23. Mac has IE up to version 5 although I think it is still a bit different form the Windows IE.You may have difficultly checking for IE6 but Safari and FF are a good start. You should be able to download Opera for mac, i think.
  24. Yes, easier said then done. Have you ever tried this...not easy to get it to work normally.This article will walk you through it. As you will see it iwas not an easy thing to figure out.http://www.alistapart.com/articles/flashsatay/
  25. That is how you get the value of the option choosen. You would have to continue to open the database and INSERT the values into it with SQL.I am not going to provide you with a long script for that mostly because I do not have time to write it.Also you should learn to do something like that on your own. Go through the PHP or ASP tutorials. All you need is covered there.
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