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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. use this...assuming you are using a button to submit the form <input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="document.body.style.cursor='wait'" /> Then when the new page loads it will automatically change back to the default.
  2. you'll need to post your code so we can see what you did.
  3. I don't think it can be done without the <embed>You may have to change that page to XHTML 1.0 transitional.
  4. Wow Crystal Tech is by far the best host I've seen. Luckily for me I can host anything of mine at work for free. If only everyone had that opertunity...I remeber my days of ad infested free hosting because I couldn't afford hosting , although if I had known about cyrystal tech I would have gone there!
  5. aspnetguy

    Overflow Issues

    duh..of course it would..i wasnt thinking.Try this </div> <div class="Article"> <img class="BlogImage" src="avatar.jpg" alt="image" /> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </p> <br style="clear:both" /> </div> <div class="Article">
  6. aspnetguy

    Please help query

    shouldn't data01 be added to morethan3 as well????I am not sure why you want to do this and why you are creating tables with only one column???Are you just experimenting or does this have a purpose??? From what I understand...I think you should rethink your database structure.If you tell me what you need to do and why I can suggest a good structure and method for acheiving it.I think what you want to do instead of 'moving' the data to a new table is create 2 views to accomidate your needs.
  7. aspnetguy


    fair enough, but you should at least play with some other systems if you are thinking of becoming a DBA, find the one you are most comfortable with and focus on that one.
  8. ...or ASP.NET, or ASP, or Cold Fusion....whatever you find easier.ASP doesn't require you to install any other software if you are running Window 98 or newer. You just need to setup IIS.PHP, ASP.Net, and Cold Fusion requires you to download and install the compiler.
  9. What code are you trying to use and what is the security alert?
  10. aspnetguy

    Overflow Issues

    change this code.... </div> <div class="Article"> <img class="BlogImage" src="avatar.jpg" alt="image" /> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </p> </div> <div class="Article"> to </div> <div class="Article"> <img class="BlogImage" src="avatar.jpg" alt="image" /> <p style="clear:both">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet </p> </div> <div class="Article"> I added style="clear:both" to the <p> following the float image that is not being contained.this should work...if not I will do some deeper tests.
  11. Sometimes IE and FF render widths differently.you could do thiswidth: 100px /*FF and default*/-width: 98px /*IE hack...IE will read '-' but other browsers ignore whole line.in this way you can set a default value and then adjust it for IE.You can use this method with any CSS attribute.
  12. good catch...I didn't even think of the eval function.
  13. change onmouseup to onmouseout to get it to go back to the original image when the mouse is not over it anymore.Also try changing onclick to onmousedown or onmouseclick.Hope this helps
  14. aspnetguy


    one is sufficient although specific companies may want experience in their system, while others will accept experience in any major system and get you to catch up to other systems
  15. aspnetguy

    java script

    you cannot change the width or height.forms accept user input, confirmation boxes accept yes/no answers.Other than that you are stuck with promptsI like to open a new window containing a form then on submit transfer the new data back to the original page.
  16. inorder to compare the value you would access its value like this var javaValue = document.getelementById('java').value; you can then put it through some if statements to see if it meets your requirements.For example if it can't be empty if(javaValue.length == 0){ alert('you cannot leave this field blank!'); document.getElementById('java').focus(); //puts focus back to java field}
  17. do this: <table align="center" width="820" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#FAEBD7"> <tr width="820"> <td height="514" width="210" valign="top" style="background-image:url(images/side.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top"> <h2> <a href="index.html">[ Home ]</a><br> <a href="cedar.html">[CedarView]</a><br> <a href="avail.html">[Availability]</a><br> <a href="park.html">[Parking]</a><br> <a href="faq.html">.:[FAQ]:.</a><br> <a href="contact.html">[Contact]</a><br> </td> <td width="15" *****this is an error you need to close hte td </td> <td width="450">
  18. as far as IE goes I wouldn't worry about anything older then 5.5.My guess would about he inconsistancies would be for older borwsers that don't support CSS and XHTML.IMO I wouldnt worry about it too much...the amount of users using such old browsers is so low...and besides if they are using browsers like that they probably can't view half the sites on net to begin with...I would put a small note or link to a page that gives the minimum browser requiremtns for the site.Compatibility for older browsers is important but going too far is just nuts.the newest Opera browser has 'modes' ... IE or FF...If a site isn't working correctly you can switch mode for better browsing..other than this version I haven't used opera.I usually optimize for IE5.5+ and FF (since they make up about 95% of all internet users) and leave the rest to hopefully upgrade.
  19. There are lots of bugs with IE ... alot of them occur because of the age of IE6, it only know CSS1 while newer browsers know CSS2, that is whay there are a lot of inconsistancies.Although I have read some articles from people that have tested IE7 betas and say it will still not be fully web standards compliant...a real blow to MS it think.They basically just beefed up IE6 added some new features like tabed browsing and fixed some bugs to compete with FF. IMO if they aren't standards compliant then they can't compete and will eventually lose out in the browser market....here's hoping!
  20. put valign="top" in all your td tags that way it will always align to the top not int he middle or bottom.
  21. you can check an input value like this if(document.getElementById('inputFieldId').value.length < 1){ alert('you must fill in the is field!');} and to make sure the email is in the proper format you could do this var emailAddy = document.getElementById(EmailFieldId);if(emailAddy.indexOf('@') == -1 || emailAddy.indexOf('.') == -1){ alert('Not in proper email format!');}
  22. Try this <html><head><script>function increment(targetId){ var targetElement = document.getElementById(targetId); if(isNaN(targetElement)) { alert('Can't increment. Value is not a number!'); } else { targetElement.innerHTML = parseInt(targetElement.innerHTML) + 1; }}</script></head><body><div id="counter">5</div><div><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="increment('counter')">Click Me</a></div></body> Hope this works for you...let me know if it doesn't.
  23. <div style="border:1px solid #000000">Some text</div>
  24. Not until fall 2006...it will be shipped with Windows Vista (new version coming out).There are beta versions of IE7 avaiable but you have to be a subscriber to MSDN to get them.
  25. Tried the display: inline and a million other CSS things and gave in to use the background image.
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