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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    SQL Inline Query?

    http://www.orafaq.com/node/515The above articel talks about using variables in oracle. The user is prompted for a value to the variable. This is only in SQL Plus (SQL command prompt).Are you doing this through a web application of are you working directly with the Database interface?If you are doing this through a web app you will need javascript and a server side lanaguage to handle this.
  2. You want to insert the icremented number into a database using php without refreshing the page???There is only one way to do this that I know of...welcome to the world of AJAX.Read this article to understand what it is and how it works.http://rajshekhar.net/blog/archives/85-Ras...X-Tutorial.htmlThis is by far the best AJAX tutorial I have found.AJAX is basically a way to interact with teh server using javascript. It uses the HTTPXML object of the DOM to execute server functions from the client.
  3. this should get you startedhttp://javascript.internet.com/page-detail...ected-text.html
  4. yeah, glad we could help!Happy coding
  5. Well maybe not more components but very usful ones. You can buy many components from ASP.Net dedicated companys like Telerik and Infragistics.I also find apps easier to write in VS.Net or even manually in Notepad with a batch compiler.I have written JSP, I actually took a course in JAVA and JSP in college but found it hard to get the codebehind updated...then again I may find things different now that I have been programming for a few years.I guess the ultimate reason I am so deep in .Net is because that is what we use at work and I get free hosting from work which only supports ASP.Net and SQL Server.At the risk of personal threats and bodily harm, I also feel more comfortable with a supported product from microsoft, not just an open source that everyone can work on. Despite MS screw ups and the how much we, myself included, like to rag on them for mistakes and buggy programs, they have many great products and it is easy to modify just about any MS product (ie Excel, Outlook, CRM, etc) with .Net.So that is why I use it and why I feel it has better support, functionality, and resourses. Thats just my opinion though.
  6. The easiest way to do this is sign up for a hosting package with a company. There are lots of comapnies that will give you a free domain name when you sign up.The only other way is to have your own server, a static IP Address, register the domain name through a registrar and then point the domain at your ip address...assuming the registrar lets you use their DNS server.There are also free redirect addresses that will mask the real address.eg. http://www.geocites.com/yourname/thewebsite can be masked with a url redirect like http://yourname.host.at (a good place to get a redirect is http://kickme.to) you get a lot of choices about the redirect url you want.
  7. I realise that...I have just never seen a bot on a forum before...didn't realise they would show up in the active users list.
  8. aspnetguy

    SQL Date, Update Table

    Sounds like you need a WHERE statement in your queryexampleSELECT * FROM table - this selects every row in the table.SELECT * FROM table WHERE someColumn = someCondition-this only selects the rows that meet the condition.if you post your query we can adjust it for you or tell you were you went wrong.
  9. true JSP does have many advantages over most languages, much like ASP.Net...I use ASP.Net because of the compiled code...JSP has this too I know...but I have found ASP.Net has much more resources and components.
  10. Never seen this before...I checked the members roster and not such member, can't click on them either.Looks like you got Googled!!!....and maybe Archived????
  11. aspnetguy

    need help

    You already used PHP to populate the combobox. The rest is straight JavaScript. function getname(){ var sel = document.form1.sid; var selectedName = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; document.form1.sname.value = selectedName;} That should work
  12. aspnetguy

    PHP and MsAccess

    You would be better off starting with MySql or SQL Server...you will need to switch eventually. Save yourself some problems by doing it now.
  13. aspnetguy


    for the style of the button do thisCSS .Button{border:1px solid #ffffff} /*or any color you want*/ HTML <input type="button" class="Button" value="Click Me" /> As far as getting rid of that message you will need a server side language like ASP or PHP to send the email. This is the best way to send it anyway. Sending it directly to an email address can have complications and is not very reliable.I am not sure what you mean about in the last part of your post. What does 'Go to News' have to do with them reading emails??? Perhaps it was a personal messenging system (not really email). If you can be more psecific or tell me where to find one of these forms I could answer that question better.
  14. oh...can you post your navigation code and I will show you how to make a pull down menu for it.
  15. Ok sorry..I missed the vertical part.As far as not wanting ot put the code on everypage...you have a few choices.1. Use frames, can be messy and ugly and has some other problems but gets the job done.2. Use a scripting language like ASP or PHP and use the SSI (server side includes) functionality. Meaning you can build your navigation, once, and place it in its own page then call it as many times as you want from other pages.3. Put code on every page. Not really an option is it? lolSo...the easiest and quickest solution would be to use frames. If you go this route and need some help cleaning up the frames and making it look like you aren't using frames (not always as easy as it sounds) let me know.Learning a server side language will take time but is, by far, the best solution.
  16. yes you can...have you looked at the example shown above? Do you understand what is being done? If not post what code you have and I can walk you through it.Also could a Moderator move this portion of the post...it isn't nice to hijack other ppls posts.Thanks.
  17. I would suggest this for tables |------------------------------------|TOPIC|------------------------------------|TopicId |Yes |auto number|TopicTitle |no |varchar|TopicStarter |no |varchar|TopicText |no |text|DateAdded |no |DateTime|------------------------------------|------------------------------------|REPLY|------------------------------------|ReplyId |Yes |auto number|TopicId |no |number|ReplyAuthor |no |varchar|ReplyText |no |text|DateAdded |no |DateTime|------------------------------------|------------------------------------|USER|------------------------------------|UserId |Yes |auto number|UserName |no |varchar|RealName |no |varchar|Password |no |text|Email |no |DateTime|------------------------------------ you don't need a field for the sum of replies to a topic...you would calculate that with PHP...if you try and manage that with the database it will evenually get messed up. It is better to use PHP to count the replies per topic.
  18. aspnetguy


    You will need thishttp://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=enThis is a good place to start. Let us know if you need further help.
  19. Here is how you would check for Christmas var dayName = new Array ("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");var monName = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");var now = new Date;if(now.getDate() == 25 && monName[now.getMonth()] == "December"){ alert('Merry Christmas');}
  20. As far as I know posTop is not a CSS attribute.Use this...it works. <html><head><script type="text/javascript"><!--var x=0;function scroll(){document.getElementById('head').style.position='absolute';document.getElementById('head').style.left=x+'px';x=x+1t = setTimeout('scroll()',100)}//--></script></head><body onload="scroll()"><h1 id="head">Hello</h1></body></html> you could also do some checks to make sure it is within a specific range and then reset when it gets to the maximum range.Or if you are ambitious you could have it change to scroll left once it gets to the right.Have fun
  21. I have never done that...I have always made and image of the text when using special fonts...I have never really used large blocks of text with psecial fonts, usually just headers and such...read thishttp://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol3/css_no15.htmThis will tell you what you need to know...good and bad
  22. that seems to work well...good job!
  23. It loaded the same in IE6 and FF on my machine.Have you tested this on multiple machines?? It may be an isolated case.
  24. If it is not in flash (or even if it is and you don't code the redirect in ActionScript) you can easily set the meta refresh to 5 seconds...but...If the movie takes 3 seconds to load (the 5 second refresh starts ticking immediately) then that only leaves you 2 seconds out of 5 to play the movie.Since everyones connection is different and even the same connect isn't identical everytime, it is impossible to accurately do it this way.My suggestion is to make your video/animation in flasha nd let ActionScript take care of the refresh.You can have the redirect fire as soon as the video is done playing.
  25. aspnetguy

    Overflow Issues

    sorry, CSS is formatting only, you can't use it to add content.
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