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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy


    I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. More psecifically the Annapolis Valley ...aka...nowhere. The libraries have PCs (mostly P2 and lower, ouch) and no macs.And we have no mac stores...the only places that have macs are the high school and college both of which do not let outside ppl to use their computers.The college has a public internet access program but uses, again, old pcs.So I am out of luck i think.
  2. your welcome...hey I like the monkey on your site.Is it the evil monkey from Family Guy? lol
  3. Well, I am hoping that it does not go the way of Pc parts manufacteuring...companies like dell, ibm, Hp all outsource at least some of their parts manufacteuring to countries like china where workers are in sweat shop conditions...why do you think dell is so cheap...lolpersonally I don't know the future of it programming...I just started a job as a asp.net and C# developer a year ago. I am in Canada, but that will probably have little effect on whether my job gets outsourced.IMO it will be the big companies that will jump into outsourcing, if anyone does, and small firms will stick to local employees.Thats just my opinion though.
  4. change <a name="photopreviewlink" href="test.jpg"> to <a name="photopreviewlink" href="test.jpg" id="photopreviewlink"> then change function PreviewImage(stringPreview, stringPhoto){document['photopreview'].src = stringPreview;document.links['photopreviewlink'].href = stringPhoto;} to function PreviewImage(stringPreview, stringPhoto){document['photopreview'].src = stringPreview;document.getElementById('photopreviewlink').href = stringPhoto;} this should work in all browsers.
  5. Actually there is nothing worng with using tables to make layouts...it is just becoming less and less common. Using divs and CSS cuts down on the amount of code and it makes it easier to read.Frames eh? Actually it may take long to load a page with frames....remember every frame is a seperate page so you could be loading 2,3,4 or more pages at once.Frames cause problems with bookmarking and browser history. Because the frameset page is not changing, just he content of the frames, everytime a user bookmarks it is actually book marking hte frameset not the content int he frames. With history, since the frameset page does not change, the history doesn't log anything because trechnically the page isn't changing.I would recommend getting away from frames. Server side languages aloow SSI (server side includes) which allows you to insert other pages into the current page.for example if you wanted to have a navigation menu on everypage but didn't want to put the code on everypage (which you shouldn't) then you could use SSI.if you don't know a server side language you can just change the extention on your HTML page that will use SSI to .shtml. This will allow you to use SSI like this ....<!-- #include file="menupage.html" -->... the contents of menupage.html will be inserted exactly where you use the SSI call.I hope this helpscheers
  6. anyone you want (within your website folder)for example lets say your website is in a folder called myWebsite. and in that folder are 2 folders called folder1 and folder2you could put your images in either folder, it wouldn't matter. what matters is how you reference them in your HTML.eg.<img src="folder1/img1.gif"> looks for a image called img1.gif in folder1while<img src="folder2/img1.gif"> looks for a image called img1.gif in folder2so just come up with a folder structure that you like and be consistent trhough out your websites. you have full control on this one!
  7. aspnetguy


    I wish someone would write a browser based on KHTML for PC, even if only for testing. It is a pain to try and find a MAC with Safari or a Linux box with konqueror (which I can't most of the time).There are technologies that allow you to connect to a linux server and run a session through windows, but I don;t have a linux server so, sucks to be me.If there is such a browser out there please let me know...currently my websites may look like crap on safari of Konqueror just because I have no way to test them.*sigh*
  8. hmm...your right.try thisJavaScript var hasFocus = false;function setFocusState(focusState){ hasFocus = focusState;} HTML <object...onfocus="setFocusState(true)" onblur="setFocusState(false)" ...> then you can check the state of hasFocus when you need to kow if the object has focus.
  9. use this var hasFocus = (object.focus());if(hasFocus){}else{} if the object has focus, hasFocus will equal true, if not it will be false. It's just that simple.good luck!
  10. You will find the sample at the link belowhttp://www.aspnetguy.com/projects/testarea/psf.html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html><head> <title>Photoshop Federation</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <style> html, body { background-color: #5A6573; height: 100%; } .wrapper { width: 726px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0px; } .MainContent { background-image: url(images/wrapper_bg.gif); margin: 0px; } .header { background-image: url(images/wrapper_bg.gif); margin: 0px; } .LeftColumn { padding-left: 7px; margin: 0px; } .LeftBoxMiddle { background-image: url(images/left_box_middle.gif); padding:5px; margin: 0px; } .LeftBoxBtm { margin: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px; } .RightBoxMiddle { background-image: url(images/right_box_middle.gif); padding:5px; height:100%; margin: 0px; } .RightBoxBtm { margin: 0px; } </style></head><body><div class="wrapper" style="height:100%"> <div class="header"> <img src="images/header.gif" alt="" /> </div> <div class="MainContent"> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" style="height:100%"> <tr> <td class="LeftColumn" valign="top"> <div><img src="images/banner_welcome.gif" alt="" /></div> <div class="LeftBoxMiddle">filler text<br/><br/><br/><br/></div> <div class="LeftBoxBtm"><img src="images/left_box_btm.gif" alt="" /></div> <div><img src="images/banner_links.gif" alt="" /></div> <div class="LeftBoxMiddle">filler text<br/><br/><br/><br/></div> <div class="LeftBoxBtm"><img src="images/left_box_btm.gif" alt="" /></div> <div><img src="images/banner_linkus.gif" alt="" /></div> <div class="LeftBoxMiddle">filler text<br/><br/><br/><br/></div> <div class="LeftBoxBtm"><img src="images/left_box_btm.gif" alt="" /></div> </td> <td class="RightColumn" valign="top" style="height:100%"> <div><img src="images/banner_news.gif" alt="" /></div> <div class="RightBoxMiddle">filler text<br/><br/><br/><br/></div> <div class="RightBoxBtm"><img src="images/right_box_btm.gif" alt="" /></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="footer"> <img src="images/footer.gif" alt="" /> </div></div></body></html> Just copy the source and I am sure you know how to get the images. If not I'll email them to you.BTW. It has some weird spacing bugs in FF. I only made it work for IE and it works good. I would have fixed the FF problems but don;t have time. This is a good start for you anyways...I am sure someone else here can solve the FF issues.
  11. I'll drink to that. Thanks for the great material you put together. It is very much appreciated. Before finding this site I was frustrated with going from site to site finding tuts on different technologies. It is nice ot have everything in one place.Cheers!
  12. thanks for the font...I looked at the actual site and it seems you have been experimenting...I will try and throw together a framework of the layout and if I have time I'll work on making some graphics work.I'll post the code when I have it worked out.Good luck
  13. aspnetguy

    Chat Room Help

    You would not be able to do that with Javascript. You would need a database and a serverside language to satore user information.Javascript is client side only!
  14. aspnetguy


    yes if the typo was the problem that should fix it. If not you should ensure that permissions are set correctly on your website.
  15. it appears you have used photoshop to make this layout...a very nice one too. But when using photoshop it makes it hard to make changes later.You would be better off re doing htis layout, it will save you head aches int eh future...use CSS and try and use tables as little as possible. This will make for a clean and easily modified layout. You can make use of background-images to help acheive your layout easier.Also...what font did you use for the links int e navigation bar..I have been looking for that font for a while.Sorry to not be much help but hte problem is that the left column should have been a table within that table cell not rowspaned right column.
  16. aspnetguy

    Microsoft Acces

    Please describe the steps you go through to try and configure the database. Are you doing it directly fromt he Access Interface or are you trying to do it programmatically??
  17. if you don't put status or titlebar in they won't show up. window.open('page.html','newWindow','width=500,height=350'); This code opens a new windwo 500x350 with no toolbars, status, etc.
  18. aspnetguy

    Tables within div?

    Removing the div will give the same result...it is just extra code that is not needed.
  19. Positioning is great for lots of reason, mainly because it is easy, but you will spend the time you saved and then some trying to get ti to look the same in all browsers because each browser seems to add different margins to the page and other annoying things like that.If you are going to use positioning I would aim to have it look hte same in IE and firefox...that si about 95% of all browsers anyway!If you can do that you are doing well.
  20. You will need a database like MySql or SQL Server and a server side language such as ASP.Net or PHP.You can also get free message boards. Try www.invisionfree.com.
  21. aspnetguy


    Photshop places the images into table cells as <img> tags it is better to use css and use background images. Use Photoshop to break up the images into the pieces you need or even have one large background
  22. aspnetguy

    using SQL????

    Well the only place you could use SQL without anyother language is in the database.oracle has a command line that lets you develop applications and queries directly on the database..But all users must connect directly to the database and this cannot be done of the interent without another language.
  23. Most designers are moving away from table layouts and only using tables for tabular data. The reason for this is because that was the original purpose of tables, not for layouts.With CSS it is quite easy to develop complex layouts without tables.You may run into diffculties when trying this...don;t give up. We can help work through it. The issues you will run into are just inconsistencies between browsers which can be resoved.Good luck.
  24. aspnetguy

    RSS feeds

    lol, maybe on the first render but after that it is cached to the server and loads instantly for every other user.How about a benchmark test...hmmm?
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