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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. If you cannot change anything with the ASP file I don't think there is anyway to get that value to another page unless you open the ASP in an iframe (you can hide it if you want) and then use javascript (on the original page) to access the iframe content. var myFrame = document.getElementById('iframeId');var result = myFrame.document.body.innerHTML; Providing that the ASP page does output anything else besides the value you want then it should now be stored in the result variable.
  2. HTML and XHTML are essential the same...just different versions. HTML stopped at 4.01 and the next version was XHTML 1.0. The differences are what tags you are allowed to use. XHTML is more strict and limits the use of obsolete tags.My suggestion would be to learn XHTML, don't bother with HTML, and then learn CSS by mixing it into your XHTML.
  3. It is not possible with XHTML alone, but with JavaScript or a server side language I am sure it is. Many languages have built in Browser detection tools.I have some javascript that will probably do the trick. //<!--// Client Sniffer. Version 1.0// (C) Computerized Business Solutions 2005. Permission granted to reuse and distribute.//// Based on 'http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/sniffer/browser_type.html'// All revisions until 02 Oct 01 are (C) Netscape Communications 1999-2001. Used with permission.//// Revised 17 May 99 to add is_nav5up and is_ie5up (see below).// Revised 20 Dec 00 to add is_gecko and change is_nav5up to is_nav6up// also added support for IE5.5 Opera4&5 HotJava3 AOLTV// Revised 22 Feb 01 to correct Javascript Detection for IE 5.x, Opera 4, // correct Opera 5 detection// add support for winME and win2k// synch with browser-type-oo.js// Revised 26 Mar 01 to correct Opera detection// Revised 02 Oct 01 to add IE6 detection// Revised 04 Apr 05 to add Opera 6,7,and 8 detection// add FireFox 1 & 2 detection// add Netscape 7 & 8 detection // add Windows XP detection// add Windows Server 2003 detection//// Everything you always wanted to know about your JavaScript client// but were afraid to ask. Creates "is_" variables indicating:// (1) browser vendor:// is_nav, is_ie, is_opera, is_hotjava, is_webtv, is_TVNavigator, is_AOLTV// (2) browser version number:// is_major (integer indicating major version number: 2, 3, 4 ...)// is_minor (float indicating full version number: 2.02, 3.01, 4.04 ...)// (3) browser vendor AND major version number// is_nav2, is_nav3, is_nav4, is_nav4up, is_nav6, is_nav6up, is_gecko, is_ie3,// is_ie4, is_ie4up, is_ie5, is_ie5up, is_ie5_5, is_ie5_5up, is_ie6, is_ie6up, is_hotjava3, is_hotjava3up,// is_opera2, is_opera3, is_opera4, is_opera5, is_opera5up// (4) JavaScript version number:// is_js (float indicating full JavaScript version number: 1, 1.1, 1.2 ...)// (5) OS platform and version:// is_win, is_win16, is_win32, is_win31, is_win95, is_winnt, is_win98, is_winme, is_win2k// is_os2// is_mac, is_mac68k, is_macppc// is_unix// is_sun, is_sun4, is_sun5, is_suni86// is_irix, is_irix5, is_irix6// is_hpux, is_hpux9, is_hpux10// is_aix, is_aix1, is_aix2, is_aix3, is_aix4// is_linux, is_sco, is_unixware, is_mpras, is_reliant// is_dec, is_sinix, is_freebsd, is_bsd// is_vms//// See http://www.it97.de/JavaScript/JS_tutorial/bstat/navobj.html and// http://www.it97.de/JavaScript/JS_tutorial/bstat/Browseraol.html// for detailed lists of userAgent strings.//// Note: you don't want your Nav4 or IE4 code to "turn off" or// stop working when new versions of browsers are released, so// in conditional code forks, use is_ie5up ("IE 5.0 or greater") // is_opera5up ("Opera 5.0 or greater") instead of is_ie5 or is_opera5// to check version in code which you want to work on future// versions. // convert all characters to lowercase to simplify testing var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // *** BROWSER VERSION *** // Note: On IE5, these return 4, so use is_ie5up to detect IE5. var is_major = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); var is_minor = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); // Note: Opera and WebTV spoof Navigator. We do strict client detection. // If you want to allow spoofing, take out the tests for opera and webtv. var is_nav = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (agt.indexOf('opera')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('hotjava')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('firefox') == -1)); var is_nav2 = (is_nav && (is_major == 2)); var is_nav3 = (is_nav && (is_major == 3)); var is_nav4 = (is_nav && (is_major == 4)); var is_nav4up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 4)); var is_navonly = (is_nav && ((agt.indexOf(";nav") != -1) || (agt.indexOf("; nav") != -1)) ); var is_nav6 = (is_nav && (is_major == 5)); var is_nav6up = (is_nav && (is_major >= 5)); var is_gecko = (agt.indexOf('gecko') != -1); var is_nav7 = (is_nav && is_major == 7); var is_nav8 = (agt.indexOf('firefox 0') != -1 || agt.indexOf('firefox/0') != -1); var is_ff = (agt.indexOf('firefox') != -1 && !is_nav8); var is_ff2 = (agt.indexOf("firefox 2") != -1 || agt.indexOf("firefox/2") != -1); var is_ff2up = (is_ff && !is_ff2 && !is_nav8 && (agt.indexOf('firefox 0') != -1 || agt.indexOf('firefox/0') != -1)) var is_ie = ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)); var is_ie3 = (is_ie && (is_major < 4)); var is_ie4 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 4")!=-1) ); var is_ie4up = (is_ie && (is_major >= 4)); var is_ie5 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 5.0")!=-1) ); var is_ie5_5 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 5.5") !=-1)); var is_ie5up = (is_ie && !is_ie3 && !is_ie4); var is_ie5_5up =(is_ie && !is_ie3 && !is_ie4 && !is_ie5); var is_ie6 = (is_ie && (is_major == 4) && (agt.indexOf("msie 6.")!=-1) ); var is_ie6up = (is_ie && !is_ie3 && !is_ie4 && !is_ie5 && !is_ie5_5); // KNOWN BUG: On AOL4, returns false if IE3 is embedded browser // or if this is the first browser window opened. Thus the // variables is_aol, is_aol3, and is_aol4 aren't 100% reliable. var is_aol = (agt.indexOf("aol") != -1); var is_aol3 = (is_aol && is_ie3); var is_aol4 = (is_aol && is_ie4); var is_aol5 = (agt.indexOf("aol 5") != -1); var is_aol6 = (agt.indexOf("aol 6") != -1); var is_opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1); var is_opera2 = (agt.indexOf("opera 2") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/2") != -1); var is_opera3 = (agt.indexOf("opera 3") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/3") != -1); var is_opera4 = (agt.indexOf("opera 4") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/4") != -1); var is_opera5 = (agt.indexOf("opera 5") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/5") != -1); var is_opera5up = (is_opera && !is_opera2 && !is_opera3 && !is_opera4); var is_opera6 = (agt.indexOf("opera 6") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/6") != -1); var is_opera7 = (agt.indexOf("opera 7") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/7") != -1); var is_opera8 = (agt.indexOf("opera 8") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/8") != -1); var is_opera8up = (is_opera && !is_opera2 && !is_opera3 && !is_opera4 && !is_opera5 && !is_opera6 && !is_opera7); var is_webtv = (agt.indexOf("webtv") != -1); var is_TVNavigator = ((agt.indexOf("navio") != -1) || (agt.indexOf("navio_aoltv") != -1)); var is_AOLTV = is_TVNavigator; var is_hotjava = (agt.indexOf("hotjava") != -1); var is_hotjava3 = (is_hotjava && (is_major == 3)); var is_hotjava3up = (is_hotjava && (is_major >= 3)); // *** JAVASCRIPT VERSION CHECK *** var is_js; if (is_nav2 || is_ie3) is_js = 1.0; else if (is_nav3) is_js = 1.1; else if (is_opera5up) is_js = 1.3; else if (is_opera) is_js = 1.1; else if ((is_nav4 && (is_minor <= 4.05)) || is_ie4) is_js = 1.2; else if ((is_nav4 && (is_minor > 4.05)) || is_ie5) is_js = 1.3; else if (is_hotjava3up) is_js = 1.4; else if (is_nav6 || is_gecko) is_js = 1.5; // NOTE: In the future, update this code when newer versions of JS // are released. For now, we try to provide some upward compatibility // so that future versions of Nav and IE will show they are at // *least* JS 1.x capable. Always check for JS version compatibility // with > or >=. else if (is_nav6up) is_js = 1.5; // NOTE: ie5up on mac is 1.4 else if (is_ie5up) is_js = 1.3 // HACK: no idea for other browsers; always check for JS version with > or >= else is_js = 0.0; // *** PLATFORM *** var is_win = ( (agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) ); // NOTE: On Opera 3.0, the userAgent string includes "Windows 95/NT4" on all // Win32, so you can't distinguish between Win95 and WinNT. var is_win95 = ((agt.indexOf("win95")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 95")!=-1)); // is this a 16 bit compiled version? var is_win16 = ((agt.indexOf("win16")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 3.1")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 16-bit")!=-1) ); var is_win31 = ((agt.indexOf("windows 3.1")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("win16")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 16-bit")!=-1)); var is_winme = ((agt.indexOf("win 9x 4.90")!=-1)); var is_win2k = ((agt.indexOf("windows nt 5.0")!=-1)); var is_winxp = ((agt.indexOf("windows nt 5.1") != -1)); var is_win2k3 = ((agt.indexOf("windows nt 5.2") != -1)); // NOTE: Reliable detection of Win98 may not be possible. It appears that: // - On Nav 4.x and before you'll get plain "Windows" in userAgent. // - On Mercury client, the 32-bit version will return "Win98", but // the 16-bit version running on Win98 will still return "Win95". var is_win98 = ((agt.indexOf("win98")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 98")!=-1)); var is_winnt = ((agt.indexOf("winnt")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows nt")!=-1)); var is_win32 = (is_win95 || is_winnt || is_win98 || ((is_major >= 4) && (navigator.platform == "Win32")) || (agt.indexOf("win32")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1)); var is_os2 = ((agt.indexOf("os/2")!=-1) || (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("OS/2")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("ibm-webexplorer")!=-1)); var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1); // hack ie5 js version for mac if (is_mac && is_ie5up) is_js = 1.4; var is_mac68k = (is_mac && ((agt.indexOf("68k")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("68000")!=-1))); var is_macppc = (is_mac && ((agt.indexOf("ppc")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("powerpc")!=-1))); var is_sun = (agt.indexOf("sunos")!=-1); var is_sun4 = (agt.indexOf("sunos 4")!=-1); var is_sun5 = (agt.indexOf("sunos 5")!=-1); var is_suni86= (is_sun && (agt.indexOf("i86")!=-1)); var is_irix = (agt.indexOf("irix") !=-1); // SGI var is_irix5 = (agt.indexOf("irix 5") !=-1); var is_irix6 = ((agt.indexOf("irix 6") !=-1) || (agt.indexOf("irix6") !=-1)); var is_hpux = (agt.indexOf("hp-ux")!=-1); var is_hpux9 = (is_hpux && (agt.indexOf("09.")!=-1)); var is_hpux10= (is_hpux && (agt.indexOf("10.")!=-1)); var is_aix = (agt.indexOf("aix") !=-1); // IBM var is_aix1 = (agt.indexOf("aix 1") !=-1); var is_aix2 = (agt.indexOf("aix 2") !=-1); var is_aix3 = (agt.indexOf("aix 3") !=-1); var is_aix4 = (agt.indexOf("aix 4") !=-1); var is_linux = (agt.indexOf("inux")!=-1); var is_sco = (agt.indexOf("sco")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("unix_sv")!=-1); var is_unixware = (agt.indexOf("unix_system_v")!=-1); var is_mpras = (agt.indexOf("ncr")!=-1); var is_reliant = (agt.indexOf("reliantunix")!=-1); var is_dec = ((agt.indexOf("dec")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("osf1")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("dec_alpha")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("alphaserver")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("ultrix")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("alphastation")!=-1)); var is_sinix = (agt.indexOf("sinix")!=-1); var is_freebsd = (agt.indexOf("freebsd")!=-1); var is_bsd = (agt.indexOf("bsd")!=-1); var is_unix = ((agt.indexOf("x11")!=-1) || is_sun || is_irix || is_hpux || is_sco ||is_unixware || is_mpras || is_reliant || is_dec || is_sinix || is_aix || is_linux || is_bsd || is_freebsd); var is_vms = ((agt.indexOf("vax")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("openvms")!=-1));//--> end hide JavaScript As you can see it is very extensive although it may need to be updated to include the most recent browsers. It gives the browser and version, javascript version, and OS (the phone in htis case) that the browser is on.This may need a bit of tweeking to get it to work for a phone. Right now it is not set to detect phones or phone browsers.You will need to test the User agent output on the phone and modify the code accordingly.This should give you a good idea of how that is to be done.
  4. You want to submit more than one page when you click a button??? Why?You should look into Server.Transer() it passes the current form data to another page without refreshing the page.With out knowing what you need it to do, that is the best I can give yo for now.
  5. hmm... must be a bug in how the script is reading the user agent.Has Safari had a new version release or a major update lately? that may effect the script. It may just need to be updated.Does anyone use NN8? I would be interested to see if that page says it is firefox because NN8 uses a version of the FF engine and the javascript user agent returns something like Mozilla/FireFox 0.8
  6. it doesn't work in IE6 either.
  7. good catch...thanks...I am sure someone will fix it right away.
  8. Wow, I just looked at it, I have never looked at CF code before *ashamed*, and I am amazed at how much like HMTL tags it is.Are all those examples built into CF or are they plug-ins?I must look at some more tutorials.
  9. for $59 I am guessing a whole lot more. Plus you get a certificate stating how you did on the exam to prove you are certified by w3schools.The quiz is only 10 questions and are pretty easy and generic, nothing to warrant some sort of certification.I have not taken the exams mostly because I do not want to spend the money on it without having any major organiztions recognizing it. Plus I have more than 5 years experience in HTML...that goes a long ways without a certificate.
  10. assuming you used response.write() to write the output to the screen in the first place it would probably be easier to use ASP.Instead of using response.write(the_output) you could write dim theVariable = the_output What do you need to do with this variable? It would be easier if you posted your code aswell so I don''t have to keep guessing how you've done things.
  11. you cannot get a value from another page with javascript.you would have to load the page window.location = "the url" then on the new page do the processing there...do you need to use javascript or ASP?
  12. no problem...the most frustrating problems usually end up to have the simpiest solutions...of course hindsight is 20/20...:)lol
  13. I think your problem is that you built the nav bar in <ul><li> tags...this for bulleted lists not menus.If you change this I think this will solve the problem. Different browsers put different margins around <ul>a and <li> tags.instead of <ul><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li><li><a href="">some link</a></li></ul> just do this <a href="">some link</a><br><a href="">some link</a><br><a href="">some link</a><br><a href="">some link</a><br><a href="">some link</a> or for horizontal rows just <a href="">some link</a><a href="">some link</a><a href="">some link</a><a href="">some link</a>
  14. HTML has a feature built in: <input type="file" id="someid">
  15. can wee see what you tried (the code) and maybe we can tell you why it didn't work.There are many great catalog/pos systems out there, I would suggest getting one of those for security reasons. They have the security bugs worked out and you can accept credit card or pay pal payments with other systems (very hard to secure if writing it yourself). In fact if you write a system that accepts credit cards but is not secure you can get into a lot of trouble (legally).
  16. aspnetguy

    Best One

    ASP.Net itself can't do client side validation but is easy to integrate JavaScript to do clientsside stuff.ASP.Net as huge advantages over scripting lanaguages like ASP or PHP in areas like security and the fact that you can hide and compile your program logic in dll files when destributing apllications and websites(aka your clients can't see your code even if they have the files on their server).I prefer ASP.Net because of it huge support base and ever expanding thrid-party components and you have the full power of VB.Net or C# to do Graphics programming and other great stuff, scripting languages can't do.Oh and with .Net you can access almost any Microsoft product to do data retrieval/insert data, or make modifications.
  17. No you don't. FatalError (which you just made) do you actually know JavaScript?I notice soething that may be the problem. you need to change new array() to new Array()Believe it or not hte uppercase A makes a difference...I should have noticed that sooner.
  18. I think it is safe to say that is your only option here. Select box options were only meant to hold one piece of data.I can't think of any other way of doing that easier that would make sense.Sorry
  19. The arrays are declared but I see that they are never given a length...I don't know if that makes a difference.I can't test your code on my machine because I am not running php.I can't be much more help, sorry.
  20. I'm not understanding your question
  21. hey, here's the solution, I finally got it! SELECT f.FORUM_ID AS FORUM, count(distinct t.topic_id) AS TOPICS, count(distinct p.post_id) AS POSTSFROM forum fINNER JOIN topic t ON f.FORUM_ID = t.FORUM_FKINNER JOIN post p ON t.TOPIC_ID = p.TOPIC_FKGROUP BY f.FORUM_ID;
  22. does an INNER JOIN make any difference from a LEFT JOIN? Might be worth a try.
  23. <?$sql1=mysql_query("select * from sanction s, student st, officer o where s.Id=st.Id and s.Oid=o.Oid",$db);while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql1, MYSQL_NUM)){?>id[p]=<?=$row["Id"]?>;p=p+1;<?}?> try changing the above to this <?$sql1=mysql_query("select * from sanction s, student st, officer o where s.Id=st.Id and s.Oid=o.Oid",$db);$phpCounter = 0;while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql1, MYSQL_NUM)){?>p = <?=phpCounter?>;id[p]=<?=$row["Id"]?>;<?phpCounter = phpCounter + 1;}?> also try decalering the p variablep=0; ==> var p = 0;
  24. <select style="width:###px"><option value="0">000</select>
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