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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    If Condition

    I deleted your other 2 posts. Do not ask the same questions more than once. Be patient.what database are you using? It makes different when getting into this type of sql programming.
  2. aspnetguy

    .Net guestbook

    look at this http://www.codeproject.com/aspnet/aspnet_guestbook.asp
  3. I have to completel;y agree with you there, we have become lazy and we, generally, communitcate to other humans through our technology far more than directly with the person. With some of the clients we have I prefer to keep it that way,
  4. That is not true. In the 1800's countless people died each year from the flu and miseales, things that are easily curable today. Alot of people would die from broken bones because of infection.On average we are living longer than any time in history. It is true that there are new diseases today, but a lot (not all) is based on how we live (smoking , drinking, etc)...it can not all be blamed on technology.
  5. give it an id as well id="1" and select like thisvar sel = document.getElementById('1');if (sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value == 'option1')
  6. you may be right but think about it. Is technology all bad then? What about early pioneers who worked from sun up to sun down 7 days a week just to hopefully grow enough food to feed their family and plant for the following year, but could have everything wided out in a wild fire or storm?Technology has improved our lives greatly since those days.I also sit all day and write code and love it....that is why I am taking this position.
  7. I don't have IE7. Is it doing it in IE6 aswell?
  8. Yes cisco training is great and is more advanced than Net+, be sure you know some networking basics before starting CCNA.Also, as I am sure you know, CCNA is all geared toward Cisco products.CCNA is 4 parts. The college I went to taught 1 per semester (bundled in their SysAdmin course). I had basically no networking knowledge and passed CCNA1 with ease, but Net+ or at least some basic knowledge would have made it easier.
  9. How so? Is it more satisfying to take 10 times longer to complete a task without a computer? That is like the governent saying "Don';t use a calculator to do your taxes, we want to see your scrap paper and all your long division". It doesn't matter how it gets done, and if I have extra time with my family because I used a computer, I call that a blessing! .
  10. well the first place to start is to find out what technologies this software uses (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP)????Then you need to learn those technologies.
  11. aspnetguy

    Hour and Data

    ok try this SELECT Avarias.Maquinaid, nicname, Avarias.tipo, Avarias.Data + ', ' + Avarias.hora AS 'DateTime'FROM Avarias INNER JOIN Maquina ON maquina.maquinaid=Avarias.maquinaidGROUP BY Avarias.Maquinaid, nicname, Avarias.tipo, Avarias.Data, Avarias.horaORDER BY Avarias.Maquinaid
  12. aspnetguy

    Hour and Data

    can you give us an example or some code?
  13. NET+ would be helpful.You need to have software installed to configure routers, etc (unless you do this off-site)
  14. aspnetguy

    PHP and XML

    thanks very much...I guess I got some work to do before I can get to work
  15. aspnetguy

    PHP and XML

    thanks, is there a method for PHP4 or will I have to upgrade?
  16. aspnetguy

    PHP and XML

    Ok so I am creating an app that uses XML to store the data. I have also created Schemas for the XML file sto follow.I have found lots of articles on how to read in the XML with PHP but how do I compare the XML I am reading and creating to the Schema to ensure it is following the rules?
  17. Thanks, that satisfies me for now . I am sure I'll be back.
  18. is this what you were looking for? <html><head> <title>Custom Prompt</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function customPrompt(title,question,id) { //create prompt box var box = document.getElementById(id); var promptBox = document.createElement('div'); promptBox.id = 'prompt'; promptBox.style.width = '200px'; promptBox.style.height = '50px'; promptBox.style.backgroundColor = '#eeeeee'; promptBox.style.border = '1px solid #b8b8b8'; promptBox.style.fontFamily = 'arial'; promptBox.style.fontSize = '11px'; promptBox.style.position = 'absolute'; promptBox.style.top = '50px'; promptBox.style.left = '50px'; promptBox.style.padding = '10px'; //promptBox content promptBox.innerHTML = '<div style="padding-bottom:5px"><strong>' + title + '</strong></div>' + '<div style="padding-bottom:5px">' + question + '</div>' + '<div style="padding-bottom:5px"><select id="opt">' + '<option value="value 1">option 1</option>' + '<option value="value 2">option 2</option>' + '</select></div>' + '<div><input type="button" value="OK" ' + 'onclick="promptDone(\'' + id + '\')"/></div>'; //display prompt box document.body.appendChild(promptBox); } function promptDone(id) { var box = document.getElementById(id); var p = document.getElementById('prompt'); var sel = document.getElementById('opt'); box.value = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; document.body.removeChild(p); } </script></head><body> <form name="form1" action="" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" size="10" name="txtBox" id="txtBox"/></td> <td><input type="button" value="Select Value" name="btnPress" id="btnPress" onclick="customPrompt('box title','box question','txtBox')"/></td> </tr> </table> </form></body></html>
  19. you want an input box and a selectbox??? Or did you mean a select box instead of an input box??? Let me know and I'll whip up some code for you.
  20. agreed, speaking the truth is not being biased.So should new programmers not be told of the diffrence and how to adjust their code to accomodate?
  21. you don't download an ad program if you mean you want to display ads on your site.Try Google AdSense or CommissionJunction.com
  22. aspnetguy

    Sending Email

  23. not that I am aware of. Although you may be able to do soemthing with ActiveX objects (I know that sucks cuz it is only for IE)
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