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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Not really, AJAX is not a language, it is a combonation of languages.Break you problem down to which language and post in appropriate forum.
  2. I don't need that, I get enough on my own
  3. you can do this .className{ width: 500px; -width:520px; /*only IE sees this*/} or <style>.className{width:500px}</style><!--[if IE]><style>.className{width:520px}</style><![endif]-->
  4. can you give me a sample word doc you want to convert (preferably one that has most things you need to filter), I'll look at it and tell you whether I have the time to whip something up.
  5. no, I don't google.ca is my homepage
  6. aspnetguy

    newbie trouble

    no it is not too much .oopen a text editor and enter this insert into customer (CustID, lastName) values(123, 'bigs')insert into customer (CustID, lastName) values(124, 'tave'); then save the file as myinsert.sqlI am not sure, since it has been so long since I used SQLPlus, where you should save the file (I think you can just specify the path anyways)Then in SQLPlus SQL>GET your_path/myinsert.sql; Note it has been a long time since I have done this but I think this should work.
  7. yes it the same old MSN search with a new name They are chanign everything to Live, hotmail will be Windows Live Mail...go figure
  8. theoretically yes, it would just be time consuming figuring out the string manipulation.
  9. I can now write console apps with my eyes closed...problem is who wants a console app these days :)I have been working on some Win32 and OpenGL but it is slow going.
  10. yes, when that feature decides to work
  11. most times when I am creating a new tab I am typing or pasting the url into the address bar, I like hwo this is focused on new tab. If it auto loaded your home page you would have to click the address bar or press F6 to enter the new address. So either way you have to do some extra clicking/typing.
  12. It is new, we went from version 2.0.4 to 2.1.7 after the hack.It doesn't happen all the time. It seems to sometimes be inconsistant. Not sure why.
  13. aspnetguy

    newbie trouble

    From what I can tell Oracle does not support this.Here is an article explaining how to do this with PHP and Oracle. http://www.oracle.com/technology/pub/artic..._multirows.htmlAnother option is to cut and paste the query multiple times in a text file (changing the values of course) and save it as a .sql and use SQLPlus to load the query file.
  14. While someone who has learned C++ would probably find most other languages easy.For a beginner with no programming experience I would say C or C++ would be the hardest.
  15. I don't think there is.When I create a new tab I press CTRL+T and then ALT+Home to load my homepage.
  16. aspnetguy

    AVG Question

    use ROUND(AVG(column),1)
  17. aspnetguy

    newbie trouble

    what database are you using? Oracle? MySql?MySQL INSERT INTO people (name, age) VALUES ('Helen', 24), ('Katrina', 21), ('Samia', 22), ('Hui Ling', 25), ('Yumie', 29)
  18. Not sure...he has posted it 4 times (I deleted the other 3) but has not made a poll.
  19. Stop posting this queastion over and over. This is the 4th time you have posted this. it is already in the HTML forum.BTW, how can anyone vote it you do not setupup the poll?
  20. try somehtign like this System.String creditCard = (System.String) values[0];// strip out non-numeric charactersSystem.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex re = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[^0-9]");System.String numbers = re.Replace(creditCard, "");// Return the credit card number with only the digits in the stringresult = numbers;// The algorithm to validate a credit card is this// 1) Start from the right, and remove every second digit// 2) Double each of these values// 3) Add each digit in each doubled value together (12 becomes 3, for example)// 4) Add these values back to the remaining digits in the credit card number// 5) Verify that the result is a multiple of 10int total = 0;for (int i = numbers.Length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2){int num = System.Convert.ToInt32(numbers[i] + "");// double itnum *= 2;// add the digitswhile (num >= 10){total += (num % 10);num = num / 10;}// add to totaltotal += num;}// now add on the unused digitsfor (int i = numbers.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2){total += System.Convert.ToInt32(numbers[i] + "");}if ((total % 10) != 0){throw new System.Exception("Credit card number " + creditCard + " is not valid. The checksum is incorrect.");}
  21. aspnetguy


    you could do somethign like this in PHP $data = mysql_query($sql);while($row = mysql_fetch_array($data)){ echo "<p>Breakdown duration is greater than 1440 for machine ID: " . $row['breakdown.machineid'] . "!</p>";}
  22. aspnetguy


    Doesn't this query already returnt he results you want? If not, what is it doing.Can you define what you mean by "print"? Do you just want to return the records, display them on the screen, or something else?
  23. aspnetguy


    I don't understand. What time? Could you translate your query to english? thanks.
  24. aspnetguy


    I really can't understand what you are asking. You updated a table and set everything to 0.70? There is no way to undo that if that is what you are asking.Inorder to narrow your update to only the desired records you need to use conditional statements (WHERE, AND, OR)
  25. think of it as another image...it must be on the web somewhere (prefereably in your website directory) in order to use.
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