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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. no, strict is the recommended way of doing it. Transitional is for instances when you need to use a depreciated tag like <embed> or you don't want to take the extra time to write strict code. IMO if you are going to use transitional XHTML you might as well stick with HTML.
  2. aspnetguy


    I have played with Xububtu a bit and like that is more lightweight than GNOME or KDE. I found GNOME slugish on a P3 600Mhz with 512Mb RAM
  3. don't you mean td tag?The reason you get nothing is because there are no <dt> tags on the page so the for loop never executes.
  4. Well according to a free online service I used today. I am going to do a Shields Up test when I get home to know for sure what is going on.
  5. edit: also I can ping my ip and domain name from outside the network so there is no router issues
  6. no but 110(pop3) and 443(ssl) and 25(smtp) are also blocked.why 21? I don't have ftp setupI have to do some more testing when I get home. Everything is still functioning the same internally...outside access just stopped working.
  7. Regardless of how your documents are structured use strict whenever possible.
  8. can you show use the message you get when it won't validate?Can you post the code?
  9. aspnetguy

    Apache, again

    if it is just for local development XAMPP would be much easier to setup.
  10. yes you are right...I looked right at it and didn't see thiose errors.
  11. to avoid functions and using th eonload event place this code as the last thing before </body> as=document.getElementsByTagName("table");for(i=0;i<=as.length;i++){as[i].cellPadding="0";as[i].cellSpacing="0";}alert(as.length)
  12. you can't, use can use JavaScript (AJAX) to send a request to some serverside code to upload the file without post back but you cannot do it all with JavaScript.
  13. aspnetguy

    css image

    that is probably true. Can you tell I don;t use absolute positioning? I avoid it as much as possible which so far has been 100% of the time.
  14. thats a dangeruos attitude reportings, how do you think HTML ended up as tag soup or IE has so little regard for standards???Personally, I advise you to use XHTML strict...it is HTML without the needless mess. Use CSS to style for pages and use XHTML to structure them.And always validate your pages, it is a good habit to have and you are less likely to have "un-explainable" glitches in your pages from one browser to the next.
  15. I have noticedyou asking this question several times now. You are not getting the answer because we probably don't know. You were given advice and some leads to check out. If those didn't help there is probably not much more we can do on this topic.Try asking your question at http://forums.asp.net. They have many MS ceritified developers that probably can answer your question.Good luck!
  16. you will need a server side language. read the php tutorial
  17. there is no cell-padding attribute in CSS (that I know of) it is an attribute of <table>
  18. I guess with a small number of addresses there wouldn't be much benefit but I am guessing with a very large mailing list mailing to everyone at once would be far more efficient.I use the BCC for such situations so everyones email address is not exposed.
  19. The code you have there looks correct I am not sure what is causing this behavior.When you say you loaded it into FF2 and IE6 what do you mean? YOu have the file on your PC and you just double clicked the file?Are you running this on a localhost server (IIS or apache)? Do you use a hosting company?I am just throwing htese out here, I am not sure what to tell you. If you are not already, upload the page to a live webserver, if you do not have access to one, awardspace.com has free accounts.
  20. vertical <ul class="vmenu"><li><a href="url">link</a></li><li><a href="url">link</a></li><li><a href="url">link</a></li><li><a href="url">link</a></li></ul> Horizontal <ul class="hmenu"><li><a href="url">link</a></li><li><a href="url">link</a></li><li><a href="url">link</a></li><li><a href="url">link</a></li></ul> CSS .vmenu{ list-style: none;}.hmenu li{ display: inline;}
  21. wouldn't it be faster and more efficient to collect the email addresses into an array then send hte emial to all the addresses at once instead of using a loop of mail()?Or are you trying to make the meilas look more persoanlized in which case what you are doing would be best?
  22. can you post the code for the whole page. I'll give it a test when you do
  23. aspnetguy

    css image

    yes, you can use absolute positioning or z-index to get it to be on top
  24. it is different in .Net you use hte System.IO namespace. To copy a file it is as simple asFile.Copy("sourcePath","destPath")read this for more detailshttp://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowFAQ.asp?FAQID=207
  25. aspnetguy


    when dealing with pictures I only store the path to the file in my database, I use VARCHAR(255) NULL
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