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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. In Contact page, when I hit the "send message" link [without entering any details], the page loading effect appears only partially in the top left corner... is it how its supposed to be?
  2. Rectangle shape is good, but the hover effect for the image can make it better.... with more of blue and white, page looks brighter.... nice.
  3. Here's another one.... .http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/042104-1.aspx
  4. You can call 2 function like below, one for changing image and another for diplaying text, it will work one after the another.....<a href="#" onMouseOver="ChangePicFn();DisplayTextFn();">Show image link </a>
  5. Are you asking about the new image on the left, its nice... but I liked the the image effect in http://vchris.net/home/index_e.php where it turns to color from black n white.....
  6. Try this.......HTML <select name="url" onChange="return Jump(this);" size="1" ID="Select1"> <option>Redirect links......</option> <option value="http://www.google.com">Google</option> <option value="http://w3schools.com/">W3schools</option> <option value="http://yahoo.com">Yahoo</option> <option value="somesite1.com">Some site 1</option> <option value="somesite2.com">Some site 2</option></select> Javascript function Jump(fe){ var opt_key = fe.selectedIndex; var uri_val = fe.options[opt_key].value; window.open(uri_val,'_top'); return true; }
  7. pulpfiction


    This can help you.... [first evample]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asp
  8. If you are using backgroung image for <body>, then it should cover the whole page...body {background: url(img.jpg) repeat;......}Also it will be helpful to solve the issue if you can post the HTML and CSS code.....
  9. There is some discussion related to this... as it suggests, you can use JS to apply the opacity and your CSS will be valid too.http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?t=454906
  10. You can create cookies using javascript to store the variables......example of how to create, assign value and delete cookieshttp://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html
  11. Use escape character \ infront of those special characters.....?name=%D7%97%D7%99%D7%A4%D7\,%95%D7\'%A9\'+%D7\-%91
  12. Would it be nice if you have a fancy button for "send message" rather than a simple hyperlink.......
  13. No idea about the error you are getting, but one suggestion regarding the function StripSpacesFromEnds(s)Instead of using this finction to remove blank spaces/ trim the string, Try this str = str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,''). This is similar to the trim function in vb.....
  14. Nice loading effect in contact page.... Guess you already noticed this, in home page on top it shows <![/endif]--><!--[if IE]><link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/jb_ie.css"/><![endif]-->
  15. On redirect to another website, get the session value and send it to the new site using query string......newdomain.com/home.aspx?sessionname=sessionval.
  16. pulpfiction

    Linked servers

    Need some help linking two server..... I use a stored procedure in one server and need to get data from DB in another server.... but unable to do it... Tried to link server using EXEC dbo.sp_addlinkedserver [Lservername], 'SQL Server' and also checked if its linked with EXEC sp_linkedservers, linked server is in that list... but when I try to get data select * from [Lservername].[dbname].[dbo].Tblname from the server it throws a "login failed for user 'servername' "TIA
  17. This is another editor... Amaya: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/
  18. Selida 2: http://selida.camelon.nl/index.htmlNvu: http://nvu.com/index.php
  19. pulpfiction


    Oh ok, you meant it that way.... got it now..
  20. Top navigation looks cool now... will it look better if it little spreadout, like with some space between the three links....
  21. Yeah it should look good, also give you place to add content/navigation, rather than having long vertical scrollbar....
  22. Guess it should good. im bad at visualizing things.... it would look something like this. [attractive color scheme ]http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.ph...php%3Fpage%3D10
  23. would it look something like this... [navigation on the right]http://www.openwebdesign.org/viewdesign.ph...amp;referer=%2F
  24. it looks great now... I did my research on web usability, kinda helps me in such things....
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