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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. So true, its be monopoly again...... its like dreaming about "perfect happy world"... looks good on paper.
  2. Guess the error was because of reserved keyword "first" , this query worked with a sample DB to test...... sql="UPDATE members SET "sql = sql & "[First]='Granville' WHERE ID=1"
  3. Think this could solve your error, try thissql="UPDATE [members] SET "sql = sql & "[First]='Granville' WHERE [iD]=1"
  4. Guess we can use JavaScript to get the querystring variable... but might not be of much usehttp://www.activsoftware.com/code_samples/...s_in_JavaScript
  5. "...........DLL-files are not standard" Would this kinda conflict with .NET development?
  6. Try this......<table border="1" align="right" height="100px" width="100px" background="newvbstyle/misc/avatarhomebg.gif"><tr> <td style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin: 0 auto;"> <img src="http://localhost/vbstyles/images/icons/icon1.gif" alt="Avatar" /> </td></tr> </table>
  7. and your code must be <a href='index.php?page=museums&locale=wherever>FAQ</a>
  8. [You must have already done this] check your DB table name and fieldnames in the query......here's a discussion about similar error...http://www.aspfaqs.com/aspfaqs/ShowFAQ.asp?FAQID=81
  9. "wwwroot" is your root directory, irrespective of where your current page is, when you use virtual, you need to give the path from inside wwwroot<!--#include virtual="./maneager/subfolder/filename.asp"-->
  10. If you use GET method it should work, even if you are not using (localhost)IIS.......<form action="nextpage.html" method="get" name="frm">
  11. Set the width of <fieldset>, if not it will take the 100% width, and even the 2nd fieldset is taking available width from the position it is placed.....<fieldset style="width:215px;"><legend>Log in</legend>
  12. Not sure what Returned("Password") would return. will be helpful, If you could post the code for that function too
  13. "Include virtual" tells ASP where the include file is relative to the web root directory, "include file" tells ASP where the file is relative to the current directory. Use either of the following tags to include files in ASP:<!-- #include virtual="/includes/header.asp" -->(tells ASP where the file is located relative to the root web directory)<!-- #include file="../includes/header.asp" -->(tells ASP where the file is relative to its current directory)[bottom of page]http://www.hardcoder.com/scripting/php/include_files.php#asp
  14. If you are using CSS, Just font-size should reduce the height of the textbox.... but "maxlength" you need to set in the <input>.txtbox {font-size: 5px;}<input type="text" class="txtbox" maxlength="20" />
  15. PreLoading images, good solution to improve page loading time, this website discusses about that using CSS and JavaScript....http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol6/css_no18.htm
  16. Guess this is the solution, I tried and the print preview which was in B/W, and after changing the setting it came up in color..... couldnt check by printing though [no color printer]
  17. Since you are using "mysql_fetch_array", Field names returned by this function are case-sensitive. you may wanna check that....http://us2.php.net/mysql_fetch_array
  18. One of the concerns should be the page load time, its gonna take longer if you use too many images.....check this website for tips to improve image load time... "Speed up Images Load Time"http://www.webweaver.nu/html-tips/load-time.shtml
  19. Oops... I did not see the echo'' in code you posted.
  20. guess <dl> and <li> are for different purpose, so any reason for saying #1 is correct?
  21. Im not really good in PHP, but guess the error is you need to use <? ?> when you write PHP code......style="background: url('<? .$settings['images_url']. ?>'/left.gif) repeat-y;">
  22. Try thisdocument.getElementById('myThing').style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000';Reason your code is not working is, Javascript considers hyphen as subtraction (minus) "background-color"
  23. If you are asking about store the date in one page and pass that information to another page, then you can use hidden textbox, and then the value is passed in the URL.<form id="frm" action="nextpage.html" method="get">...........................<input type="hidden" name="hide" value="Some text down the box." />
  24. Are you asking for ad banners....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_banner#Standard_sizes
  25. You can try _ "underscore" wildcard. this looks for only one character..... .......... WHERE (field LIKE '%PHDOL1106___Wk10%') [contains 3 underscore, one for each character]
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