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Everything posted by L8V2L

  1. L8V2L

    Magic in arrays

    I can't wait when I reach that point.
  2. L8V2L

    Hosting providers

    To get reliable service, I'mma need too. I'm considering of using wordpress.
  3. L8V2L

    Hosting providers

    A game site, and beginner.
  4. What the title say. ;-)Note: please note, I will be re posting this down the line... Or maybe not, I can't make promise I don't know if I can keep.
  5. JSG --you freaken block or froze my thread again you...-- aim what I'm telling this guy wrong?!?!?!? Wouldn't this had been a better fit to post in the php!?!?!
  6. READ!!!: this is the XML section! This thread does not have a lot of moderator on it. There is a php section. Your problem sound like php. So go post this on php. I'm not telling you to go to another site. I'm helping! I'm telling you that your chances are greater copying and pasting this in the php section.
  7. L8V2L

    Magic in arrays

    Along with these too:This is a list of data structures. For a wider list of terms, see list of terms relating to algorithms and data structures. For a comparison of running time of subset of this list see comparison of data structures.Data typesEditPrimitive typesBoolean, true or falseCharacterFloating-point, single-precision real number valuesDouble, a wider floating-point sizeInteger, integral or fixed-precision valuesEnumerated type, a small set of uniquely named valuesComposite types(Sometimes also referred to as Plain old data structures.)ArrayRecord (also called tuple or struct)UnionTagged union (also called a variant, variant record, discriminated union, or disjoint union)Abstract data typesArrayContainerMap/Associative array/DictionaryMultimapListSetMultisetPriority queueQueueDequeStackStringTreeGraphSome properties of abstract data types:Structure Stable Unique Cells per NodeBag (multiset) no no 1Set no yes 1List yes no 1Map no yes 2"Stable" means that input order is retained.Other structures such as "linked list" and "stack" cannot easily be defined this way because there are specific operations associated with them.Linear data structuresArraysArrayBidirectional mapBit arrayBit fieldBitboardBitmapCircular bufferControl tableImageDynamic arrayGap bufferHashed array treeHeightmapLookup tableMatrixParallel arraySorted arraySparse arraySparse matrixIliffe vectorVariable-length arrayListsDoubly linked listArray listLinked listSelf-organizing listSkip listUnrolled linked listVListXor linked listZipperDoubly connected edge listDifference listTreesEditTree (data structure)Binary treesAA treeAVL treeBinary search treeBinary treeCartesian treeOrder statistic treePagodaRandomized binary search treeRed-black treeRopeScapegoat treeSelf-balancing binary search treeSplay treeT-treeTango treeThreaded binary treeTop treeTreapWeight-balanced treeBinary data structureB-treesB-treeB+ treeB*-treeB sharp treeDancing tree2-3 tree2-3-4 treeQueapFusion treeBx-treeAListHeapsHeapBinary heapWeak heapBinomial heapFibonacci heapAF-heap2-3 heapSoft heapPairing heapLeftist heapTreapBeapSkew heapTernary heapD-ary heapBrodal queueTriesIn these data structures each tree node compares a bit slice of key values.TrieRadix treeSuffix treeSuffix arrayCompressed suffix arrayFM-indexGeneralised suffix treeB-trieJudy arrayX-fast trieY-fast trieCtrieMultiway treesTernary treeK-ary treeAndor tree(a,-treeLink/cut treeSPQR-treeSpaghetti stackDisjoint-set data structureFusion treeEnfiladeExponential treeFenwick treeVan Emde Boas treeRose treeSpace-partitioning treesThese are data structures used for space partitioning or binary space partitioning.Segment treeInterval treeRange treeBinKd-treeImplicit kd-treeMin/max kd-treeAdaptive k-d treeQuadtreeOctreeLinear octreeZ-orderUB-treeR-treeR+ treeR* treeHilbert R-treeX-treeMetric treeCover treeM-treeVP-treeBK-treeBounding interval hierarchyBSP treeRapidly exploring random treeApplication-specific treesAbstract syntax treeParse treeDecision treeAlternating decision treeMinimax treeExpectiminimax treeFinger treeExpression treeHashesEditBloom filterCount-Min sketchDistributed hash tableDouble HashingDynamic perfect hash tableHash array mapped trieHash listHash tableHash treeHash trieKoordePrefix hash treeRolling hashMinHashQuotient filterCtrieGraphsEditGraphAdjacency listAdjacency matrixGraph-structured stackScene graphBinary decision diagramZero-suppressed decision diagramAnd-inverter graphDirected graphDirected acyclic graphPropositional directed acyclic graphMultigraphHypergraphOtherEditLightmapWinged edgeDoubly connected edge listQuad-edgeRouting tableSymbol tableExternal linksEditConclusion:There is many ways to organize data. And I can see XML and JSON in... I would say all of them--concept wise--, in tree structure to csv.
  8. L8V2L


    Gzip/Gunzip, Deflate/Inflate, read over these two, but can't seem to find information on this one; DeflateRaw/InflateRaw. Anyone care to explain?
  9. BUT YOU ARE WIZARDS!!!! You could add a tutorial to this forum.
  10. I know it's not, I'm asking Ingolme.
  11. L8V2L

    Magic in arrays

    :,1( why must he be so.... Or with wiki.
  12. L8V2L


    :,-( why must... Yes you're right.
  13. :,-( why must he be so cruel. Why Ingolme, why?
  14. Take w3school of the URL and just call the site invisionzone.com
  15. More so go and just try to imitate the functionality of it and not worry on the actual code.
  16. L8V2L


    Yeah. BaseX also hold JSON data from what I read, but XML is more... Mature. I do plan on learn php and SQL, but since I'm so fond of these three --JS, XML, CSS--, I wish to develop my skills in these first. And move on to programming language like c, c++, and objective-c. But not c#, it's design by Microsoft. Objective-c or c++ I believe was design by apple. They say c# is close to syntax of java.
  17. ... Than you guys could make a c, c++, objective-c tutorial.
  18. L8V2L

    Magic in arrays

    ... Hey davej... Do you mind explaining each one in your own words.... Just asking.
  19. L8V2L

    Magic in arrays

    Yes you're right: Array(100);explicit the length, not the number of index. I never said arrays wasn't object.... For now own we call {0:0,1:1,2:2} associate array, or key/value pairs. I was refering to this as comparison. Yes, I read the hash table link Ingolme post me... But don't really understand it... If I had to give a visual representation, I'll say it is like a map that give the location of the value... Like an associate array, or an index array. No I don't. I just wasn't giving an answer, or no one truly understood what I was asking. And your right, computer are the less randomless things--not including bugs. But even with bugs, there is logic behind it--on this earth. Everything is program to predictable action.
  20. L8V2L

    Magic in arrays

    A lot of wizards would argue against that.
  21. Awesome. That what I aim to learn.
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