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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. It's important because those are the values your function is working with. If the values are wrong then the output will be wrong. This is still not enough information because I don't know what's in those PHP variables, if it's anything other than a number it's going to be passing undefined values into the function. You also seemed to have changed the variable show for event. event is a variable that will work because it's set by the browser. Try printing out the values to your browser console. function gotoshow($sids, $booktype, $histid) { console.log($sids, $booktype, $histid); var x=$sids; var bocorp = document.getElementById('bocorp').value; var fshowhistid = $histid; var fbooktype = $booktype; window.location.href = "showsetup.php?showid=" + x + "&corpid=" + bocorp + "&histid=" + fshowhistid + "&btype=" + fbooktype; } I suspect that these values are nothing like what you're expecting. In most browsers you can see the Javascript console by pressing F12. You might even find an error message there.
  2. cursive is one of the generic font types. It works on any device regardless of what fonts are installed. The five generic font types: serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, fantasy. https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#generic-font-families
  3. Without any context, in the code you have shown those variables are undefined so the code would not work. You'll need to show the exact code you have and where those variables are being set if you want any more help.
  4. It's just a matter of using CSS to position things where you want them to go. Without knowing what you want it to look like and what code you have used we can't help you.
  5. Where are these variables being set? $showid,show,$showhistid
  6. Personally I would advise against any CSS frameworks. They have the major flaw that they put presentation back into the mark-up.
  7. This is because in the first case you're casting strings to boolean. In the second case the interpreter is actually casting from boolean to a number. When numeric strings are compared using ==, Javascript converts them to numbers, when booleans are cast to number, false is 0 and true is 1. The result is the odd behavior you're seeing Step 1: What you start with: (true == "1") Step 2: Cast numeric string to number: (true == 1) Step 3: Cast true to number: (1 == 1) Step 4: Compare numbers: (true) Step 1: What you start with: (true == "2") Step 2: Cast numeric string to number: (true == 2) Step 3: Cast true to number: (1 == 2) Step 4: Compare numbers: (false) If you want to test the truthiness of a value, just put it straight in the if() statement or while() loop without comparing it to anything: if("2") { alert("true"); } else { alert("false"); }
  8. If you put the background image on the body, it will only cover the area that the body covers. You can set the height of the html and body elements to 100% html, body { height: 100%; }
  9. It looks like there's a refresh method which can be called like this: gg2.refresh(minTemp); Please don't use evaluated strings in your setInterval calls, it's really inefficient, try passing a function reference instead: setInterval(getData,5000);
  10. You just need to add another <xsl:when> condition. <xsl:when test="../TransactionTypeText='Adjustment'"> Do you understand XSL? If not, you should go through the XSL tutorials at W3schools.com.
  11. The rules don't specify any order in particular, but things closer to the top will be interpreted earlier, so you need to take that into account when deciding which order to put things in.
  12. The part of the code that is doing that is here: <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="../TransactionTypeText='Charge'"> <xsl:value-of select="mscef:formatCurrency(string(ChargeAmount))"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="../TransactionTypeText='Payment'"> <xsl:value-of select="mscef:formatCurrency(string(PaymentAmount))"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="../TransactionTypeText='Credit'"> <xsl:value-of select="mscef:formatCurrency(string(CreditAmount))"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="../TransactionTypeText='Disbursement'"> <xsl:value-of select="mscef:formatCurrency(string(DisbursementAmount))"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:message terminate="yes">Unknown transaction type. <xsl:value-of select="../TransactionTypeText"/> </xsl:message> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose>
  13. If I were you I would ask permission from each of the comic owners before making your site. Otherwise you may get into legal trouble and that can be expensive.
  14. Do you really deserve the diploma if you don't have the skills to obtain it?
  15. The image doesn't make it clear what you want. Can you explain with words?
  16. CSS is unaware of the content that's on your page. Make your structure like this instead: <table class="socialmedia"> <tr> <td><a class="facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/davis"> F</a></td> <td><a class="twitter" href="http://www.twitter.com/davis">T </a></td> </tr> </table> Then your CSS can target the elements with .socialmedia .facebook and .socialmedia .twitter selectors.
  17. Well, it does look correct. It's pretty good. You probably should remove the swear words from content you're posting on the forums. You wouldn't need all the !important rules if your CSS was put after all the other stylesheets. On a website always put external libraries first and your own custom code after, so that your custom code takes precedence. These don't have to be buttons, they would be better off as links. <button id="learnhtml">LEARN HTML</button> <button id="htmlreference">HTML REFERENCE</button>
  18. Ingolme

    aniamations and text

    The z-index can also be set with position: relative.
  19. The only problem with a Javascript-only solution is that cross-domain requests will only work if the owner of the RSS feed has explicitly enabled it.
  20. The code looks correct. Have you made sure the stylesheet was loaded?
  21. Frames only load the whole page, and in general it's a bad idea to use frames at all. What do these pages have that you can't put on your own website?
  22. These are the colors that were defined by the W3C and are the ones that browsers use: https://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties/color/keywords I wouldn't rely on names for colors. They're vague and subjective. Use hexadecimal codes to ensure the color is exactly what you expected. There are six pure colors: Primary additive colors Red #FF0000 Green #00FF00 Blue #0000FF Primary subtractive colors Cyan #00FFFF Magenta #FF00FF Yellow #FFFF00 For each of these colors you can change the value of FF change the brightness of those colors. #008000 is green and so is #00FF00. The only difference is the brightness of that green. Some people like to refer to really bright tones of green as "lime" but that's subjective.
  23. I can't see that in any of the code you displayed. But the variable $qry should not be used for more than one thing.
  24. I don't even know your requirements anymore. What are you trying to do? You have a video file and an audio file. Which controls do you want to show? Do you want them both to play at the same time?
  25. It's called getElementsByTagName() and it's actually much older and better supported than getElementsByClassName.
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