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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. You can have an onsubmit event in Javascript attached to the form. When the form submits you can add a message to the page. This is a mailto form, though, so Javascript can't really know if and when the user actually sent the e-mail from their mail client.
  2. It looks like you're asking it to show you the sum of invoices that were received 60 days before the last week of the year. Is that correct?
  3. What does your code look like? I can't figure out why it's not working without knowing what you tried to do.
  4. It's not possible. The passwords are encrypted specifically so that people won't use Wordpress to steal peoples' passwords. There is no reason why you should ever need to know somebody's password.
  5. You should be passing an array of audio file URLs to Javascript and then have Javascript modify the <audio> element on the page. Here's an introduction to managing audio and video in HTML and Javascript: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Using_HTML5_audio_and_video <embed> invokes a browser plug-in which you have no control over. Aside from that, browsers in general are moving away from plug-ins, so using embed for audio will not continue working in the future.
  6. You won't find better documentation than from the source itself. Here's their instruction manual: http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/index.html
  7. Collation has no relevance to database security. It does not matter which you choose. Collation determines how text fields are ordered when doing a search.
  8. The article is back from 2009, so things may have changed since then. I haven't actually used the API, so I can't say. The older approach using mousedown, mousemove and mouseup is very reliable, at least.
  9. Ingolme


    You need two links: One with the W3.CSS stylesheet and one to your own custom styles. Your stylesheet should be placed after the W3.CSS one so that it can override default W3.CSS values. <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.w3schools.com/lib/w3.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css"> Create a file called "custom.css" and put all your own CSS code in it.
  10. The Wordpress article editor has a <!-- more --> tag to tell it where to stop the content. Read about it here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Customizing_the_Read_More
  11. HTML validation only ensures that the HTML has proper syntax. If the PHP syntax is incorrect you'll get a syntax error. If Javascript syntax is incorrect you get a Javascript error. If MySQL syntax is incorrect you'll get an SQL error. HTML needs validation because, unlike those other languages, browsers forgive mistakes and try to interpret wrong HTML as best as they can. PHP, Javascript and MySQL won't function properly if the syntax is incorrect.
  12. I would advise against using anything but alphanumeric characters for files, folders and table names. Hyphens and underscores can be used where needed. Other characters are dependent on the character encoding that is used to create and access the resource. The same character could be represented in multiple different ways.
  13. Without knowing what HTML created the flag and what CSS rules you have applied to it I can't tell you the best way to solve the problem.
  14. You can use strtotime() to get "next Tuesday" and then continue adding seven days at a time until the month is no longer November.
  15. It's not safe. It's not standard so browsers aren't forced to keep working that way. You should always pass your HTML through the validator. http://validator.w3.org/ You shouldn't use the width attribute to make percentage widths, use CSS. http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_dim_width.asp
  16. Where's the <img> tag? And if you're using a background image instead, where's the code for that?
  17. Remember that IDs cannot begin with a numeric character. You should rename it something like <h3 id="h16">
  18. It all depends on which theme and plug-ins you installed. If the themes and plug-ins are using HTML wrong then you'll need to find other ones or make your own.
  19. Your text edit is using curly quotes instead of ordinary quotation marks. Also, it is saving it with a Windows-1252 encoding when it should be saving as UTF-8. I would suggest using a different text editor, as I've seen many people on this forum have problems due to using TextEdit. Try Notepad++: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
  20. There should never be overlapping because you shouldn't be using absolute positioning for your elements. Use percentage for widths and ems for font sizes. When developing a responsive website the correct approach is to not pay attention to specific devices and just make a design that works properly as you scale the screen. Most browsers have a responsive design tool that lets you drag the edges of the window to see how the design would look on different sized screens. The point of responsive is to look good on any screen, even screen resolutions that may arise in the future that don't exist yet.
  21. Do you have a link to the page where you read this? The current coordinate system would be the screen, where X is left to right and Y is up to down. Without more context I can't be sure what they mean by X-axis rotation. In 3D space, x-axis rotation would be rotation around the x-axis, but the ellipse is a 2D figure so I'm assuming they actually mean z-axis rotation which would be rotation of the ellipse on the plane of the screen.
  22. Yes, that's correct, because it appears that by default Firefox is using a windows UI element provided by the operating system. If you attempt to change the appearance it will need to replace that UI element with something else so that it is able to modify it.
  23. Perhaps invisionzone themselves did something.
  24. Each browser renders the progress bar in its own way, that feature doesn't seem to exist in Firefox. If you were looking for something you had more control over you could use <div> tags with custom styling the way Bootstrap does it.
  25. I noticed. I don't remember the forum receiving an update. Perhaps kaijim or one of the other Refsnes employees upgraded the forum software behind the scenes.
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