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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Once you feel confident with your HTML and CSS you should start learning Javascript. The task you want to do has to be done with Javascript.
  2. The best method is to use prepared statements: MySQLi http://ca1.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php PDO http://ca1.php.net/manual/en/pdo.prepared-statements.php
  3. I don't know where $semattend is being set. You should show the section of code where the warnings are given, warnings always give a line number and a filename. You must always give a value to your variables. Make sure $total and $semattend are always given a value no matter what the situation is. Your if() statement should take into account whether the registrant is a member or not. You could add a final else statement for that: } else { $total = "<tr><td colspan="2"><p>Member not registered</p></td></tr>";} I would recommend relearning HTML and CSS, your code looks really outdated and would be considered invalid by the W3C validator.
  4. That code looks fine. You could also use a switch() to do it, but I wouldn't be fussed about that. What warnings are you getting?
  5. Anything can be used as a server-side language if you set up the server to do it, but that is irrelevant. In most cases Javascript is not the best option for a server-side language. Your only reason for wanting to use Javascript on the server side is so that you won't have to learn another language. This kind of attittude is going to make it difficult for you to get a job as a web developer. The mindset needed for programming is one of wanting to learn everything that is necessary in order to get the job done, and also being able to solve problems on your own.
  6. No, you don't moderate in any sense of the word. You shouldn't use words if you don't know what they mean.
  7. There's one way to ensure that the content will only show up if the window is a popup. <div id="content"></div><script>// Test if the window has an openerif(window.opener) { var content = "<form action="login.php" method="post">"; content += "<input type="text" ...>"; // Add anything int content += "</form>"} else { var content = "<p>This page must be opened in a popup window.</p>";}document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = content;</script> Personally, I can only see disadvantages to forcing the user to have Javascipt enabled and forcing the user to have another window opened. Unless you have a really good reason for this, I can assure you your users will be much happier to have other choices.
  8. I never thought I'd see crazy conspiracy theories on a web development forum.
  9. I haven't had a need for a client-side database in my projects. All my data is stored on the server.
  10. How are you having opinions on things you know nothing about? Java has no relationship with Javascript. What do you mean when you say C and C++ are "clean"? Can you list the actual features BaseX has that makes it better than Exist?
  11. The <form> element itself can be styled and given a class name. All visible elements in HTML can have a class or ID.
  12. You probably should validate your HTML file first using the W3C Validator. Your <tr> tag isn't closed so that might be messing thing up. <p> elements cannot contain block elements, so the browser is interpretting your code as <p class="section_form" align="left"></p> <form action="MAILTO:ca.guntert@hotmail.fr" method="post" enctype="text/plain"> Abonnez-vous à la newsletter : &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <input type=text name:mail value="Votre adresse email"> &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <input type="submit" value="S'abonner"> </form> <p></p> I would recommend against using the style attribute and <br> tags. You should keep all your styles in a stylesheet. <br> elements aren't necessary if you wrap things in appropriate block elements and apply margins. Block elements automatically put a line break before and after its content.
  13. <ol> and <ul> elements cannot have any other child elements other than <li>. To nest lists you have to put another list inside a list item: <ol> <li>Item 1 <ol> <li>Item 1a</li> <ol> </li></ol> You can adjust numbering using CSS counter properties: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_gen_counter-increment.asp http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_gen_counter-reset.asp Also used is the :before selector and the content property.
  14. Yes, they did forget the parentheses in the example, it should be followed by parentheses in order to work.
  15. No, it's nothing like XML and JSON. XML and JSON are not data structures they're formats for representing data in a string. XML is a text representation of the DOM. The DOM of an XML document is a type of tree. JSON is a text representation of a javascript object. The data structure is part of Javascript, JSON is just one way to show the structure of that object. If you truly want to know programming then you have to learn data structures among other things. Forget XML and JSON, go back to the basics. You clearly do not understand enough. Don't ask me to give you explanations for every little thing, either read a book or go take a programming course and have a tutor. You're not paying me so I don't need to go out of my way to break things down for you. You have to learn things in order because lots of things require prior knowledge to be understood. You can't truly understand XML if you don't know what a tree is.
  16. There are some libraries written in Javascript that use localStorage as a client-side database, such as this one: http://nadh.in/code/localstoragedb/ If you only know jQuery and not Javascript I recommend you start learning Javascript right now. I don't believe there's a client-side database that uses the same exact interface as sqlite does but what's important should be storing and manipulating the data and the interface shouldn't matter.
  17. In order fo understand databases properly you have to have an understanding of the data structures they use. JSON is nothing but a textual representation of information. Learn what a data structure is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure Learn types of data structures used by the database: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-tree http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_black_tree JSON is a really superficial thing that's unrelated to the fundamental concepts of a database.
  18. jQuery is also a framework. You can call it "next level" in that it has one more level of abstraction. Given that W3Schools has taken the time to write a jQuery tutorial, I don't see why not do one for all the other frameworks out there.
  19. Let's see, The first programming language I learnt was BASIC. HTML and CSS aren't programming languages, so that leaves Javascript as the second one I started learning.
  20. I don't directly interact with the operating system on the server-side. No Unix commands are necessary to use PHP.
  21. Yes, now what was your question again?
  22. Is this supposed to be a client-side database or a server-side database?
  23. JSON isn't faster than Javascript because JSON is a data storage format. Javascript is the one doing the work of parsing JSON and turning it into Javascript objects. Being able to add properties to an array is a quirk of Javascript and you shouldn't use it. If you're using it that way it's no longer an array, it's an object.
  24. That's not an array, that's an object. Arrays only take numbers as indices.
  25. Ingolme


    Which XML Database management system do you plan on using?
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