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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Margins collapse natually as long as there is no border or padding to stop them, regardless of whether the element is foating or not. I'm still not entirely sure why things were designed this way because I've never seen an advantage to it.
  2. We don't have a problem with people posting sites that are not complete. The sites are only required to be completed in this thread.
  3. Ingolme

    iframe as a page

    You can use AJAX to load page content rather than an iframe. I would recommend using a server-side language, though, so that search engines can remember the page and so that each page has a unique URL that the user can use to get back to it.
  4. To program on the server-side you use PHP, ASP, C++, C#, Ruby on Rails, Perl or any of many server-side programming languages. The operating system is irrelevant. You also have to focus on learning just one thing until you've mastered it. You made it your goal to learn Javascript, but you're not finished with Javascript yet. If you want to give up Javascript and try server-side programming, you can try PHP because it's free. You don't need Linux or Unix for that.
  5. For most purposes, the operating system is irrelevant to server-side web development. One or two PHP functions work only on Linux but not on Windows, or the other way around. It's not normal for web developers to be managing servers, either. You buy server space from a hosting company and they do the work for you, or hire a system administrator to manage your own physical servers if you have any.
  6. The ISP doesn't (and probably not legally allowed to) care what a person does with his own private network.
  7. This looks like it's a template language. For information about it you will have to ask the company or group that provided it to you.
  8. The question is: Why do you think you need a new operating system?
  9. You mistyped your variable name. It's $xmlRoot
  10. Ingolme


    Oh, it's not the diploma itself that's important, it's the learning environment and interaction with professors. I don't see it strange that they want you to solve a code problem for an interview, but it doesn't mean you're able to learn everything with simple tutorials online. There are also different types of jobs. In some jobs the program structure is done by people with degrees while programming individual functions and classes is done by those who are self-taught. Software Engineers make a lot more money than programmers.
  11. Ingolme


    It's a common misconception that computer experts are just geeks and hackers and that it's not a real profession. My university teaches students to do their best to dispel this idea. Computer science encompasses a whole lot of knowledge and ties in with other fields such as physics and mathematics.
  12. Ingolme


    I'm not sure about that. A lack of formal experience can lead to really bad coding. Learning computer science is not the same as memorizing syntax and keywords of a programming language, there's a lot of theory to it. The biggest apects of my knowledge are a by-product of my experience at university.
  13. Ingolme


    I don't believe that W3Schools is accepted as a real school by any educational organization.
  14. It looks like the images are displayed as blocks.
  15. In your most recent code you're not telling it to do anything. function chkPwd() { // Get the form element var pwd = document.form1.pwd; // Get a reference to the message element var pwdMsg = document.getElementById('pwdMsg'); // Create a RegExp object regex = /[A-Z]/; // Get the value of the form element var pwd1 = pwd.value; // Tell people the password is wrong pwdMsg.innerHTML = "Must contain at least one uppercase character" // What does "select()" do? pwd.select(); // End of function return;}
  16. They're not required to do it, it's just what they choose to do. The purpose is to allow more things to load at the same time. Browsers only allow a certain amount of requests from the same domain to be done simulataneously (it used to be two, but they probably allow more these days), so large websites put their content on multiple different domains to make the pages load faster.
  17. I think you messed up the syntax on this line: if(pwd1.search(regex -- -1)) { It's not giving an error because it's actually valid.
  18. Ingolme

    Apostrophe wtf

    The first steps into programming, in colleges and universities, is to teach control structures such as if, while and functions. After that is data structures. Arrays, trees, linked lists and such. There's no copy paste involved there. No beginner, or even intermediate, should be copying and pasting code. Advanced people do it, this is nothing to do with programming, but with software engineering. You determine what your system does, and try to acquire as many subsystems as possible to make development cheaper. You could call these subsystems "copy paste" but it's not exactly like that.
  19. This just isn't what Javascript is intended for. I believe ActiveX controls are mostly obsolete, and they never were available in other browsers. ActiveX's most important purpose used to be to add functionality to Internet Explorer that was already native to other browsers. A website that only works in one browser is practically useless because regardless of which browser your application runs on, you're always ignoring more than half the people that are visiting your website. If you want a purely Javascript-based application that uses a database, Parse.com is an online database service that has Javascript among the languages that can access its content.
  20. All arrays in Javascript have a length property which indicates how many elements they contain. If it doesn't have a length property then it's not an array.
  21. Ingolme

    call method

    You normally specify a function's context when it's created. The context of a function depends on where and how it was created. If the function was created in the global scope "this" refers to the window: function a() {} If the function belongs to an object, "this" refers to the object: var obj = {};obj.a = function() { } setTimeout() and setInterval() are some of the methods that take the function out of its context, so those are some of the cases where Function.call() or Function.apply() are used to make corrections. Unless you find youself in one of those kinds of situations you should just call the function the ordinary way.
  22. I can't tell why it would work differently at random times. Focus is the proper word for when a window is currently selected by the operating system or when a tab is currently in front. The window object has a focus() method (and a blur()) method, but can only be called by another window that created the current window.
  23. Maybe I'm late to the thread. But here's the problem: When you set the size of an image using CSS (or Javascript's style.width, style.height) the image gets distorted. This happens with any image, even a canvas element. If you want to change the amount of pixels that are in the canvas, use the canvas width and height attributes/properties. Using HTML: <canvas id="myCanvas" width="500" height="600"></canvas> Using Javascript: canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");canvas.width = 500;canvas.height = 600; Anything that happens inside the canvas is not a matter of presentation. You're making an application that doesn't use HTML elements (aside from the canvas which acts as a "screen" to draw pixels on) so throw away all the HTML/CSS good practise ideas because they don't apply inside the canvas "world"
  24. You would need to know a lot of Javascript to build something like that. Alternatively, use CSS to manually position elements in particular places. This isn't "starting small" for a web development project. Perhaps for a C++ / Java / programming project it would be small.
  25. text is a string. When you do +=, or text = text + "string", what you're doing is making text have the same value it did before, but with something extra added onto it. text = "A" means that text will become "A". text += "A" means that text will become the current value of text followed by "A". In the loop, if you use text = "The number is " + i + "<br>" then text will keep changing its value and will end up having the last value it was given. All a loop does is run the same code again multiple times.
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