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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. On what line is that error now?
  2. I've tried sound CAPTCHAs. Often I can't understand what they're saying because the voice is covered by a lot of noise. The W3C has an article about CAPTCHAs and the problems with them: http://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/ Their excerpt on sound CAPTCHAs http://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/#sound
  3. The error occurs on line 87, so naturally the "this" I'm looking for is the one on line 87. close: function() { console.log(this); // I need to know what "this" is $(this).remove().}
  4. It means that if you call the Function() constructor inside another function it won't have access to the other function's variables: function test() { var x = 3; var a = new Function("alert(x);"); a(); // Error: x is not defined}test();
  5. I would check to see what value this has, then. If this isn't referring to an element then there will be a problem. Can you see how this process is going yet? If at every step of the debugging process you continue asking me what to do next you're not going to learn how to do it yourself. Try to figure out what to do next, which I don't know myself until we find out what value this has.
  6. In the for loop, the third part is executed after all the rest of the code in the block, as shown in the W3Schools tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_loop_for.asp The equivalent while loop to a for loop is like this: statement 1;while(statement 2) { code block to be executed statement 3;}
  7. Normally games don't use vectors, so canvas is preferrable for games. Game programming is highly complicated. SVG and canvas are two separate, independent technologies. If you want them to work together you're going to have to build your own program that does it. The only way to do that is if you fully understand how to interact with both canvas and SVG using Javascript.
  8. A blank page usually comes from a fatal error that's being supressed. You can add the following code to the beginning of your page during debugging in order to see errors: <?phpini_set('display_errors', 1);error_reporting(E_ALL); I have a guess as to what the error might be, though. Have you forgotten to include the file that defines the SimplePie() class?
  9. Naturally, you should begin with the W3Schools HTML tutorial. If you have any specific questions you can ask them here.
  10. Hmm, that's odd. Well, you're getting an error message. On what line is the Uncaught TypeError and what code is on that line?
  11. That's called a namespace. It means the tag isn't from RSS, but from their own custom schema. You can probably find more information about the schema by finding the URL shown in the xmlns:enc attribute in the root element.
  12. Well, time to start looking for problems: Find out what's happening when the "Yes" button is clicked by sending data to the console: Yes: function () {console.log("The function is running", success);success();$(this).dialog("close");},
  13. So what does the Javascript console say? Are there any error messages?
  14. It seems that overflow-x:visible won't work if the overflow-y property is set to hidden and vice versa. If you set them both to visible then it will work.
  15. Your images aren't loading for me, freewebs is blocked by a whole lot of service providers, including mine here in Spain. Try uploading them somewhere else, or put them as an attachment to this thread.
  16. I think the line breaks in this part are causing each line to be interpretted as a separate line of code: confirmdialog = $('<div></div>').appendTo('body').html('<div><h6>' + message + '</h6></div>').dialog({ Try putting them all one one line. Also, check the browser's error console anytime your code isn't working.
  17. In the for() loop, i++ occurs after the rest of the code in the loop has run. In your while() loop, you're incrementing count before running the rest of the code. In both loops you told it to leave the loop when the variable is less than 10, so 10 will never be displayed.
  18. Remember that when assigning event handlers, you don't use brackets (), as that would call the function immediately. element.onclick = reset; In your code there isn't a function called "reset" defined, but you could define it as this: function reset() { document.getElementById("txtField").value = "";}
  19. What code have you used?
  20. <iframe> is considered a bad idea for page layout. That's the only problem I've known about it. I forgot to put a link to the list of valid HTML elements in my previous post: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp
  21. This isn't a div, it's a curve. Are you trying to simulate that curve with the border-radius property?
  22. Well, if the <hr> doesn't work, use a <div> with that same style. Internet Explorer might be forcing the <hr> default style. <div class="separator"></div> Pretty much any solution is better than an image, because images force the browser to request another resource from the server, HTTP requests are quite inefficient and are the biggest factor in slowing down page loading.
  23. <iframe> has been supported by browsers forever. Anything in the HTML 4.01 specification is fully supported. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp Things that don't have a "5" next to them on this page are from HTML 4.01. Don't use elements that say "Deprecated". If there is a "5" next to the element, click on it to see how well it is supported.
  24. I don't have a mobile device to test on, but youtube's usual embed code might actually be a problem for mobile devices since it uses Flash. There's documentation on youtube APIs for embedding videos: https://developers.google.com/youtube/getting_started#embedded_player It seems that the <iframe> API is the only one that will allow youtube to choose between Flash or HTML 5 based on the user's device: https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference
  25. Ingolme

    Weird MySQLi Error

    Index is a reserved word in MySQL. You should wrap field names in backticks `, rather than quotation marks.
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