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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. I can see why there's nothing in the $_FILES array. The name attribute not put correctly here. <input type="file" name"csv_file" id="csv_file">
  2. What does the mouseover do? You can run a Javascript function by adding event listeners to the <area> elements.
  3. From "htdocs" move up one directory, then access "lib" therefore the full path is /usr/local/www/htdocs/majorsky/lib/
  4. I'm not sure what this is about: $_GET["number"]["value"]; You should be able to access the value with $_GET["number"]; alone. Your code could be much simpler: $ran = isset($_GET['number']) ? $_GET['number'] : 1;echo mt_rand(1, $ran);
  5. You've seen the demonstration in your own code. <div id="example" style="width: 10px; height: 20px; background-color: #0099FF;"></div> var element = document.getElementById("example");alert(element.style.width); // Displays "10px"alert(element.style.backgroundColor) // Displays "rgb(0, 153, 255)"alert(element.style.fontSize); // Displays "undefined" because it was not set in the style attribute If you wish to find out the position and size of an element you can use offsetWidth, offsetHeight, offsetTop and offsetLeft. A popular way to get other styles from an element is getComputedStyle()/currentStyle. You'll have to look it up, there are tutorials around to explain it.
  6. The style object is directly associated with the style attribute, that's how it is You need to use other properties or methods to find all the CSS values of an element. offsetWidth shouldn't return undefined as long as the element is attached to the page, there might be some mistake in your code, or perhaps you're trying to get the value before the element has been loaded.
  7. Ingolme

    header ()

    Just read the error message. If it's the same one as you posted before then it's the same problem as before. You probably have a line break on the first line.
  8. PHP can do it if running on a local server. But I'm not sure why you would do that. Windows Explorer is far more useful.
  9. Ingolme

    header ()

    The error message says your header() is one line 3 and the output started on line 2That means your code looks something like this:1.2. <?php3. header("location: ../user/index.php?id=$id");4. ?>
  10. Ingolme

    header ()

    Go to index.php on line 2 and look for whatever is causing an output.Or post lines 1, 2 and 3 here so we can point it out. your header() function is on line 3, so there are two lines before it.
  11. Because the width wasn't set in the style attribute. It would work if the HTML looked like this: <div id="example" style="width: 10px">Text</div> If you want to get the width of an element, use its offsetWidth property: alert(document.getElementById("example").offsetWidth); Your class attribute is redundant, you can style a div by its ID rather than class like this: #example { width: 10px; border: solid; }
  12. Ingolme

    header ()

    The error message says that there is output, therefore there is obviously output somewhere. You better look more carefully at your code. Output can also include spaces and line breaks.It even tells you where the output occurred:output started at /home/content/31/9408631/html/....../index.php:2
  13. You can type < in place of the character.
  14. HTML tables have nothing to do with how the data is stored on the server. What you do is sstore data into a MySQL table. Data is extracted to PHP in the form of one PHP array for each row in the table. Then you can print out the HTML code for each table cell.
  15. I'm not sure if you can actually set the opacity of a plug-in. Normally you would set the opacity CSS property using Javascript. element.style.opacity = "0.5";element.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=50)"; // For Internet Explorer
  16. Ingolme

    Hotkey question

    Javascript can use the keydown, keyup and keypress events to perform actions. Read up on events: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_events.asp
  17. HTML is not a programming language, its purpose is completely different to C++. It is meant to describe data.HTML was designed to be human-readable. There are no plans to make it more compact. The syntax <?=$class['content-footer']?> is a PHP syntax (and actually is not supported on all servers) shorthand for <?php echo $class['content-footer']; ?> As for class names: It is best that you give classes and IDs a descriptive name so that people can understand what the element is for because semantics is an important feature of HTML.
  18. Ingolme

    PHP browser close

    You don't seem to understand arrays. You should read about them in the PHP tutorial.
  19. Ingolme

    PHP browser close

    You can do that but only if you defined an array as one of the session values. $_SESSION['x'] = array();$_SESSION['x'][0] = "Something"; Everything needs to be given a value before it can be used.
  20. Check if the variable exists using isset() if(!isset($passengerUserName)) {}
  21. No, I don't believe there even is a DOM associated with the object.
  22. That's probably because NULL is a byte of some sort. You probably should initialize $Str as an empty string: $Str = '';
  23. Ingolme

    warn status?

    If you break rules the moderators will give you a warning for it and increase your warn status. I'm glad to say that on this forum we almost never have to use it.
  24. That's all I can say with just an image to judge by.
  25. If you put the PHP string within single-quotes they won't be parsed. echo "\t"; // Prints a tabecho '\t'; // Prints "\t"echo "\\t" // Prints "\t" because the backslash is escaped.
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