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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. Ingolme


    It would only be a problem for users who have Javascript disabled. This could happen for any number of reasons, for example a company computer. Search engine crawlers would have it difficult to find content if the page is generated with Javascript.
  2. I registered there years ago. When I registered, they didn't have that. You can choose a template, then just delete the all the files and upload your own files.
  3. HTML cannot do that. HTML does nothing but display data. You need a server-side language, like PHP, to generate and manipulate the data.
  4. According to compatibility research, table, table-row and table-cell are only supported on Internet Explorer 8 and above.http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html
  5. Without any code (both HTML and CSS) or a live page to go by, it's going to be difficult to figure out the problem.
  6. There is no way to go around it if the user chooses to disable redirection. Most systems have a "Click here if you have not been redirected in 5 seconds" button to get around that. Be sure to print that after sending the header.
  7. Find a free web host to upload your files to. I'm on byethost.com, it's ad-free and has decent features for being free.
  8. Ingolme


    You might be looking for a CSS or Javascript navigation menu, the <select> element is only for sending form data.There are examples all over the internet. CSSplay has a whole lot of them:http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/basic_dd.htmlhttp://www.cssplay.co.uk/menus/dd_valid.html If you want it animated you're going to have to rely on Javascript. I can't find a decent tutorial for one because the ones I found don't work when Javascript is disabled. You can look for "animated dropdown menu" on Google if you want it.
  9. display: table-row will work on any element. The point of the display property is to make an element behave like something it is not.The <tr> element doesn't need "display: table-row" because it already is a table row.
  10. The height and width are properties of the <canvas> element, not the drawing context, so you aren't going to see a width property on the context. Here's how you do it: // Get a reference to a <canvas> element in the documentvar screen = document.getElementById("my_canvas");// The width and height are obtained from the attributes of the <canvas> element// (<canvas width="..." height="...">)var SCREEN_W = screen.width;var SCREEN_H = screen.height; // Create a backbuffer with the same width and height as the front endvar backBuffer = document.createElement("canvas");backBuffer.width = SCREEN_W;backBuffer.height = SCREEN_H; // Reference to contextsscreenContext = screen.getContext("2d");bufferContect = buffer.getContext("2d"); // Clear the back buffer before drawing:function clearFrame() { bufferContext.clearRect(0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);} // Draw the contents of the backbuffer to the screenfunction renderFrame() { screenContext.clearRect(0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); screenContext.drawImage(backBuffer, 0, 0)} /* The action happens here */clearFrame();bufferContext.fillStyle = "#ff0000";bufferContext.fillRect(0,0,10,10);// The drawn image won't appear until renderFrame() is called:renderFrame();
  11. This looks like something that the InvisionPower developers have to do. W3Schools did not create this forum software is not hosting it either.
  12. There's a small link at the very bottom left of the page that says "Mark community read"
  13. It's CSS, I'm talking about. It's complementary to HTML and is used to change the appearance of the site."hidden" is a value of the overflow property. setting the height of an element and the overflow of an element can determine what scrollbars there are and where they are.
  14. I'm not sure. Some browsers might return RGB while others return it exactly the same way as it was given. You could check for both #ffffff and rgb().Some people toggle the classname of an element rather than change the style.
  15. It may be because the browser is returning the background color in rgb() format: rgb(255, 255, 255) You could simplify your expression to this: show_hide.style.backgroundColor = (show_hide.style.backgroundColor == "#ffffff" ? "" : "#ffffff");
  16. p:nth-child(2) refers to the <p> element that is the second child of its parent. The parent is <body>, the first child is an <h1> element and the second child is a <p> element.
  17. Everything in the page looks fine to me.What are you expecting it to do, and what is it actually doing? I'm not sure what a banner rotator slider or a news slider is.
  18. I tried that and it's not highlighting anything. Which browser did you test in?
  19. "this" refers to the element that has the onclick property.
  20. If I'm remembering correctly, for the table-cell to display properly, it needs to be wrapped in an element with table-row display which is wrapped in another element with table display.
  21. Are you using overflow: hidden and fixed heights a lot?
  22. You can add classes right on the <img> element to avoid adding redundant code.
  23. I think this part of your site would be better off as an ordered list: I think your site's good. I don't have a designer's eye, so I can't get into detail about it. Keep an eye out for typing mistakes like here:http://www.codekrewe.com/design.php
  24. If you don't know CSS you'll never make a decent page. HTML is just not intended for designing. W3Schools has a good CSS tutorial and you should look at it. Also, you really should fix the errors that the HTML validator showed you.
  25. When running in standards compliant mode, images have a small space below them by default. This only occurs with Strict and HTML 5 doctypes.You can give the image a bottom margin with CSS if you want some separation.
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