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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. I don't have enough information to determine the problem. Are you getting any error messages?
  2. $_GET['act'] is undefined if there is no "act" in the URL.Check that it's set using isset()
  3. You can't operate when declaring a class property. That's what the constructor is for. The constructor is written like this: function __construct() { $this->table_name = FIXED_VAR . 'admins';}
  4. Yes, it's fine to do that.I usually do something like this instead, though: $var = isset($x) ? $x : "default value";
  5. There is no plain HTML. The HTML you know is HTML 4.01.A lot of elements from HTML 3.2 were deprecated in HTML 4.01. HTML 5 introduces a lot of new elements, many with semantic purposes while others with functional purposes. You can read about it here: http://w3schools.com/html5/
  6. Where's the code where data is set?
  7. I don't know what a "boilerplate" is. You don't necessarily need two classnames, it is just a way to do things when you have more complex stylesheets. For that particular element it doesn't matter which properties you put in which class declaration. If the classes are used elsewhere you need to put the background image on the class that's used on all the elements you want that image to be seen on.
  8. Hiding elements can be done setting their style: // Hide elementelement.style.display = "none";// Show elementelement.style.display = ""; Finding the value of a text field is just getting the value property of the element. // Store the value of the text field in a variablevar val = element.value; All that's missing is to compare the value to "" or "n/a". When this happens depends on the event you used to call the function that hides the element. You can use the keydown event for immediate calls, or use the onchange event to only call the function when the user removes focus from the field.
  9. The <center> tag and the align attribute are deprecated and, once again, you're replying to a really old thread.
  10. The usual comparison error: You're assigning the value "Johnny" to x then testing whether that is true. It is always true because a non-empty string is a non-false value. To perform comparisons, use the double-equals, comparison operator ==
  11. This is scientific notation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_Notation
  12. It's a short form of scientific notation used in floating point numbers. The e represents 10 elevated to the number that follows it. 5e6 is the same as 5 * 106 or 5 * 1,000,000 = 5,000,000
  13. What they mean is that you are allowed to place it in both the body and in the head. A reference to an element can only be done after the element has loaded. In order to improve efficiency, Javascript starts running as soon as it has been sent to the browser even if the rest of the HTML hasn't arrived. This is why putting Javascript before the element it is trying to access will fail, unless it is contained in a function that is called after the element was loaded.
  14. One way to fix it is to remove access to the page from one of the two URLs. Next time Google crawls your site it will remove the link.The other way is to go to Google Webmasters and ask them to remove the page from their index. Edit: Looks like it's been a while since this post was made.
  15. I think you should check the background-image and background-color properties.You probably won't need most, or any, of your <img> elements.
  16. The source of the margin on the right is the relative positioning of the #section1 element.The margin on the bottom is caused by relative positioning on the .background3, #travel, #registry, .section4 and #contactus. Also the fact that you're not using a background color on some of your elements. Relative and absolute positioning always create problems. I believe many of your images are unnecessary as well. Instead of positioning, just write the content and let the page arrange itself. Block elements automatically take up the full width of the screen and occupy just as much height as they need.
  17. Accessing files on the computer requires the file:// protocol. You can access a file like this: file:///C:\Document%20and%20Settings\Users\Me\Images\file.jpg If the HTML file is on your own computer you can use a relative path which doesn't need the file:// protocol.
  18. Google retrieves the value on every key press.
  19. You need to use the value property of the textarea, rather than the innerHTML. I think jQuery uses .val() for that.
  20. Until CSS3, a background image is only as big as the actual image file you used. You can choose to repeat it or give it a position.CSS3 has properties that allow you to scale backgrounds:http://www.w3schools...backgrounds.asp Support for CSS3 is growing but I still keep from using a majority of the new properties these days. It seems Internet Explorer 9 supports the new background properties, but personally I still design sites to be supported down to IE7.
  21. Ingolme

    Screen resolution

    Something will be centered, regardless of the screen resolution, by using the proper centering technique for the element. Centering an image would mean to use "text-align: center" on the parent element.To center a block element, give it a fixed width and set its margin to "0 auto"
  22. If you make the numbers a background image you could use a CSS sprites technique to select the number. http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_image_sprites.asp
  23. By slide do you mean to change position?This example shows how to move things: http://www.w3schools.com/dhtml/tryit.asp?filename=trydhtml_imagemoveHowever, you're going to have to add +"px" to the style.left assignment because the invalid value is preventing the script from working properly.
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