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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. If you don't know CSS you'll never make a decent page. HTML is just not intended for designing. W3Schools has a good CSS tutorial and you should look at it. Also, you really should fix the errors that the HTML validator showed you.
  2. When running in standards compliant mode, images have a small space below them by default. This only occurs with Strict and HTML 5 doctypes.You can give the image a bottom margin with CSS if you want some separation.
  3. Javascript doesn't have permissions to open processes on the client's computer. Javascript is only able to manipulate the web page that it is running on.
  4. I would start by fixing some of the errors listed here: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fjoostk.com%2Fart.html&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
  5. As long as you've included a file once, it is available for the rest of the script, no matter how many other files you include. To prevent a file being included multiple times accidentally, use include_once() or require_once().
  6. Just put the URL of the image in the src attribute of the <img> tag. If the image doesn't show up they might have a hotlinking protection. Make sure you have permission to use these images, if a mad copyright owner goes after you you'll be in trouble.
  7. The way to remove default rules is to set margin and padding yourself. Try setting border width to 0 on the text inputs, it probably will fix some of the problem.
  8. If you're planning to allow other developers to design layouts and templates with your custom content management system it is better to allow them to work with it as ordinary HTML rather than using PHP to print out the code.
  9. Ingolme

    PHP Min Max

    You have a condition for each price range From 0 to 0.99: (price < 1) fee = 0.09From 1.00 to 5.99: (price >= 1 && price < 6) fee = 0.1399 or above: (price >= 99) fee = 1.34
  10. The description won't be updated until Google indexes your site again, which can take up to a few weekd.
  11. This is a good tutorial on how to make a proper layout, I'm not sure if it's a bit outdated since I haven't read through the whole thing in a while:http://www.subcide.com/articles/creating-a-css-layout-from-scratch/ You must read through and understand every page if you want to make your layout properly because there are a lot of important details to have in mind.
  12. Ingolme


    Flash is much more difficult than HTML and Javascript. If you can't handle HTML and Javascript, you won't be able to learn Flash.
  13. The "position: absolute" property completely messes up layouts and causes overlapping, you probably need to rethink your code.
  14. I believe he's trying to find out if "p" is a vowel. And that expression won't do it. That expression evaluates to true because "p" is equivalent to true.
  15. Check the error console. In Firefox you can see it by pressing Control+Shift+J. It probably says "document.getElementById("alliance_rank") is null"
  16. When you call the function, you should do it like this: alert( vowel("p") ? "true" : "false" );
  17. You can have it write to the database table immediately, but have a field in the table that indicates whether the data has been reviewed or not.
  18. What do you mean by "define"? If you have a folder inside include/ and you want to use a file that's there, then put the path to the file: require_once('include/new_folder/file.php');
  19. You forgot to wrap the function in braces: function vowel(i) {}
  20. When you're doing a heavy amount of drawing you will start to notice that things are being drawn and erased on the screen. If the application is very simple that won't happen.
  21. It seems you're not familiar with Javascript. You can use a loop. var i;for(i = 1; i <= 9; i++) { $(".views-row-" + i + " .readmore").toggle(function() { ... more code here }}
  22. The search engine does not ignore query strings, ever. If you want it to ignore a particular part of the query string (such as "sid=aaaaaaa") then you have to make a Google Webmasters account and tell it to.
  23. There's nothing complicated about it. You just add the code I showed you earlier in the <head> section and that's it. <meta name="description" content="This is the description of my page"> If your page is dynamic, you can have PHP set the value of the <meta> tag so that whenever google finds it it will adapt to whatever was cached at the time.
  24. It has to do with the HTML structure of your site. Google will use what is in the meta description tag: <meta name="description" content="This is my site"> If you don't have a description meta tag, then Google will use whatever it thinks is relevant. It's good to use <h1>, <h2>, <h3> ... and <p> elements to give a proper structure to your document.
  25. This is done using Flash.To do it in HTML 5 is very complicated. It requires a lot of Javascript coding.
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