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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, SAI Paint, Paint.NET. They're cheaper or free.There's also Photoshop Elements which is like Photoshop but with less options. I got it free with my drawing tablet. Every image editor has some form of "resize canvas" option, event MS Paint. Photoshop has the special slice tool, I'm not sure if GIMP has it. Photoshop is pretty expensive.
  2. There's more than one way to do it.Photoshop has a "slice" function that selects a portion of the image and removes everything else. Another way you could do it is select "canvas size" from the Image menu and make it smaller.
  3. SMIL is a microsoft technology and isn't going to go far, I wouldn't look too deep into it, HTML with Javascript does the job much better. RSS is a good thing to have on your site, but more popular these days is "share" buttons, so I think RSS is becoming obsolete. SVG is the most portable form of vector graphics at the moment, but it's not really used on the web; Flash and HTML canvas perform the interactive parts of SVG much better.
  4. If you don't have access to a server-side language you're going to have to manipulate the files manually. Either that, or program a desktop application to do it. This doesn't sound like the way a site should be run. Why can't you use a server-side language?
  5. You can use getElementsByTagName() to get a list of <revision> elements and then check the <timestamp> element of each one. I'm imagining PHP for this, but any server-side language that has XML DOM implemented would do.
  6. W3Schools did not make the forum software. If you have any complaints or suggestions about the forum software you have to sent it to http://www.invisionpower.com/
  7. HTML alone can't do that. You have to manually change every page. You're going to need a server-side language if you want to solve that problem. If HTML could do everything on its own, there wouldn't be server-side languages.
  8. HTML can't save anything. You will need to learn a server-side language. Server-side languages only work on servers that support them, so you can't just make a file on your desktop for it, you need to install a server onto your computer. The most popular server-side language on the forum is PHP.
  9. I don't understand why you're so sure that people are going to buy these paintings. Do you have a good marketing advisor?
  10. Ingolme


    It depends on the purpose of the data. If it's meant to be shown on an HTML page, use htmlspecialchars().If you're putting data into a database then use real_escape_string or prepared statements.
  11. Ingolme


    You mean to show a link? Just print the link: echo '<a href="URL">Link name</a>'; If I went any further here I'd be doing it for you and you wouldn't learn anything. I suggest looking through the PHP tutorials and the manual because this is really simple. foreach() loop PHP arrays
  12. Ingolme


    You don't need to worry about efficiency with this kind of thingUse a foreach() loop to access all the elements: foreach($menu as $name => $url) { echo "Link name: {$name}<br>Link url: {$url}";}
  13. You need a different element to put the sprite in.
  14. Ingolme

    Realtime form

    You can run a function with the onkeyup event, but that would be Javascript and not PHP.
  15. Something is deprecated when it is maintained only for backwards compatibility and its use is discouraged.
  16. You could render the model from 100 different angles and just put all the pre-rendered images into a movieclip and just play that movieclip forwards or backwards with actionscript to rotate the model.
  17. I'm supposing it had to do with the MIME types ("photos/gif", "photos/jpeg", ...)
  18. Ingolme


    The <iframe> element is not deprecated anymore in HTML 5 because it has uses in javascript.
  19. The actual difference between <p></p> and <br> is that <p> indicates that the text is a paragraph while <br> tells the browser to put a line break there.
  20. There's no way you'll get an L-shaped table cell. Table cells are always rectangular. With a bit of CSS you could create a separate table inside one of the cells and move it to the bottom right of the cell.
  21. If users post content on your site, you are required to remove anything that violates copyright as soon as the original author requests it. If you do that, there shouldn't be any legal problems for you as long as you do that. Responsibility falls upon the user (you should state it clearly in your terms of service)
  22. That is non-standard behavior so it may not work in all browsers. You should only use standard elements and attributes if you want to code a website professionally.
  23. Presentational attributes were deprecated in HTML 4.01 (They were valid in HTML 3.2)I don't think there ever was a "color" attribute. No color attribute appears in the list of attributes here: http://w3schools.com/tags/tag_hr.asp All presentational attributes are removed in HTML 5. Here's the page the the <hr> element in HTML 5, the color attribute is not present: http://w3schools.com/html5/tag_hr.asp
  24. I had no trouble installing Notepad++ on Windows 7. Be sure to download the windows installer file and not any of the source code ones.
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