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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. One possible solution is to give top padding to the container of the main content which is equal to the height of the header.
  2. That is not a good idea. Iframes have a terrible way of messing with the browser history among many other problems, PHP is a much better option. Why do you want to remove PHP? To answer your questions: The content in an iframe should be a complete document with a <!doctype>,<head> and <body> The window title will not change when the iframe changes, so you would have to use Javascript if you want that to happen. You would need Javascript if you want the iframe to be the same height as the document that it contains. There are only very special cases where using an iframe is not a bad idea and all of them are when building Javascript applications, not websites.
  3. Because the "+" operator concatenates strings as well as adding numbers. The computer determines which operation to do based on the data type of the variables. The value property of an HTML form control is always a string, so you have to convert it to a number before doing number operations on it.
  4. This is called a "byte-order mark" or "BOM". Be sure that your code editor is set to save your HTML with an encoding UTF-8 without BOM. The other thing you need to do to prevent encoding issues is to add a meta tag indicating that your document is encoded in UTF-8: <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5. Please, do not reply to really old topics.
  6. Please note that linking to competing tutorial websites is not permitted by the forum guidelines.
  7. You specifically set them to 48% of the window, so they always fit on one row. If you want them to wrap, you have to give them a width which will eventually not fit in the window and then they will move into columns. Alternatively, you can remove the width property and just use a media query to change the flex-direction to column on mobile devices.
  8. You can add a hash to the URL to which indicates the ID of the tab to be shown. When the page loads, you can use location.hash to access this value and then run the openCity() function with the ID obtained. The openCity() function would need to be changed to replace evt.currentTarget with a real pointer to the button that needs to be highlighted. If you don't understand how this openCity() function works right now, I suggest you keep studying until you can fully understand it and know what to change.
  9. It is explained on this page: https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_classes.asp Following the note is an entire section talking about the self parameter.
  10. The property is "flex-wrap" with a dash between the words.
  11. You might want to find a hardware forum rather than a web development forum.
  12. Ingolme

    Add R

    How does R relate to the World Wide Web?
  13. minlength is not the same as min. Min is to indicate the smallest value in number and date types. minlength indicates the shortest permitted string in a text input.
  14. What would an app do that the website is not currently doing?
  15. The variable "stdcd" is not defined, you need to assign an input element to it before you can use it. You can access an element using one of many DOM methods such as getElementById() or querySelector()
  16. Your browser detection code is going to pick up a whole lot of false positives. Please check the page I linked to earlier to read about more accurate detection for Safari.
  17. You're restricting the height to the window size by setting it to 100%. You will have to remove that height declaration to make it stretch to the entire length of the document. If you need that 100% height for layout reasons then you can put the gradient in the body instead. The body cannot have a height rule then, but you can give it a min-height to make sure the gradient is still large enough even if the content is short.
  18. You need to set up a database table to store information about the profile card. The edit page would be a form with fields for each item you want to edit. You can learn about form handling here. https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.asp Here's a tutorial on how to upload the image: https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp For information about storing this information in the database see the full MySQL tutorial https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp
  19. You are missing curly braces around the body of the clr() function.
  20. background-attachment: fixed; should keep the gradient in place.
  21. I just checked on MDN and it seems that Safari actually does what I was thinking: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date Probably the best you can do is some browser detection. Safari has a lot of stupid quirks that make even Internet Explorer look good.
  22. You will have to start learning a server-side programming language such as PHP. It is not easy, be patient and take your time to learn it properly before applying it to projects.
  23. You haven't specified a generic fallback font (usually serif or sans-serif) and you forgot a semi-colon after the font-family rule.
  24. I'd remove all text direction modifiers. They are the Unicode characters 202A, 202B, 202C, 202D, 202E, 202F.
  25. It would be best to do that with a server-side language like PHP because Javascript poses an accessibility risk.
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