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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. Find the .htaccess file, and add this in there:AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
  2. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    Well, the amount of rain (we're talking 40 days of continuous raining, right?) would probably lower the percentage of salt to a tiny decimal or something.
  3. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    Well, plant seeds can handle some water you know... :)Good point about the necessary food though. Carnivores would definitely go after herbivores if there wasn't already enough food for them. And they would need food for God knows how many animals, for 40 days and 40 nights (right?).In fact if the stories of Adam and Eve or the story of Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives are true, we are all the result of inbreed. Isn't that a sin as well? So you can't take the Bible literally.
  4. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    Hehe, Bill Hicks gives an argument on that in the video Revelations. He says he's been talking with a fundamentalist christian who believes the world is 12,000 years old. Then he asks him a one-word question: Dinosaur? And indeed, it seems weird that God would mess with our heads. Would God (if he exists) deceive us like that?
  5. Most likely it's using PHP, but it can also be another serverside technology. It's possible to configure your server you see, so it for example parses .html files for php, which is likely to be what they have done.
  6. Jonas


    Indeed he is, but it is largely up to us mods as well. We best know what goes on at the forum, as we "run" it on a regular basis, so our opinion goes a long way.
  7. Jonas


    Yeah, nice conspiracy theory there...Although there is really no proof that Q33 was actually the flight number of any of the planes involved in the terrible events of 9/11.http://www.answers.com/topic/q33-ny
  8. Jonas

    One question

    You mean hege@refsnesdata.no?And as for translation of w3schools.com content, here is the last quote from kaijim (site admin and w3schools spokesperson on the forum):http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...post&p=2044This still stands as the last word. Also, the already linked-to about copyright page claims: So you'd need a written permission either way. I don't know if email counts.
  9. Jonas


    Actually, many of the urls that the spammers link to include words that are filtered, and as such a smart add-on would be a filter that searched strings for http and one of the words that are filtered through the admin panel. Of course, to write something like that, one would need a very deep knowledge of Invision Power Board.
  10. Jonas


    I think you're taking it a bit too literal. Of course he doesn't mean there's going to be 99 mods. I think even 3 or 4 is more than we need. The main priority isn't quantity, but location, getting people from different timezones that also have a certain level of maturity. There are currently four mods, btw.
  11. Jonas


    Hey, what you do on your own time, that's your business. That doesn't mean that it should be allowed on a public forum, and I'm absolutely 100% sure that w3schools.com don't want to condone or allow something of that nature (pornography). I'm saying if the members feel it is needed to hinder spam even more, we should oblige. If things are cool the way they are, and we delete the spam fast enough for most people, I think we're fine with the number of mods we have. So it really depends on what you (plural) want the mods to do.
  12. Jonas


    Yes it does, but with an increasing amount of members come an increasing amount of spam, and with it there should perhaps be an increasing amount of mods..? If more mods are to be selected, it's most likely only one or perhaps two. Possibly because he's aware that there are posters as young as eleven -11- here. Yeah, we will, but it wouldn't hurt if we got to it faster. And thinking of IP blocking and other possibilities for hindering spammers, more mods are definetely needed, as running IP-searches can be quite time-demanding. Just saying that we're all going to see nudity sooner or later anyway is not a really good argument. By that logic we could just leave all the spam be. Also, you should really separate the term "nudity" from "pornography" which the spam typically is. People who are naturists/nudists/whatever term you use would probably still, and should, shield their children from viewing pornography.
  13. Jonas


    Actually posts with the X on are just locked. We usually do this with threads that are redundant or just questionable and not necessarily spam. There's a lot of spam topics that you can't see.And regarding more mods, we'll see if that's a possibility.
  14. Jonas


    There's rarely a pattern like that in spammers name. If you think that, you've only seen and reported quite a few. I brought forwards an example from the general forum to show you what I mean:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4642
  15. Jonas


    We can't moderate and approve every new member, that won't work, even if more members are modded to help, it's just too time demanding. But I agree we should try to stop the spam somehow. IP block is one way, if we find IP's that are used for more than one account and spamming. It's being discussed. Still, that would also take quite some time.
  16. Jonas

    New here and love it!

    No advertizing please.
  17. Here's a collection of introductions where you can post yours if you want:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=828Welcome to the forums.
  18. You probably mean the Acid2 test...http://www.webstandards.org/action/acid2/guide/http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.htmlAlthough Opera is really the only browser of the three mentioned to show the image properly. If you read the guide link, you'll see why, as the image is really a mix of webstandards, and this proves that Opera has the best support for said standards (of the three). Safari for Mac also shows the image as it was meant to be shown.Discussion on this can continue here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8655Thank you.
  19. Jonas

    Xbox 360 for 100$

    Ok, no advertising please.
  20. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    That you can do. Make us agree with your point of view is something you can never do (not with me atleast), but I suppose that goes both ways...
  21. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    Do they think or do they "instinct" (that should so be a verb)? Act on instinct that is.
  22. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    You're disagreeing with me believing what I believe? :)One born rich and one born poor has nothing to do with things being destined in the way I'm talking about, as in decided by a higher power. The reason why one person is born rich and one poor is that the one person's parents (grandparents, forefathers, whatever) are rich while the others are poor. It is predecided, and one person is born with options the other may never have, but I still don't think it "destiny", it's what the people have made of themselves based on what they had to begin with. And it is possible to change your stars.When you say a person is destined for great things, you believe a person will be in some way great because of some indication telling you this despite it not lying openly in the cards the person has been dealt. If that makes sense...
  23. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    Well, the scientists are still working on it, and it remains one of the biggest mysteries. There's a differance in accepting just not knowing and actually believing in something to explain things. Personally, I prefer philosophy over religion. When I hear of a child being killed prematurely, and people say "God has a purpose with everything", that's just a cliché that annoys me. "Although we don't always see it, God has a plan." Just settling with that is something I can't do. I don't believe my life on earth has a purpose other than the purpose I give myself, and my destiny is largely as I make it myself (with the surrounding taken into account). You might say "if you can't settle for not knowing, why don't you study the big bang yourself?" Because that's not what I want with my life. I'm perfectly happy not knowing how it happened, and I don't feel the need to believe in something to explain it. In my every day life, it's not important how it happened, so I'd rather study something that interests me more on a personal level. Like I said in the paragraph above, I don't need to know what happened or existed before, I know the Big Bang happened (or at least I have been taught that, and so for every purpose I know). How that happened doesn't affect my decisions in life, and so it doesn't matter. Ah, Plato. Have you read philosophy of Immanuel Kant by any chance.
  24. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    which was of course not what I meant either...
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