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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. Jonas

    Browser Discussion

    Huh?? It's just a joke. Look at the system requirements. I tried downloading it. You just download the setup file for IE7 from microsoft.com...
  2. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    I'm not angry with you for your beliefs, but I do think it's really narrow-minded, and I could never see it the same way. Even if I believed in a higher being, a deity, the creation would have to date back to the Big Bang, because that's the only thing they can't explain (as of now at least). Before the Big Bang there was nothing, or they don't know what. Still, the world being only 6,000 years old is just ridiculous to me.Have you heard of Bill Hicks? You should rent the DVD Revelations and see it through. For example, if the world is only 6,000 years old (or 12,000 as some fundamentalist christians think), why wasn't dinosaurs mentioned in the bible? Why have scientists dug up fossils that show evidence of dinosaurs having existed? Do you not believe in dinosaurs having existed?
  3. Jonas

    Browser Discussion

    Microsoft takes over Firefox production...
  4. Jonas


    Sort of like "gotchas"?
  5. Jonas

    OT: Humans

    That's a romantic view of nature then, like in the 1800-1850 era. I'm not saying there's something wrong with that image of nature, I partially do that myself. When someone say nature, I immediately think green fields and uninhabited (by humans) areas. RahXephon's question really depends on whether you tie nature with the connotations or denotation. I consider us (humans) part of nature, as in part of this world, ecosystems, originating from evolution, subject to the "powers" of nature such as the different elements, and yet we are above our outside nature in that we are so much more advanced and aware of ourselves in a whole other way. We have a language to communicate and describe our own reality. At the same time, we are, as Agent Smith puts it in the Matrix; a disease.
  6. Well that Bill Gates thing's just obvious...
  7. What's even weirder is that I just copied the squares in here to show to justsomeguy, and got this:畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴Anyone here good at chinese?
  8. Okay, so that's a google bomb, but did you know there's also a reverse microsoft bomb?1. Open notepad.2. Type in "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)3. Save the file as *.txt (*=free choice)4. Close notepad5. Open the file againIt would seem microsoft disapproves of Bush criticism.
  9. 1. Do a google image search (doesn't matter what picture you search for)2. Copy and paste this into the adress field: java script:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200;DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style;DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin (R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5;DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0); 3. Press enter.4. Laugh:)Or you can just try the same code with this forum as a basis.
  10. Yeah, no one can claim copyright on html code. Full layouts/designs on the other hand...
  11. 1. That's REALLY old news by now.2. This topic has nothing to do with this forum. Sooo...
  12. Jonas

    AJAX Forum

    Ok then. I thought there had to be different ways of interacting with the different serverside script, but hey...
  13. Jonas

    AJAX Forum

    If you ask me, we don't need an AJAX forum any more than we need a DHTML forum. I could simply not understand the size of AJAX, but like aspnetguy says, it's javascript and xml. But AJAX is different for each serverside language as well, right? Like there is cfAJAX and phpAJAX and stuff. Therefore it would be better to put topics regarding AJAX in the javascript forum or otherwise in a serverside language forum with AJAX spesification in the title.
  14. Jonas


    Heh. Bookmarks of yours?
  15. Jonas

    Instant Messaging

    Many ways to go. Sounds like you want what they call a "shoutbox". You can use basically any scripting language for this, PHP, ASP(.Net), ColdFusion, JSP, JAVA, Flash, PERL combined with basically any database, XML, MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, MS Access... :)Don't know about sample codes though, sorry. To start you off, might I suggest Google?
  16. Hmm, that's interesting. There's already the html one as you may or may not know: <span id="attribute">Lorem ipsum...</span><!-- comment --> Other highlighting would be cool. The question is how to do that...
  17. So you want something like this:Alternative A Alternative B Other (specify) And when clicking the radio-button for Other, you get a text-area? Hmm, I think if you want the submit button to catch the input from the text-area, that it has to be there in the code in advance, so it can be accessed serverside. So what you would want to do is make the code for the text-area, and rather set it to visibility: hidden; by default, or maybe display: none; so it pushes the rest down on appearing. I think it's best to use the html event onselect to launch the java script:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_eventattributes.aspDo you have the script down from there?
  18. Jonas


    Adding a personal photo is disallowed alltogether.
  19. How about including a button in the code, hiding it with css and bringing it back with javascript on focus. Would that work?
  20. How is the computer powerful in doing bad? I'd say the advantages of being able to use computers are far outweighed by the few (in comparison to total computer quantity) who are attacked.
  21. Can you elaborate on your approach to learning this? Do you merely read the pages of tutorials, hoping to get the idea of programming? You have to practice as well as read the theory to learn it.
  22. Jonas

    .Net guestbook

    Allright, cool.
  23. Jonas

    .Net guestbook

    Nice, one db file and one index file. I notice there's no html tags and stuff like that. Are they created on the server? Or do I include this file in another aspx file where I have typed out my html and css the way I want it? I'd like it to validate to transitional xhtml if possible.I don't have access to a server to test it on until next wednesday. :|
  24. Well, I don't know about the police, but I know the judicial system or the law cares. Heard of extenuating circumstances? Forgive me for being picky and technical. If that's what this debate boils down to, you'll hear me give a wholehearted no. Technology goes back to stuff like discovering how to force bonfires ("make" fire) and inventing the wheel. Technology has definetely done more good.And I consider the computer a blessing, so long as the tasks you can manage without it are not forgotten and we become dependant of it, not being able to go back.
  25. Cause adding a doctype tells the browser in a way how to process and display things, instead of interpreting it on its own.
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