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Everything posted by Jonas

  1. Jonas

    Opera icon

    Or perhaps Opera doesn't want any association with IE...
  2. It's possible we can answer your questions. Fire away.
  3. That's just awesome. Samy is now my hero.
  4. You can't do anything like that with CSS. CSS is purely for layout/style. When you talk about guestbook you're immediately talking about serverside-languages like php, asp(.net), cold fusion, jsp, java, perl or similar...
  5. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/ssi.htmlIt's <!--#include ... -->. If you have a space before the # sign, it's just treated as a regular comment I think...
  6. The way I see it everything's made up of 0 and 1... http://www.adcott.net/binary/
  7. I started learning html one and a half years ago in computers class in high school, but it was like a mix of html 2.0 and 3.2. After w3schools I bet I could teach it way better than my teacher did...
  8. You mean the HTML editor like this:http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...e=tryhtml_basicIf you just look at the source and grab it you won't get the same functionality that you would with w3schools' version, because they're using ASP to output what you write, and so that ASP code doesn't show. HTML itself can't do anything like that. However, you can do something similar with java script:http://home.no.net/jonvel/try_it/*shameless plug*
  9. How aboutli {line-height: ??px;}Does that work?
  10. Don't think it's meant like that. There's a differance between getting help making the skin (thinking it out the design, positioning, sizes, perhaps making graphics, buttons etc.) and getting help employing it because there's for example some gotcha that you need to know.
  11. I may be wrong, but isn't the forum hardly one year old, not even that?
  12. On that note...Updated announcement
  13. Jonas

    events and CSS

    Well, you could usediv:hover.menuitem {}but IE6 and lower doesn't support :hover on any elements other than anchor elements. You could, however, instead of div's, display your anchors as block elements:a.menuitem {display: block;width: same as the width you now have on the divs;height: same as the height you now have on the divs;background: #000;}a:hover.menuitem {background: #008000;}
  14. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/affiliateAffiliates on websites is a great idea...
  15. Jonas

    Browser Discussion

    Wouldn't GIMP or PS work?
  16. Jonas

    Browser Discussion

    Figured it out, I just used the adress like this:http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/%sand Use POST: false...
  17. Jonas

    Browser Discussion

    Very cool. I can't figure out how to do that with another website. Say I wanted to make http://www.dictionary.com/ searchable through using the letter "d" and my search word. The dictionary looks up the word like this:http://www.dictionary.com/browse/searchword
  18. Please continue here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5939And try, in the future, to stick to one forum for your topic. This topic is about xml and more particularly about xslt, so it would best go in the XSLT forum. Always try to analyse your topic and then put it in the forum you deem most suitable...Thank you.
  19. Please continue here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5939And try, in the future, to stick to one forum for your topic. This topic is about xml and more particularly about xslt, so it would best go in the XSLT forum. Always try to analyse your topic and then put it in the forum you deem most suitable...Thank you.
  20. Jonas

    A layout issue

    Please continue here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5939And try, in the future, to stick to one forum for your topic. This topic is about xml and more particularly about xslt, so it would best go in the XSLT forum. Always try to analyse your topic and then put it in the forum you deem most suitable...Thank you.
  21. Jonas


    webarchive.org I think...
  22. Yeah, I think we'll end with that conclusion.
  23. If you're already into PHP, you should look into Serverside Includes (SSI) to include different content based on different conditions. Frames and iframes usually looks ugly, and has a lot of disadvantages.
  24. So you basically just want the [ Submit ] button to continually move away from the mouse? If it's not important being able to actually submit something in the end, I suppose this is a javascript issue...
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