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Everything posted by dsonesuk

  1. dsonesuk

    browser issues

    if you have space between 'L' and span, you will get a space whose width is determined by font size used. System L <span>o</span>rds should be System L<span>o</span>rds to centre the wrap you need to define width: 950px; and margin: 0 auto; as you original had it in my FIRST post where i said 'this is correct keep it!' but now should read 'this WAS correct , What are you doing?" Also the image looks further towards the left OR text looks further to the right, compared to all my browsers.
  2. You think? So you are wasting time trying to reset a auto incrementing id value, that no-one would even consider bothering with? where 99.9999999% of time the client would not even know what a auto incrementing id value is and probably couldn't care less, as long as the site works as it should, ALL based on a assumption.
  3. dsonesuk

    browser issues

    The right column is interfering with the text, so we are going to take that out of the flow of other elements, by setting the text container to position absolute also, you will have to give .relative a different name, as it is not relative anymore (.inner_title ?). .title { font-size: 2.2em; letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 190%; margin: 140px auto 0 85px; width: 600px; word-spacing: 3px; position: relative;}img.stargate, img.unactivated { left: 338px; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 23px;}.relative { position: absolute;font-style:italic; font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif;font-size:2.2em; text-indent: 37px; top:70px; left:0;}.relative span {font-size: 1.4em;line-height: 50px;margin: 0; visibility: hidden;}#right { color: #000099; letter-spacing: 1px; margin-top: 120px; position: relative; z-index: 400;float: right;}</style><!--[if IE 7]><style type="text/css">img.unactivated,img.stargate {top:71px;}#right {width:377px;}.title {line-height:normal; width: auto;}.relative {line-height: 180%; top: 10px;}</style><![endif]-->
  4. I´ll do it how thescientist said (wipe the table - I also read that!) Thanks for the explanation!How do I do it safe? I see dodo and a fan coming to mind here....please make backup. Question WHY reset the ID,? you are not going to run out of numbers, it does not matter if they are in the wrong order, or don't run in sequence, or have gaps, as you WILL ALWAYS end up with this situation as rows of data are deleted and replaced. The only reason someone would do this is, is if they have a serious OCD problem, and can't function/sleep unless the id runs in a orderly sequence starting from 1.
  5. dsonesuk

    browser issues

    <style type="text/css">.title { font-size: 2.2em; letter-spacing: 2px; line-height: 190%; margin: 140px auto 0 85px; width: 600px; word-spacing: 3px;}img.stargate { left: 338px; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 23px;}img.unactivated { left: 338px; margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; top: 23px;}.relative { position: relative;font-style:italic; font-family: 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif;font-size:2.2em; text-indent: 37px;}.relative span {font-size: 1.4em;line-height: 50px;margin: 0; visibility: hidden;}</style><!--[if IE 7]><style type="text/css">img.unactivated,img.stargate {top:71px;}</style><![endif]--> <div class="title">STARGATE<div class="relative">System L<span>o</span>rds<img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/0.gif" class="unactivated"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/1.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/2.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/3.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/4.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/5.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/6.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/7.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/8.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/9.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/10.gif" class="stargate"><img width="65" height="45" alt="chevron 1" src="http://stargatesystemlords.com/images/stargate/activation/11.gif" class="stargate"></div></div>
  6. dsonesuk

    browser issues

    #wrap {width: 950px;min-height:800px;margin: 0 auto;border:2px solid black;} this is correct keep it! With outer container with font styling used for centring itself and the text, images within the main body, you should give this container position: relative; so with this the position: absolute; images will position themselves relative to the outer edge of this container, also consider keeping the text together not separate, you can use a span with visibility: hidden; to hide content (letter 'o' of different px size) but maintain the space it occupies, unlike display: none; where you would lose content and the space. If you don't define at least the top and left properties of a position absolute elements, margins will seem work in some browsers, but! you get different results in other browsers, and also they position themselves relative to margins of other elements, but again this is inconsistent between different browsers. position:absolute = no margins, no padding but only top, left (least required), right, bottom
  7. $(document).ready(function(){$(".myclass").each(function(){alert($(this).height());});}); works fine even if elements are using display: none;
  8. With overflow: hidden; any beyond width 220px becomes hidden, white-space: nowrap; will prevent text moving to new line when reaching end of container, text-overflow: ??? new to me! never used it, as far as i can see you get the same result using overflow: hidden;
  9. So! as you can't add anything within the div container, you want to target any keyword, or specific keyword that appears in all show/hide div containers that will trigger the show/hide function. one requires array storage of different keyword belonging to specific div elements, finding these specific keywords and surrounding with a anchor link with classname, and applying a onclick event to show and hide its parent div container, other will use all the previous steps, but without the array storage.
  10. Using height:100%; for elements other than html, body will cause those elements height to extent to height of body or browser screen, I should try using min-height: 100%; instead.
  11. When the ajax places the new content into the required div, reapply the reinitialization of the prettyphoto function if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {document.getElementById(targetDiv).innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText;$("a[rel^=prettyPhoto]").prettyPhoto();}
  12. Truespace its a 3d modelling program which was bought up by microsoft, but you can download it for free. When you finished creating the model, you can record and move parts of the model to create animation, then save as a movie format.
  13. dsonesuk

    date range

    Yes you have to use $datecount, but because the value will be the previous days value you would increase it by 1, which will make it fall between $startDate and $endDate, and don't forget you have to compare it not by just the day, but month and year also in format of "Ymd", then echo the tr element with id.
  14. Heres something i put together many months ago when i had a quite period, using Truespace http://s1047.photobucket.com/albums/b472/dsonesuk/?action=view&current=stargate.mp4
  15. I still have 2000 version, and that works just! the wizard i always i thought was not the brightest Gandalf in the covenant (well not in my version), i think you have to type the actual table/query name it is referring to [thistable] or [thisquery]
  16. It is such a long time since i did this, IF you are using a query, you could use Search within the actual field to show specific content if that's any help =["Search for Whatever"] The other option is to create drop list where you select what you are looking for, and the query reruns looking for your selection, but this involve setting up a macro, to compare to selection, and update results. Edit: just clear up what happens with =["Search for Whatever"] , this causes a dialog box to appear, with title 'Search for whatever' where you fill in you search word, then hit ok! and away it goes and do its thing
  17. Personally I don't like creating unnecessary bg images, when background-color: with opacity, works just fine! Also works in ALL browsers AND also where i can change transparent colour instantly without the need for creating a new image everytime! But! its just my preference.
  18. Give the container on which you want to use opacity a position: relative;, within that create EMPTY div and and give id ref "trans_bg" #trans_bg{position: absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0background:#976548;opacity:0.20;filter:alpha(opacity=20);} you may need to apply z-index: to force this below text.
  19. ??? apply transparent background, background-color: transparent; remove background color or image ie ALL background: none; EDIT: if you are using opacity, and IE crappy filter blah blah, IT and ALL its child elements become transparent also;
  20. How are you creating html documents, Notepad? are you saving using encoding UTF-8? also try <img src="file:///C|/Users/Len0/Documents/HTML%20Tutorials/goose.bmp" alt="This is a bmp picture" />
  21. dsonesuk


    when do you use a cricket bata) game of tennisB) game of cricketc) game of badminton
  22. min-height: is usually used for the outer container, which contains the three columns AND header, this will then always be the same height of the browser screen until the content of ether column exceeds the screen height, then the height will match the height of the highest column. You can't really make each column match the height of the other columns, yet!, but you can use position: absolute; background div element to give the illusion, that they do, only if side columns have different background colour to main content. OR if you can guarantee the main content will always be higher than side columns, give outer container background-color of side columns, and required background for main content column instead.
  23. what like function styleChange(e){if(e.innerHTML.search("Click me") > -1){e.style.height != '300px' ? e.style.height = '300px' : e.style.height = '1em';}} <div class="dont_target_me">you can click me, but i won't do anything</div><div class="target_me"> Click me </div><div class="target_me"> Click </div><div class="dont_target_me">you can click me, but i won't do anything</div><div class="target_me"> Click </div><div>you can click me, but i won't do anything</div><div class="target_me"> Click me </div>
  24. window.onload=function(){var div_elem = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(i=0; i<div_elem.length;i++) { if(div_elem[i].className == 'target_me') { div_elem[i].onclick=function() { styleChange(this) } } } } function styleChange(e){e.style.height != '300px' ? e.style.height = '300px' : e.style.height = '1em'} <div class="dont_target_me">you can click me, but i won't do anything</div><div class="target_me"> Click </div><div class="target_me"> Click </div><div class="dont_target_me">you can click me, but i won't do anything</div><div class="target_me"> Click </div><div>you can click me, but i won't do anything</div><div class="target_me"> Click </div>
  25. When you have several div's (plural), at the point of clicking you are clicking div (singular), which is one div (singular) of many div's (plural), what's the matter, am i not allowed to point out the EXAMPLE is only intended to work with 1 div, and height needs adjusting.
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