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Everything posted by niche

  1. We have to always minimize our self inflicted wounds. It always surprises me how much good a walk around the block can do.
  2. Winkies noted. Turns out I the problem was I was reading the manual. My notepad displayed this instruction: "8. LOGIN using username: admin password:pointofsale9. Enjoy" Turns out it was supposed to read: "8. LOGIN using username: admin password:pointofsale9. Enjoy" Who would of thunk? So Called, keep reminding me to read the docs and I'll avoid being too close to my question. Thanks to you too justsomeguy for reminding me to verify what the code's doing.
  3. How about we help you write it yourself. Please see these tutorials: http://www.developph.../list_mysql.php under the heading of Basics of MySQL Interaction I don't think w3schools has that info though I might be wrong.
  4. Only a newbie wouldn't have read the manual before posting. The info in the application/config/config.php specifically says "If you use the Encryption class or the Session class..." I've tried commenting that line out and setting the value to '' without success. They have a forum that looks like they might get back to you so I thought I'd ask around here. If something comes to mind please let me know. In the meantime, I'll start coding our new POS scripts. This is why I'd rather make instead of buy even when it's free.
  5. Please post the url of the specific icons you're talking about. Are they at the w3schools site?
  6. I downloaded Sourceforge's point of sale system and I haven't been able to logon to it. The password, they gave, doesn't work and I'm wondering if it has to do with something called an "encryption_key" that I think is somehow connected to something called "codelighter". Anyway, I don't use an encryption_key and would like to know how you'd respond if you were told this and you didn't use an encryption_key either ? : "Modify application/config/config.php encryption key with your own" And the relevant part of application/config/config.php says" /*|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Encryption Key|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| If you use the Encryption class or the Session class you| MUST set an encryption key. See the user guide for info.|*/ $config['encryption_key'] = 'PUT_YOUR_ENCRYPTION_KEY_HERE';
  7. Do you mean a bubble effect like this: http://theroostergroup.com/ (hover the Rooster Design Group logo)?
  8. Just mod google's iframe to get control of the map space and post your code! Otherwise, communication won't be strong.
  9. OK. Remember almost nothing randomly happens in code. If you're going to position with float, generally, everything has to be floated or has to inherit its float.
  10. Here's what you need to do for the answer you need. Use margin to set all your margins for simplicity. http://www.w3schools.../css_margin.asp ...and use float consistently. Remember, if an element's out of the flow, it won't be where you need it.
  11. everything in your box8 class will float right unless you tell a tag (inside that class) to float left. What specifically do you want to float left in the code you posted? Also, top-right is not a property value for float. Use float:right;
  12. What are boxes? Divs? PLease post a sample of your code.
  13. I sent a pm some time ago at the suggestion of jsg. I requested that full search functionality be restored.
  14. OK. I have it loaded. Please say again what you want it to do.
  15. It's best to post the relevant code so we can help you. That way we don't have to guess. EDIT: Code is always more to the point than prose.
  16. It's there, but it not as useful as the buttons suggest.
  17. We're just about ready to sell a system that "flips the net" making power flow back to local venders in a variety of distribution channels, instead of allowing it to develop in large national an multi-national competitors. If we're not all careful, most of our great grand kids will be living in gigantic apartment buildings with huge warehouses under them owned by Target and Wal-mart.
  18. Collapse your thinking into fewer categories (you obviously don't need a page number for each word) and prioritize words (some words need page numbers even if most of them are zeros). That's just for starters. Accounting for phrases will be next. The challenge will be to associate the frequencies with user behavior connected to dollar signs. I've been the the direct marketing business for thirty years. We've been doing similar kinds of things for decades. It never ends. EDIT: Keep checking back. You're heading in the right direction.
  19. And sometimes not. It's always best to let people down easy unless their house is on fire. It's like Jimmy Stewart said in the movie Harvey:
  20. Value is never off topic. User value is the difference between price and user benefit (if any). Company value is the difference between cost and price. Price is simply some point between cost and user benefit. All talk about price will [ultimately] be misleading without establishing cost and benefit limits and where price falls between those limits in specific situations. EDIT: If you don't mind project work, then simply charge what the market will bear.
  21. Is there a way to use JS to determine how far down a page a user has gone?
  22. niche

    2 tables or not?

    That's a perpetual question. I currently believe a few smaller tables will lead to fewer bottlenecks than one large one.
  23. I'm always asking myself "What do they want me to do?" and "What am I going to get in return?". How does your site answer those questions?
  24. Unless you want to develop everything live, you'll want some kind of localhost.
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