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Everything posted by niche

  1. You're welcome, but be careful. As soon as you allow yourself to talk about a familiar benefit you'll get mired in competition. Then, you'll hear them say "I'll get back with you", "let me think about it", or "can you do it for less?". Make it a point to talk about their business model. That's where the biggest opportunities are. If all you're discussing is code without an associated change in their business model, all you'll end up with is incremental change and a weak profit potential for you and for them. However, talk about code with an accompanying change in there business model and the sky's the limit!
  2. eduardar, if you have coding skills, start a business of your own! In a global economy, everyone's self-employed any way!! All you really need is the ability to tell owners or decision makers about a powerful benefit they haven't heard before and you're hired!!
  3. If your div has a width, all you need is margin: 0 auto;
  4. niche

    Page Counters?

    I think the big issue is sql or no sql. You could just use php files to keep track of values if you'd like.
  5. If you haven't installed a server already, I'd suggest http://wampserver.com It's free.
  6. Quick questions can frequently have the longest answers.
  7. There you go Ingolme. If you're going to change the whole page use server side.
  8. See <textarea> http://www.w3schools...ag_textarea.asp EDIT: Also, you should follow your own topics. It's part of the service.
  9. I keep forgetting about those JS cookies http://www.w3schools.../js_cookies.asp Yum Yum EDIT: Great save birbal.
  10. Please post the html your code generates. EDIT Or, provide a link to your work in progress.
  11. The only way I know how to get JS data into a php variable is through an ajax call. You probably should do this tutorial if you haven't already. http://www.w3schools..._ajax_intro.asp
  12. $_SESSION is a creature of php. http://php.net/manua...es.sessions.php So, I'd do a ajax call. However, I'd try to avoid javascript, unless necessary, and just work with php.
  13. More like $_SESSION['stylesheet'] = You were close. EDIT: session_start(); initializes the $_SESSION array. And, session_write_close(); is used at the end of the script.
  14. Please provide a like to your site for the best answer.
  15. How's your database question connected to your mult page question in your situation?
  16. niche

    Cloud Server

    So, I have ask how many CDNs, percent CDN availability, and locations. What other critical questions should I ask?
  17. Thanks again dsonesuk and So Called, I never thought of that that way before.
  18. niche

    Cloud Server

    So, if I'm following you , it's the availability of a CDN that's important, right?
  19. Thanks for everyone's help on this topic especially Ingolme, Shadow Mage, So Called, and justsomeguy.
  20. I store info all the time in attributes. I boen robot's last post is particularly informative. Thanks .
  21. I'm interested in why you want to do this?
  22. You're welcome. Feel free to check back any time you have a code question or want to learn something new. There are plenty of people that are far more knowledgeable than me available to help you.
  23. Can you run it from a php script?
  24. I think you're starting from a false premise. You need to consider that technology is always changing and coding has as much to do with training your mind to recognize patterns and think quickly as it does with display. You see, it's not the programs that enable you as much as how you think about those programs. I read about techniques and applications of code that are new to me everyday at this forum. The mere act of working on something for an extended period can't help, but make you better than you thought you could be. Hang around, ask questions about your code, post lots of code and you'll probably learn that coders are guaranteed to have enough of what they need for the rest of their life. Why do anything and close the door on the possibility of being great at it? EDIT: Do the tutorials: html, css, php, mysql, javascript. You'll need them all and then some.
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