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Everything posted by niche

  1. So Called, do you mean # as in id?
  2. A short answer would be to create a div structure that has a div permanently positioned at the bottom of the screen that holds your footer. Have/can you create such a structure?
  3. Center your site on the pc browser (with validation) and it will probably be centered on your iphone.
  4. I've dealt with this same problem as I'm sure most of us have. Any way, the acnhor is the way to go server side and javascript's the way client side. I prefer javascript because the page doesn't have to move. What's the typical situation that causes the user to loose his place ion the page? EDIT: Note: You'll probably always have some jerkiness with the anchor approach. At least I wasn't couldn't git rid of it. The anchors are sent to the top of the page. That's why I like javascript.
  5. Didn't know that Ingolme. Thanks. Now I have two good reasons to share with people that bug me to use it on projects.
  6. niche

    Syntax for PHP files

    Yes. EDIT: More precisely. you need to echo your html and begin the echo with a single quote and end it with a single quote and semi colon when your html is in a php block.
  7. ucfirst() , but you have to use php. http://www.w3schools...ing_ucfirst.asp EDIT: You can do the same thing with javascript.
  8. niche


    What's a simple code example of sanitizing arbitrary data?
  9. As I wrote at:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=43329&pid=242542&st=0entry242542 Thanks, but no thanks. Learning on every forum is mostly self-directed of necessity.
  10. Here's the minutes of a recent attempted joint venture: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=43669 The best advice is just start posting code and asking questions. You'll get plenty of help. As you noted, there be genius here! Generally, the more specific and researched the question the faster the help. That's how forums work.
  11. niche


    I know. As we know better, we'll do better. In the meantime, we're fortunate that the type of work we do minimizes those issues. EDIT: What does the "middle ground" look like to you?
  12. Thanks, but no thanks. Learning on every forum is mostly self-directed of necessity.
  13. niche


    Great general question Don E. We back our database twice a day, compare critical files to the originals everyday, and only allow a-z , A-Z, 0-9, ., -, _, @, ? as user input. So far no problems, but I.m sure something will happen eventually. As we get more users, I'm sure we'll back-up more often and make more file comparisons. Everything else we leave to our host. EDIT: We'll consider making exceptions upon request. So far, we haven't had any. Also, data is verified with static tables when ever reasonable.
  14. Best yet, what do you need to create or want to learn?
  15. Have you completed the CSS tutorials?
  16. niche


    I understand. I hadn't ever thought of it that way. Thanks again justsomeguy.
  17. niche


    So, given: xmlhttp.open("GET","ajax_info.txt",true); You're asking the server to send "ajax_info.txt" back in the xmlhttp.responseText, right?
  18. Why don't you just wrap everything in divs narrow enough to avoid the problem?
  19. niche


    I can't think of a reason why I'd do that or send an ajax call to a jpg for that matter. Although, until yesterday, I hadn't conceived that javascript could be rendered in php or that I was about to have a reason to do that. What would be a good general reason to send to a non executable file instead of one that's executable? My mind is open, but I can't think of a reason why I might need to do that someday.
  20. niche


    BTW, how does that work, sending an ajax call to a text file? I didn't know a txt file was executable except with php files in a manner of speaking. Hadn't read http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_xmlhttprequest_send.asp before and had no idea you could send to a txt file.
  21. niche


    Why are you sending you ajax call to a text file when you could it to a php file?
  22. niche


    Sorry about that. I clicked-in from the recent topics heading. It didn't even occur to me to check which forum I was in. Please excuse me.
  23. niche


    Cookies are a array called $_COOKIE (all caps). One of the many ways they can be viewed is with a var_dump().
  24. Me too. Like I said, you knew you were going in the right direction. You gave me confidence that there was an answer and you knew what it was. That's part of what these forums are about. Every post won't be be a homerun especially after a long day. I will always appreciate your help. Thanks again So Called.
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