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Everything posted by niche

  1. That worked Ingolme. Thank you very much. I know you can't know, but how could I not know that??? I've never wrapped inputs in a <p> before. Is there a ref for that in w3schools you're aware of? If not, is there another ref you can think of? This is a pretty basic omission. It would be nice to get some idea how I missed that. Maybe it's just the "strict" that forced the issue for me finally.
  2. I worked with that previously. Closing them added another error. New link with closed tags: http://www.lincolnsrealdeals.com/temp111_debuger.php
  3. I'm trying to move this site from transitional to a strict doctype and it doesn't like this form (at least it didn't throw an error until I added the form). What should I be understanding? echo '<form action="see_cart.php" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="user" value="' . $fn_upper . '" >'; echo '<input type="submit" class="cart" value="See Cart" >';echo '</form>'; I get three errors: Line 249, Column 564: document type does not allow element "INPUT" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag Line 249, Column 617: document type does not allow element "INPUT" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag Line 249, Column 624: end tag for "FORM" which is not finished here's the link: http://www.lincolnsr...111_debuger.php
  4. The only way I know to set a php variable with javascript is with an ajax call.
  5. I've noticed that when I get unexpected results in FF and I don't have an explanation, clearing the cache can can fix my problem. It happened that way this morning, and dsonesuk's post in http://w3schools.inv...showtopic=43836 was too coincidental to ignore. I'm not suggesting clearing the cache is a cure-all. I am saying that it can solve problems when I don't have any other explanation. There seems to be a connection. I just don't know what it is or might be. I also must say that this kind of experience is limited to FF. It's the browser I use most of the time because of Firebug. Anyway, it just thought someone might know something about this phenomenon given dsonesuk's post.
  6. dsonesuk, made a very coincidental statement about cache clearing today in the JS forum and I didn't want to hyjack the topic with this question. Just this morning I made a web based dynamic presentation and I had to ask the user to clear her cache. She was using FF. The presentation wasn't working correctly before she cleared her cache (data wasn't refreshing correctly) and all was well after the clear. If I didn't have a lot of experience with FF, I would still be cleaning egg off my face. What's going on with the cache?
  7. How well you understand anything depends on how you use it. So, just start using it. I think the only way to learn coding is just to do it. No doing means no learning. Using it a little means learning a little. Coding a site mostly in JS means you're learning a lot about JS. Here's a tip that might help. With server side code, like php, I'm telling my machine what to do. With client side code, like JS, I'm telling my machine, to tell the user's machine what to do. It's cheaper and frequently provides the user with a better experience provided the user's JS is enabled.
  8. niche


    I'm new to So Called's concept and define(). If I'm following you, you're saying I can use define() to authorize what can be included, required, etc. Right?
  9. To confirm, you don't like the height of the div that contains your navigation as in it's too tall. Correct?
  10. niche


    We need to see your code or get a link from you to be greatest help. In the meantime, I'd look at your margins or put something before the divs.
  11. You also might want to read this topic. on security, that's developing right now. It has already given me many ideas. A couple of them are completely new to me. http://w3schools.inv...=0 EDIT: The older I get, few things experiences are more profound than learning about a completely new way of constructively thinking about something I thought I understood.
  12. Are your just starting to learn to code or can you already code?
  13. niche


    encrypted cookies and session variables. Didn't know they can be encrypted. Thanks davej.
  14. Percentages might work for you. http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_dim_height.asp I looked at your html and that div is really buried.
  15. To change the length of that div, change the height of the div class. Can you do that?
  16. I want to visually verify the UPDATE without having to visually sort rows. My table has a timestamp so I'll use the in a SELECT. Thanks for your help jsg.
  17. I'm doing some debugging and just discovered UPDATE doesn't create a mysql resource (makes sense when I think about it). Is there a work around available? If not I suppose I'll use a timestamp.
  18. Please post your code. How do you have your margins set?
  19. Why do you have duplicate navigation and which nav is generating your question (horizontal or vert)?
  20. Thanks ShadowMage.
  21. Sorry you had to wait so long. A round check box is a circle (type="radio"). See: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_type.asp
  22. If you want the div, or any other element to stay at the bottom, you have to place something above it to keep it there (other elements, margin, etc). It might be best to post the relevant code that describes your situation.
  23. Never thought of doing it that way before. Thanks So Called and dsonesuk.
  24. Absolutely and so should you. It's easy. Put two divs inside a div based on this ref and post your code. http://www.w3schools...ags/tag_div.asp You'll get all the polite help you need provided you try. Don't expect to be given the answer unless you attempt and answer first and posting your effort in a code box. Hint: Give your divs height, width and color so you can see them.
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