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Everything posted by MrAdam

  1. - this should really be in the javascirpt forum - but.. function iframeanchor(ifrm,acr) { var iframe = document.frames[ifrm]; iframe.location = iframe.location+acr;} that's the function. in the link href put: java script:iframeanchor('iframe_name', '#bottom'); - btw the forum will put a space in "java script:" .. take out the space. and don't forget the anchor (#bottom in the example above) must exist in the iframe page.
  2. gotchya. for the "Let the iframe go to a specific part of the page" i think you're going to need to use java script: var iframe = document.frames["iframeName"]; to set the iframe as an object. then: iframe.location = 'something.html#bottom-of-page'; .. or something like that, i'm not sure. i'll have a go at getting it to work.
  3. in order to create what most of the forums have these days - formatted textarea inputs - you need to use a 'WYSIWYG editor', google "WYSIWYG".
  4. he wants it to be READ by most navigators - cross browser
  5. .. he asked in this forum. wouldn't be much good to him if i'd posted it in the javascript forum. and half of it is just HTML.
  6. HTML / PHP (+ MySQL) / JavaScript.you'd want to create a file, or a function for each action in the game. for example, (using the online manager game as an example) you'd want a function/file to "buy player". the user would have some details in the database, like their money, status etc. you'd deduct the the cost of the player from their money in the database. of course the game would need some logic to it, so if they bought a GOOD player, you'd want to increase their chances of winning - oposite if it's a BAD, or less-talented player.by file or function i mean...if it's a file, when you link to it, you'd send variables in the URL... for example: file.php?buy=David Beckham. the file would execute the dynamic code, then send you back, or display an output message to the user. because the variables are sent in the url, you'll not want to send any sensitive information such as passwords.if it's a function, you'll have a set of PHP code contained in a function, for example the function could be called buyPlayer() you'd then link to that function in the file being used. like with files, you can send variables to them, and then collect their value within the function, for example: buyPlayer('David Beckham');. because these are contained within the code and un-seeable by the user, you could send passwords and other sensitive information.if you don't already know PHP you'll need to learn: www.w3schools.com/php and mysql: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp.javascript will come in useful somewhere along the line, it's a bonus for you if you know it: www.w3schools.com/js.what i've said will become more understandable as you learn more.
  7. oh right yeah.. gotchya.you'd wanna follow this example:config.php: <?php$font-family = '12px';......?> file in use: include 'config.php';print 'font-family: {$font-family}';......
  8. MrAdam


    $_SESSION['status'] = 'member';if ($_SESSION['status'] == 'admin') { .. member's an admin ..} else { .. member's not an admin ..} ... for example
  9. MrAdam

    .cfg files

    i think they use SMARTY templates.
  10. you have: if (!$con)mysql_select_db("humane", $con); which means if it's not connected > select database. so if it is connecting, it's not selecting the database...remove the '!' in the if.
  11. EDIT: here.... <html><head><style type="text/css">img.thumb { width: 90px; height: 90px; border-width: 0px; cursor:pointer;}</style><script type="text/javascript"><!--var imgSrc = new Array(); imgSrc[0] = "images/aca_math0.jpg"; imgSrc[1] = "images/aca_math1.jpg"; imgSrc[2] = "images/aca_math2.jpg"; imgSrc[3] = "images/aca_math3.jpg"; var captions = new Array(); captions[0] = "default image caption"; captions[1] = "image caption 1"; captions[2] = "image caption 2"; captions[3] = "image caption 3"; function doPic(imgId) { document.getElementById('mainpic').src = imgSrc[imgId]; document.getElementById('caption').innerHTML = captions[imgId];}// --></script></head><body><table align="center" width="270" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <img src="images/aca_math1.jpg" class="thumb" onClick="doPic('1');"></td> <td> <img src="images/aca_math2.jpg" class="thumb" onClick="doPic('2');"></td> <td> <img src="images/aca_math3.jpg" class="thumb" onClick="doPic('3');"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"> <img id="mainpic" src="images/aca_math0.jpg" width="270" height="270" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"> <span id="caption"></span> </td> </tr></table></body></html>
  12. i just created a simple file using that CSS and it works? does the link style work on all pages? and does the scrollbar work on any pages?
  13. how do you have your files layed out - as in folder wise?are they all in the same folder?
  14. im not entirelly sure what you mean. are you asking how, within the iframe, you can jump to a named part of the page by clicking a link external of the iframe?a normal example being: <a href="#bottom">Click here to go to bottom</a>... long space inbetween ...<a name="bottom"></a> your idea being: <a href="#bottom_of_iframe"></a>... iframe code, and on the page within the iframe have ...<a name="bottom_of_iframe"></a> .. is that what you are trying to achieve?
  15. that won't really help him. the above code from paramasivan is javascript (obviouslly) but if you were to place that on your page, it will open the window as you load up the page. the easiest way to have a link open a new window is: <a target="_blank" href="link_url">link text</a> if you want to customize the new window (ie. specify the height, width, position, etc.) you will want to use java script: http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?file...s_openallwindow
  16. MrAdam

    How Do I?

    <a href="__link_url__"><img src="__img_url__" border="0" /></a> i added border="0" because otherwise a thick blue border (by default) is added around the image.
  17. MrAdam

    Secure website

    gotchya, thanks..i don't own a server, i have an account with streamline.net so i can't do anything like that, and they probably won't let me. but thanks for the help!
  18. MrAdam

    Not a JET database?

    i've tried to create an ASP file that connects to an access database, but, when it tries it gives me an error saying that the database is not a 'jet' database. im using microsoft access 2000 with probably the default settings for everything.can i change access to create JET databases?-thanks
  19. MrAdam

    PHP vs ASP.NET

    just watched that video, usually i'd use PHP and JS to do things like that, but it would take me like an hour at least!i'm going to learn ASP.NET .. obviouslly im assuming i'll need to learn ASP first? .. but .. my webserver doesn't support .NET framework (unless i give them more money) .. can i download the .NET framework to my computer and just run some files of it whilst i learn?and also something i don't know much about, in that video, he creates an SQL database just by clicking. are they stored in files or something? and how would he go about getting them onto the web if say he had an account with a webserver company that supported .NET framework?-Thanks
  20. MrAdam

    Secure website

    how do you create a secure (so the padlock icon is on the status bar) website using php (if you can) or just in general how do you go about doing it ??-thanks
  21. hi. so thanks for the help last time, but now i'm moving my popup on . i've got this drag and drop script, which works fine. however, the inputs and buttons within my popup won't work in firefox- it works perfectly in IE!here's the link: http://www.newbiestyle.co.uk/lib/javascript/email-popup/firefox users will notice you just can't click on any of the fields or buttons (but the drag and drop still works). i downloaded the script so im a little unsure about how some of it works.does anyone know WHY this is happening?-Thanks
  22. perhaps...http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t...ght=log+website
  23. MrAdam

    URL masking

    could you not just.. put all the files up a directory.. instead of having them all in "/register/"?
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