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Everything posted by Sniffy

  1. 500....That's a ways off.
  2. Sniffy


    Yes, exactly.But, what if we find life that can harm us, like bacteria, or intelligent life that thinks we're a threat or wants to take over our planet?Or rather dangerous animals.
  3. Yeah, like an IDE will correct or show errors in the document. It also has features such as what line you're on.
  4. Not really a lot of luck, but I guess you just have to go by practice.
  5. Also, you might want to search JBuilder, JCreater, and Dr. Java for IDEs.
  6. For some reason I'd choose a light grey or tan/orange.
  7. If that was made in 30 minutes then I must really ###### at color schemes. Can anyone give me some guides to choosing colors?
  8. Yeah, javascript is the best way to go.
  9. Sniffy

    Dynamic pages

    Also, the PHP require(somefile.php) function is similar, but if the required file cannot be loaded into the page, it will cause an error instead of just loading without the file.
  10. If all user's are using Outlook, which I doubt, then mailto: would do.In most cases though, it's better to use the PHP mail() function.Look it up in the w3schools PHP tutorial.
  11. Sniffy

    timer in flash

    Search the loadVars() function.I never used it, so I can't really give an example, but you'll probably need 3 files..swf, .php & .txt
  12. Maybe:But this would not be between 4 and 7, it would be 1 - 100; I would personally go with the above way.randomNum = int(random(100);gotoAndStop(randomNum);
  13. For a preloader, stick this in the main timeline.onEnterFrame = function(){_root.createTextField("percentText", x, y, width, height);percent = int(getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal())*100;with(percentText){text = percent+"%";textColor = "0xFFFFFF";}I hope this works, I haven't really tested it.Asign any properties you like to the percentText.
  14. Sniffy


    Whoa, you guys gathered a lot of info on space.I wonder when we'll actually be able to travel throughout the galaxies, or if we'll ever be able to.There's certainly life out there, sometimes I wonder if I want to know out there.-Ignorance is Bliss-
  15. I'm taking a java course soon.Here's the stupid nonsense code I just made.....Hello.java class Hello{ public static void main(String[] args) { short fNum = 3; short sNum = 4; String explain = "The remainder of the 4 divided by 3 is "; int myVar = sNum%fNum; if(myVar == 1){ myVar++; } else{ myVar = 0; } System.out.println(explain+myVar+"."); }}
  16. Sniffy

    Auto Linebreaks?

    Thanks, but can Boen Robot explain his version to me. I'm not too up on the uses of arrays and I don't know what \r means.
  17. Sniffy

    Auto Linebreaks?

    I have a form, and users can write to the text file, but if they don't know html they'll mess it up by not using linebreaks, how can I use like str_replace() function to replace linebreaks in the form with <br /> tags to make the linebreaks?
  18. Yes, I learned something too.I never thought of a way to use the increment/decrement operators before the the number yet, so now I know of one way. Thanks, for posting the question!
  19. http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?file...ocument_getbyidIs an example.Also, there's something similar: getElementsByTagName();
  20. Really?That'll work out fine if I get the Adobe Studio and take a course in January for discount pricing. I thought Dreamweaver was just for layouts, but now that I know it's not, that's great.But in the mean time, can anyone suggest a free one?
  21. Just for myself to know, how is this done?Is it as simple as me just declaring the variable outside of the function?
  22. Alright, so I'm looking for a decent script editor. Preferably for PHP, but a JavaScript editor would come in handy as well.What I'm looking for in this editor is:-Code Hints(Like in Flash how it gives you a hint on how to use the function/object)-Code Check(Like in Flash how code turns blue when understood)-Line Number(What line you are typing on in the document)-Export Features(Save with any file extension)-Any other features would be niceIf I'm being too specific then just give me the nearest one to my description that you've got. NotePad works great, but I'd like my load to be a bit easier, and I won't have as many problems.Oops, I noticed that I posted this in the wrong forum, I meant to post it in general, can a mod move it?
  23. Sniffy

    setcookie problem

    It seems to work, but I'll inform you on things if they go wrong.
  24. Sniffy

    setcookie problem

    Wait, I had another error. It worked for awhile and then something happened, another parse error.Here's login.php <?php$uname = $_POST['uname'];$pword = $_POST['pword'];if(isset($_COOKIE['user']) && $pword == "bobville"){$loginText = "You are already logging in.<br /><a href='index.php'>Return to the Main Page.</a>";}else if($pword == "bobville" && !isset($_COOKIE['user'])){setcookie("user", $uname, time()+360000);$loginText = "You've been successfully logged in, ".$_COOKIE['user'].", <a href='index.php'>Return to the Main Page.</a>";}else{$loginText = "Your password is incorrect, please try again.";}?><?phpif(isset($_COOKIE['user'])){$loginDisplay = "Welcome back,".$_COOKIE['user']."<br /><div class='menu'><a href='accountinfo.php'>Account Info</a><br /><a href='updateprofile.php'>Update Profile</a></div><br />";}else{$loginDisplay = "You are not logged in, <br />Please go to the home page.";?><html><head><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='style.css'><title>!!Bobville Online!!</title><script type='text/javascript'>function addAdmin(adName){document.getElementById("update").innerHTML += "Posted By "+adName+".";}function sigWeek(theSig){document.getElementById("sigDisplay").src ="images/sotw/"+theSig+".gif";}</script></head><body><object width='980' height='150'><param name='banner'><embed src='banner.swf' width='980' height='150'></embed></object><br /><table cellspacing ='0'><tr><td width='210'><?phpinclude("menu.php");?></td><td width='580'><?phpinclude("sotw_content.php");?><br /><div class='maintitle' align='center'><div class='valign'>Logging In</div></div><br /><p id='update'><?phpecho $loginText;?></p></td><td width='210'><?php echo $loginDisplay;?></form></td></tr></table></body></html> Here's the error. Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /www/9999mb.com/b/o/b/bobville/htdocs/login.php on line 80
  25. Sniffy

    XHTML or CSS?

    Good luck. I think it says that XHTML is actually going to replace HTML in the next couple of versions, so I better get moving too!CSS is a pretty simple lagnuage to learn, but using it to it's extent and matching it to your site can be the hard part.
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