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Everything posted by birbal

  1. which forum system it is? how does the xml file looks like?
  2. birbal

    CSV Feature

    What do you mean by CSV feature?
  3. echo "<div class='error'>Invalid Credential</div>"; now in style sheet you can set style for class 'error' .error{position:.............}
  4. It is up to your CSS where and how you show the output, in this case custom errors you can encolse the error in div and set up some class or id to get it styled as you want.
  5. comment out header() and check what is the output results. Your output has some sorts of other output rather than only the image data. probably some php errors are there which is breaking the image.
  6. Why you need that? php errors are for developer not for your user. showing error publicaly is a kind of security flaws. you would like to consider other way. you can use custom error handling instead.
  7. birbal

    session problem

    It could be your setting "output buffering" ON which could implicitly start buffering your output and try to flush it at the end of the script or certain amount of bytes.
  8. No, you can can ask any question when you like regardless of your current skill. we will be happy to help you.
  9. any server side language can do these things. PHP would be good choice as most of webhost supports it and it is quite popular. so it is also increase chances of getting help from peers and third party libraries. In this forum most of people use PHP.If you are not already in PHP best would be starts from the basic from w3schools site and php.net site.
  10. echo "<script>\n"; echo 'var str = \"download\"' . "\n"; echo "document.write(str.link(\"http://www.myshedplans.com/12BY8SHED.pdf\"));\n"; echo "</script>\n"; will be echo "<script type='text/javascript>\n"; echo 'var str = \"download\"' . "\n"; echo "document.write(str.link(\"http://www.myshedplans.com/12BY8SHED.pdf\"));\n"; echo "</script>\n";
  11. you are missing type attribute in one of your script tag
  12. I am not sure what do you mean by that. posting the link of those websites could be helpful
  13. ..also you can do like $output = str_pad(substr($str, 0, 20),23,'...',STR_PAD_RIGHT); http//php.net/str_pad If you are doing this for visual cliping of textual content. there is CSS option for that http://w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_text-overflow.asp
  14. yes both are same. browser does not know It is generate by var_dump() or echo or print_r() if anything is sent and printed it will be considered as output
  15. what website you are refering to? any live link?
  16. As already being said It is not crucial but it is to make things prettier. You can still make a fully functional website or application without them.Mod rewrite comes along with a module of apache. Mod rewrite also involved with regular expression. that is what you would like to learn first. Regular expression is also used in other context like php and JS. so it worths learning it. Being a designer you will hardly interact these backend stuff. but if you plan to do backend development you will need to use them so often.
  17. There could be more than one reason, posting Live link of the site would be more helpful to sort out the problem accurately.
  18. you can make and table for message and put a field as flag to mark them as read-unread. when user send an query you save the data to that table and mark that flag as unread. Now on employee script get all message where that column is unread. in this part you can use ajax to get periodic request to it to get unread message. All employee will be updated by any new unread message. when you pull data from the table for your employee to get it read you set the read-unread column to "read". if uou want to that your user also can read the sent message just dont set the read column when they read it. do it only for your employee.
  19. youc an also check into http://php.net/ctype
  20. isset() also accpets multiplr value. where the all the passed variable must have to set to return a TRUE. it is similar to using isset() with conjugation with && in 'if-else' structure. http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=45820&view=findpost&p=255803 also you can read more about control structure and operators herehttp://php.net/language..operator.conditionalhttp://php.net/language.control_structure
  21. Set it that column Default value as NULL. so if you dont provied any date it will be set to NULL
  22. How do you plan to get notified? if it is email, you can just use mail() to send email to them when user submit any query
  23. birbal


    http://in3.php.net/manual/en/function.libxml-use-internal-errors.php this function will disable html validation errors. you can also pass the file to tidy http://php.net/tidy to clean out the page.
  24. You should start your own topic to solve your problems. here is the reference of date() http://php.net/dateyou can find the format available to it. It does not have any fancy naming by default but you can use conditional structure to replace the string. as if it is sunday making it sunnyday
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