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Everything posted by birbal

  1. birbal

    new pc spec

    no not daily. power supply is quite decent here. its happens sometimes. that little risk multiplies cause i dont have power backup. GB iAsRock difference is around 500 INR. yes it have a lot, DUST. that is why i was looking for dust filter added cases. I am real lazy on this source 210 has all things in cheap price. what it have not is USB3 and nice look. Is it possible to replace USB port to usb3 later?i can ( have forced to) compromise the look add invest the money in other components. I was expecting a good looking case, anyway I will go for an acrylic case some years later. I just love how they looks. I was doing that so when i was facing issues with overheating. but the case soaked too much of dust. here is the final rig. what do you think? i will start buying from day after tomorrow. Spec decided:Pocessor: Intel i5-3550MoBo: GIGABYTE GA-H77-DS3HPSU: Corsair 500 cxv2Monitor: Dell ST2220L 22"Cabinet: Corsair 400 RHDD: WD Blue 72000RPM 3gb/s 500GBRAM: G-skills RipjawsX 1x4GB re
  2. I did not say that $spkdate will not have value. it will the have the value of that JS snippet as string literals. which has no meaning in php context or mysql context. they are just string. but when you echo it to browser browser interpret that JS snippet and execute it , so thus you see desired output. What will you need is to store that JS generated date in cookies. cookies can be accessed from php. you will then pass the cookie value (which is the date of client generate by JS) to MySql. It sounds like you are using string/var_char field in event_date so it is working. YYYY-MM-DD format is used when you use "date" data type columns.
  3. if you need to change timezone setting to a particular timezone then you can set it php.ini also. http://au1.php.net/manual/en/datetime.configuration.php#ini.date.timezone
  4. http://au1.php.net/manual/en/function.date-default-timezone-set.php this is the one which can change timezone dynamically.
  5. You can add spaces to increase readibility. php does ignore white spaces. javascript executes on client side not server side. above one will not execute the js code. once data is leave from server it is out of scope of php. at the moment $spkdate holds the string literal of it only. to get timezone of user there is several way. you can use geoIP to track place by ip addrress, get timeone offset of client machine using js and store it in cookie to use it in php later, saved timezone manually by user, or newer geoLocation API of javascript. and use that timezone to change php server timezon so date function will use that timezone. php alone cant get timezone of user. also if you are using date data type as event_date column the date format should be in YYYY-MM-DD
  6. birbal

    when table purge

    It would not be bad, user can be linked to more than one device. as these days people have more gadgets (mobile ,tabs)to connect with net other than only desktop. user will be able to check,make,manage schedules on the fly. It will also be a good learning experience. cookie based remember me is fine with less sensitive application you can also start with single platform and then extend later to multi platform if your project is time constrained to complete. it will not be that hard to change it later.
  7. birbal


    mysql_errno() returns the error code not mysql_error(). mysql_error() will returns error of last executed query. showing the actual code would be helpfull as your code is not matching the problem you described.
  8. try to var_dump() the $_FILES array it will let you know which file type are you getting. as the conditions are not met so that the error is showing, first step would be to analyze the variable which are being checking in condition.
  9. birbal

    new pc spec

    they said about capacitors and other electric components quality about Asrock. i belive they are generalizing. it is possible they are recommending gigabytes for that kind of support like "dual bios" as electric failure happens often here. what they were not giving was a proper answer that why gigabyte is considered good and Asrock as crap. There is no frequent power failure but it happens often and more over that i am not using any ups/inverter. as far i can think i am not going to use it as server and hardly use LAN. so above gigabyte features seems more practical to me. Your this verbose explanation made easier to made my choice. yes i meant case. yes i know they are just case but there other thing they are highlighting like cable management,expansion slots for drives,fan,cooler,radiator,good airflow. to be honest the last machine i used was far behind the trend and it has only one (may be two) fan in a cheap cabinet, but still did manage to served well around 8 years without any technical services. at this point i have no clue about those fans how many i am going to need to run the rig fine with chance of updates in future. that is alone can help me to alot to decide the case.. I can see the upgrade chance of fans and cooling systems make alot of different in prices. also the good looking cabinet is not coming with all good features and vice versa.
  10. birbal

    new pc spec

    i did not know asus had this kind of problem. also it is much costlier. it is priced of z77 motherboards and i am hardly going to use that like quad crossfire or overclocking. intel one and asus one is out of the list. some people saying gigabyte components are better than asrock. at first i choosed the asrock one. but i am hearing negetive feedback of them and recomending gigabyte one. i dont understand what is the problem with asrocks. what bios feature are you refering to? also do you have any recommendetion about cabinets? priorities are cable management,dust filtering,good aesthetic look,good airflow usb3.future upgrade and others option of good performance cabinet. i dont know how many fan option or cooler option i am going to need to run this rig efficiently. but i will never use two graphics card. i can spend around 80$-90$ but i am not willing to pay for features that i am not going to use ever also does the intigrated gpu crossfire with external gpu if MB supports crossfire?
  11. birbal

    new pc spec

    i have been changed the righttp://www.flipkart.com/motherboards/compare?ids=MBDDAJBJYDZXFWWG,MBDD9MPBN2ZRTTPS,MBDDCPWRNJ7GBVGP,MBDD8QJJ5GW3ZSF5having hard time to choose between the asus one and gigabyte one. any sugetions? everything other have been choosen except the cabinet. will use i5-3550 @justsomeguy how much ssd do you have? which model?
  12. it will not report errors in mysql implictly unless you tell it to do so. what php myadmin do is display errors when there is error in mysql. mysql_error() is the function which tells about the errors.
  13. date has second parameter which takes timestamp as its parameter. by default it is current timestamp. so it is showing you the correct date
  14. You will need to basicaly crawl web pages. i dont know google will permit you to do that or not. http:///php.net/curl...e_get_contents() can be used to get web pages remotely. you can also load remote pages using DOM and parse the page to get first 5 results from it. you have to analyze how the page structure is of googe to parse it correctly. once yu parse and got the data you can either use CSV file to store using file fpucsv() for using http://php.net/com to directly create excel file from ms excel or possiblay there is php 3rd party library for creating excel pages (you can google it)
  15. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_name.asp looks like html5 has obsolete it.
  16. there is no way to get a file if you don't know the path. /export/xml/images?useName=&albumname= this link is dynamic link of image. so depending upon the query string it will produce different image. you have to know which image you want to open. also the page you linked is and authenticated page.
  17. add a named anchor in that page<a name="point"> on the other page give the acnhor name in link<a href="page.php#point">
  18. interface contains methods without body. if any class implements a interface it must define the body. interface gives consistency between classes who uses them. oppose to multiple inheritance language like c++, java is single inheritance language. here in java interface gives classes to use and share multiple behavior among different classes.
  19. yes you can set it to delete the appointments. http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.mysql.com%2Fdoc%2Fen%2Finnodb-foreign-key-constraints.html&ei=juF2UKvxNoPQmAXR2oCwBw&usg=AFQjCNG4O8dG_QAVXOCoav89FVXsx1d48Q here is link about it. InnoDB will be appropiate.
  20. you can do that with myisam. but myisam has no foreign key facility. foreign key helps to keep integrated the data between tables. means if parent table data got delete it will automatically handle the data in child table. also myisam used table level locking when it writes where as innodb uses row level locking. table level locking means it locks the whole table (innodb locks only the row) when it writes to database. though it happens on fraction of seconds but i high traffic site it can be be slower for concurrent request. as each request have to wait untill previous one finish his job. if your data is read heavy myisam will be fast. innodb is slower than myisam but as it is uses row level locking it is effective on write heavy tables. another important distinction is myisam can use full text indexing where innodb cant. in case you have to use full text indexing myisam is only choice. most of the case you will use innodb. use mysql where you have the strong reason to do so.
  21. also make sure you are using latest version of firefox which supports html5
  22. birbal

    new pc spec

    i think it would be better to wait for SSD for now. after working with p4 256mb ram machine through eight years, even without ssd working with this rig will seem like heaven anyway. apart from that how does the rig sounds? some people are saying it is not balanced.motherboard,monitors,psu,cabinets are crap.
  23. both will work same as functionalty. with ajax it will increase user experiance.ajax is also javascript which makes request to php file and get response from it.there you can start http://w3schools.com/ajax
  24. birbal

    when table purge

    is that table only stores only token and username? in that case you can move the token to user table. if you want to do multi platform remember me you have to keep track of device specific data (like ip and user agent combo) with token and password in separate table/ without device specific it will be same as single platform remember me.
  25. birbal

    when table purge

    you can store that if you want some kind of expiration of token. eg a user makes a login with remember me where your system can remember a user for 7 days. besides of setting 7 day expiring in persistant cookie you are going to need to track the time also to detect if user is using old token (you can also delete old cookies by time which is older than 7 days). you cant trust only cookies.
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