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Everything posted by skym

  1. Using <?php include "test.inc"; > is not wrong.<?php echo $test1 $test2 $test3; ?> is wrong. But probably it was made when typing the post.See if the test.inc is in the same folder as the script (as reportingsjr said), see the error log for warnings/errors if they are not shown on the page.Btw, if I would just type in the browser "www.site.com/test.inc" I would see all your code! Rename it to test.inc.php for example.
  2. Hmm, it does look nice indeed, and it seems to be working in IE, FF and Opera too. Thanks a lot, scott!
  3. We all know the textarea where we write our posts, clicking the 'CODE', 'QUOTE', 'B' etc buttons will insert the tags just at the position of the cursor. How does he know where the cursor is within the textarea?
  4. 1-xhtml2-css3-js4-php5-mysql
  5. Why don't you see the original site how it is made? Just look at its source and CSS files.
  6. Thanks for the answer. <html><head><style>table {border: 1px solid #000000;}td {border: 1px solid #ff0000;padding: 0px;}table.one {/*padding: 0px;*/border-collapse: collapse;}</style></head><body><table class="one"><tr><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr></table><br><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr></table></body></html> Still the result is not the same as for the cellpadding&cellspacing, in IE the border-collapse: collapse; makes the <td> borders to dissapear, and in FF it makes the <table> border to dissapear. With cellpadding&cellspacing all borders are still in place.
  7. Ok, I had enough of typing cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" for each <table>.What should I put in the CSS not to type anymore these attributes?
  8. <a href="file.doc">read me</a>If the browser opens the .doc file or begins to download it, it depends on the browser. I do not know any javascript methods to force the browser to open the file, but probably it could be done with some special <meta> tags, not sure at all.
  9. Something like onClick="window.open('sendlink.html?link='+document.URL, '','')" ?
  10. <?phpif (empty($_FILES['userfile']) == true) {echo "\r\n<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" method=\"post\">", "\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"30000\" />", "\r\nUpload: <input type=\"file\" name=\"userfile\" /><br />", "\r\n<button type=\"submit\">Upload!</button>\r\n</form>"; }else { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "./Art/{$_FILES['userfile']['name']}")) { echo "Uploaden gelukt! klik hier: <a href=\"/sabin/Art/{$_FILES['userfile']['name']}\">Film</a>"; } else { echo "Uploaden mislukt: " . $_FILES['userfile']['name'] ."<br />\r\n"; if ($_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 30000) echo "File too big!"; elseif ($_FILES['userfile']['type'] != "text/plain") echo "No correct filetype!"; elseif ($_FILES['userfile']['error'] != 0) echo "error: ".$_FILES['userfile']['error']; elseif (file_exists("{$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']}") == false) echo "File not received!"; elseif (file_exists("/sabin/Art/{$_FILES['userfile']['name']}") == false) echo "Moving file failed!"; else print_r($_FILES); }}?> This code just worked for me.I have the script at www.site.com/sabin/file.phpthe target folder at www.site.com/sabin/Art/ and set to 777.(also increased to 30000 because I couldn't find fast a <3000 bytes txt )
  11. ./ means current directory. If there wouldn't be the dot, then the / will take you the the server root (that /usr/htdocs/...).
  12. Then try with ./Art/movies/
  13. I mean if the script would be at www.site.com/script/myscript.phpand the target folder would be www.site.com/profmemberone/Art/movies/then use ../profmemberone/Art/movies/
  14. Yes, sorry, this is what I meant, a path relative to the script, and not relative to the root.
  15. Instead of an absolute path, use relative path, like ./profmemberone/Art/movies/Also check if the MAX_FILE_SIZE is not too small.
  16. Is /profmemberone/Art/ set to 777 ?
  17. If I am not mistaking, cursor:hand is for IE only, cursor:pointer does the same thing. So you can delete the cursor:hand and leave just cursor:pointer (and there is no point of defining cursor: twice since the last overrides the first one).
  18. Arabic numbers are just a name for the European numeric system. The name just stuck, because the Arabs brought the system in Europe (though it was invented in India):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_numbers
  19. It's not a javascript problem. I think I would record in a database when the first advertise is shown, then every time the advertise will be requested, I would check if the 2 hours have passed or not since the first one, if yes, then update the time and change the advertises.I can only think of this or a cron job.
  20. Strange, it should do it if the css file is linked with menu.phpCould you post a link to the source please?
  21. <HTML><BODY><form> <select name=State onChange="document.getElementById('myIframe').src=this.value"> <option value="form2.html">A</option> <option value="form3.html">B</option> <option value="form4.html">C</option> </select></form><iframe id="myIframe" src=form2.html width=300 height=100 frameborder=0 name=iframe></iframe></BODY></HTML>
  22. I believe T_ is for "token":http://ro2.php.net/manual/en/tokens.php
  23. You have a strange HTML structure, 2 bodies and meta tags placed wrong. Here is how I would do it: <html><head><title> Brigantine Marine Consulting </title><meta name="description" content="Brigantine Marine Consultancy - professional marine consulting, Russian translation, Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture"><meta name="keywords" content="Naval Architect, Marine, Translation, Interpretation, Brigantine Marine Consulting, Consultancy, English-Russian"><style type="text/css">body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-image: url(back2.jpg); }img { border: 0px; }</style></head><body><table width="100%" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><img src="banner2.gif" width="900" height="150"></td></tr><tr><td align="center"><a href="index.html"><img src="button1.gif"></a><a href="aboutus.html"><img src="button2.gif"></a><a href="engineering.html"><img src="button3.gif"></a><a href="translation.html"><img src="button4.gif"></a><a href="contacts.html"><img src="button5.gif"></a><a href="links.html"><img src="button6.gif"></a></td></tr></table><p align="center"><img src="welcome.gif"></p></body></html>
  24. Please also post some code to be able to help you.
  25. It was just a joke you know that, there's no need to explain all that. I think we all have gone too far with these things, we all knew them already, there is no point of discussing more of this.What might help i3945 would be some links to tutorials in Chinese language, but maybe there aren't too many Chinese members on this forum to know these sites.
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