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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. my favorite number 5 - thanks for asking.
  2. {line-height: 10px;} is another way to manipulate it.
  3. Skemcin


    a.) Goto http://www.w3schools.comb.) in the upper right hand corner type "iframe" in the search boxc.) a new window will open with the google search results for this domaind.) the following link is the first to be returned:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp
  4. xlx_drag00n_xlxyou've provided some interesting information that I think many folks will or at least should appreciate. Although I feel bad for the people you victimized I do feel elated to see that you have put that behind you and have gotten away from unlawful acts. We welcome your insights here and if you have felt anyone has been rude to you please feel free to let me know - especially if it were I. I can only preface any complaint with the fact that we have set up few posts that we encourage people to read before making their first post. It’s obvious when people post without reading our disclaimer and many folks tend to quickly respond with little tolerance.In any respect, the whole hacking issue is behind us. The overwhelming majority of us all understand that direct retaliation is not the right course of action. Simply discovering and notifying the related host is sufficient.
  5. Skemcin


    you can use javascript to do this and I combine it with an frame or iframe and you are set.you'll have to do a little research on your own to figure it out - we typically won't post out-right solution here. so, google somethign like "javascript dropdown menu" and then target your links into a frame - this will prevent you from having to reload the page you are on and will reduce the complexity.
  6. Skemcin

    A bit confused

    adding xml to a database is not necessarily useless.I've seen folks put XML content into a field inthe database just to store a bunch of information that they didn't want to waste extra fields in the database with - that would be on reason why XML could be stored in a DB.
  7. the forums were hacked last weekend. the only backup that was available was July 8. So, anything done over the last month has been lost. If your account was created after July 8, then that account would have been lost.sorry for the inconvenience.
  8. Skemcin


    http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_base.aspthis is good for making sure all your links use the absolute path. its good for sending HTMl emails but for general web page use, its not something you really need to worry about.
  9. welcome to the board. there are a few options available but if youpost a URL to the site, even if its temporary, we might have some better ideas.my first inclination is to question why an image would need to appear in a tool tip - seems a little to much - so an example would be nice to fully understand your situation.p.s. please do not post your code, post a URL for us to access
  10. Skemcin

    Hello i am new

    in appropriate user name, banned and closed
  11. Skemcin


    this is rediculous - there will be no talk of revenge or would be scenarios on this board. I don't care if I stand alone on this matter, but within the first month of this boards creation, we chastised and banned noobs for asking us how to hack and now some of your are considering it due to recent misfortunes - I will leave this forum cold turkey before I am associated with hypocrazy.CLOSED!
  12. in higher education it called "critical thinking"part of want you say is evidence of critical thinking. saying you don't care about discovering fault or assigning blame trivializes the situation. its not a bad thing to find that out. and finding a solution is naturally the first priority. but as the solution has come, implemented, and passed it is not uncommon to think more deeply to see if there are signs or symptoms that can be used to identify future recurrances.Granted, this maybe as clear and cut as justsomeguy exclaims and I may be sounding more like a troll than anything else. What I am suggesting is that, sure someone hacked, we repaired, and we moved on, but what was really learned beside (update your software and people can be jerks). What I am saying is that thinking beyond that would reveal something more, like this situation has made aspnetguy rethink his web development strategies by seeking possible alternatives to open source web forums. Thinking more about the possibility that the hackers "could have" acquired information about you would motivate you to think about how you develop your online personality and how you would make that different from your offline (real life) personality - creating a distinction between the two. Realizing that if hackers, with standing decrypting your password, acquired your profile information from the hack, then your signature, your IM settings and your web address (if defined) could be plugged into a script that was built for the purpose of collecting information in this format and conducting reverse lookups to get more information about you.I know this may be more than anyone wants to spend time on, especially considering most users here are less than 25 years of age and therefore have better more entertaining things to think about. But all that is what I am "after" when I mention there is more to it than "update your software" and "people can be jerks".
  13. Skemcin


    what you need is TESTERS - so I changed the title. Please use appropriate language.
  14. I understand what you are saying and appreciate the perspective. However, I can;t help but to sugges that you challenge yourself to think even deeper to kind a position. You don't necessarily have to share. But the middle is a very dangerous place just as much as it is the safest place - thats a discussion in of itself.But anyway, for this I think it is important to understand how and where to put yourself. Maybe many of you cannot see this yet but as you get involved in business more and more you'll be faced with situations where there is no floor in the middle of the room - you will have to choose (to some degree and/or resistance) one side or the other.If any of you are into reading, here are a two text books worth looking at. They each are a serious of short case studies or summaries of historical business decisions. I HATE reading but I loved these books. Each case study is no more than 5 to 10 pages - so you are not reading a whole book, just the selected stories that you might find intersting:Crainer. S. (2003). The Ultimate Business Library: The Greatest Books that made Management. New ed. Capstone Publishing Ltd (a Wiley company): Oxford, UK.ISBN: 1-84112-059-6Hartley, R. F. (2005). Management Mistakes and Successes. 8th ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 047166202XIn any case, I am not debating your points at all, just pushing you(and anyone else) a little to see if there is anything to it than what you might see on the surface.
  15. I absolutely agree. I just wanted to be sure that the distinction (how ever fine it is) was made.
  16. fault = Neglect of care; an act to which blame or censure is attached.blame = To hold responsible.I'm not a word smith, but I do have to point out that I never used the word blame. There is no question that the hacker is to blame, but the fault lies in the site owner/administrators. There is a very fine distinction between reading something and comprehending it. Its this type of incomplete thinking/responding that creates miscommunication. Be careful what you write and be care how you read.aspnetguy's scenarios point out exactly how one person be at fault for something while another is to blame.
  17. as poeple are becoming more internet savy, the difference between .net, .org, and .com are going to shrink. however, it iwll consistantly be beleived that a .com site is of commercial nature, .org is on a non-profit nature, and .net is of network providers. Special requirements are needed to purchase and use .edu and .gov suffixes.in any case, you are likely to choose between .com and .net of which .com would be preferred and more applicable. the question, as its been stated, would be availability. domain name registrars have tools to help you select a domain name if you have trouble defining one.figuring out the name of your business would be the first step. that shuld consider things outside of web development in case you expand or change directions.my domain name, iribbit.net, has its pros and cons. On one hand you have no idea what I do by the name. On the other hand, I can do what ever I want - like when I am done with web development it could be the url for my race team.just be creative and get want you want. it will all come down to marketing anyway - and at the begining that will be business cards and word of mouth.
  18. its so easy to get ticked off at a hacker for doing what was done here. but one must understand that it is not entirely "zero cool on the hacker forum" 's fault. although this may sound harsh and may be unpopular, the people responsible for managing/overseeing this application are truly responsible.if everyone minded their P's and Q's and took the time they needed to do things right, then people like "zero cool on the hacker forum" would find other things to do. I know that is a perfect world scenario and I know that is not realistic, but everyone needs to understand where the real problem is. everyone needs to see that a website is not sellf-sufficient, it needs interaction.Keep the applications you build/use up-to-date and protected.Our whole purpose, as its been stated, in coming here is to learn how to be web developers. So far, this is -hands down- the most important lesson to be demonstrated in these forums. The second lesson learned is that backups must be maintained and verified more than once a month. Backs ups need to be performed daily (even twice) and data verification once a week (at least). The more popular a website becomes, the more responsibility you have to protect its visitors. Everyone of you need to understand this as a basic principle of all the work you do.
  19. Suggested Link:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6113
  20. As a moderator, I feel oblidged to advise members appropriate steps to protect themselves. It, obviously, is up to each individual to decide what they want to do.Personally, I'd rather error on the side of safety from my experience.
  21. This should go without saying, but follow these steps:a.) change your passwordb.) go to any other site where you might use the same username and password combination and change your passwordc.) google your username, and try to access any protected site that may be associated with your search result - change your passwordd.) when logging into other site where you use the same username and password combination, reduce or remove personal information and use consistent information - ie. a free email service accountIf this is your first time being hacked - you MUST follow these steps to protect yourself. If you've been hacked before, then this should (as I mentioned) goes without saying.If anyone else has anything else to add - please feel free to chime in. This will be a sticky until August 15 - take note.NOTE: once a target always a target - we are not out of the water (in my eyes)Did I mention?CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD
  22. p.s. if you still want any search engine to recognize the page you are redirection from, you should set your redirect to at least 15 seconds. If not, then a redirect is always better to be done on the server side - if possible. If you're stuck in static (X)HTML, then the meta tasg is best used for this.
  23. Over time, I'll be showing up less frequently. Way too much happening with 2 jobs, my masters program, and my growing kids - plus its summer time!:)Speaking of growing kids, this past weekend we celebrated my second sons first birthday - little fugger is one already!
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