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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. yes, you can do all this with the technologies you mention. Of course, I feel compelled to mention that web services are probaly easiest created using Cold Fusion. However, Cold fusion uses an older protocol in its contruction which doesn't matter to much for the intents you describe. but if you get into situations where you have one web service speaking to another, then it will be an issue.Needless to say, what you would do is set up a web service that contains the query you want to execute. Then, the page that consumes the service will pass into the service the values the query needs to execute. Then, your service will return the results as you prefer to receive them - as a query, a message, a comma delimited string, etc.I just wanted to clarify that since you seemed to indicate that you were going to send the query in - I would not advise that as that could turn into a field day hackers. Please, also make sure that your web service has IP sniffers so that it will only accept calls from specific IP addresses.
  2. several ways. but I don't feel comfortable explaining the options to you because I do not feel that your approach is appropriate. I do not feel that you should segregate your visitors. I understand that you might want to promote firefox - I am a active member of the spread firefox community as well, but coding a site only for one browser is not advisable. You can say that the site is "suggested to be viewed" in Firefox or whatever other browser you might code for - but isolating users is not part of the solution. Code your site to work in all browsers so you do not limit your traffic.(edit)looks like real_illusions types faster than me. javascript is one of the methods, a more efficient way would be using a server side scripting language - but again, please note my concerns.
  3. you can open the larger image in a popup, unless you are worried about popup blockers.oryou could use a link back to the previous page passing an intext anchor in the url:http://www.yourdomain.com/thumbnails.htm#395on your thumbnails.htm page just have the <a name="395"></a> tag at the respective image.
  4. Skemcin

    Jobs in XML

    lol - no worries. you're just keeping me on my toes!
  5. Skemcin

    Jobs in XML

    Our good friend aspnetguy left out my favorite, Cold Fusion.:)In any respect, he's absolutely correct. This day in age you will be very limited if you focus on one specific aspect of internet technologies - specific being XML. A general focus, as aspnetguy points out, is more appropriate - general being server side scripting language (asp, php, cold fusion) or database management (mysql, oracle, ms sql). Within each of those you might have a specialty or end up with more experience in one or the other.For instance, I am Cold Fusion programmer. But I am very knowledgable in HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript - with respect to programming. But I am also very knowledgable in MySQL and MS SQL but have experience with MS Access and Oracle.XML is a little to narrow - you'll have to decide if you XML focus will be client site or server side based (XSLT va asp, php, cold fusion reseptively) OR if you decide to learn XML respective to its work with database systems, like the new release of MS SQL.
  6. Cold Fusion is a free download and actually will serve two IP addresses once the enterprise edition expires and turns into an developers license. So you can develop and host/browse a site onyour developer PC and then on one other PC browse the site as well.Cold Fusion is a server side language similar to asp and php. Just as with those language, Cold Fusion works in conjunction with XHTML just it would with HTML - only CF is cleaner.Here is some code to give you an example of Cold Fusion and XHTML. This is using the RSS Feed offered here:http://www.forta.com/blog/rss.cfm?mode=fullHere is some of the code: <!--- loop through array to output feed ---><cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#ArrayLength#"><cfoutput><cfset ItemsDisplayed = ItemsDisplayed + 1><strong>#objRSS.rss.channel.item[x].title.xmltext#</strong><br />#objRSS.rss.channel.item[x].description.xmltext#<br /><em class="smallfont">(#objRSS.rss.channel.item[x].pubdate.xmltext#)</em><br /><a href="#replace(objRSS.rss.channel.item[x].link.xmltext,'&','&','all')#" title="#objRSS.rss.channel.item[x].title.xmltext#" target="_blank" class="newsfeed">[view article in new window]</a><br /><br /></cfoutput></cfloop> and <!--- loop through array to output source ---><hr /><blockquote style="text-align:center;"><cfset SourceLength = arraylen(objRSS.rss.channel)><cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#SourceLength#"><cfoutput>© #objRSS.rss.channel[x].copyright.xmltext#<br /><em class="smallfont">(#objRSS.rss.channel.item[x].pubdate.xmltext#)</em><br /><a href="#replace(objRSS.rss.channel[x].link.xmltext,'&','&','all')#" title="[goto news source in new window]" target="_blank"><img src="#objRSS.rss.channel[x].image.url.xmltext#" hspace="0" vspace="3" border="0" alt="#replace(objRSS.rss.channel[x].link.xmltext,'&','&','all')#" /></a><br /><br /></cfoutput></cfloop></blockquote> If you want to see the best resource on the use of Cold Fusion and then examples of its use with basic XHTML (used to format the data), here ya go:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/7/but specifically:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/...cs/part_get.htmLet me know if this helps.(hmm, I think that is my RSS v2.0 transformer, almost all of it any way)
  7. you are speaking specifically of how this forum handles URLs - correct. Yes, if the URL is a certain length, the discussion board will shorten it and you will see "...." somewhere in the visibile URL - but it does link to the full path.so, when you want to copy a URL from a message, instead of highlighting it and hitting copy, try right clicking on it and select "copy link location" - it will grab the entire URL.
  8. xml - organized data, sort of a portable text based databasexhtml - is really a more strict fromat of HTML, but for all intents and purposes, start by just thinking it is HTML.having said that:html - wraps text to enhance its appearance.So XML is fairly useless without XHTML (or HTML for that matter) because when viewing it you are looking at the raw data. Using a server side scripting language to parse the XML, you woudl then use XHTML (or HTML for that matter) to present the data you just got done parsing.XHTML/HTML is really powerless since it only gets processed on the client-side and it has (as you mentioned) no functionality. But it does serve a purpose - it makes things look good.
  9. if you are intimidated by the requirements don't apply. its often intentional. see, 10 years ago the ads for computer jobs were worded very specifically. employers hired one individual for one individual task - that was the way IT was sold back then. but as technology advanced and it began to multitask, so was the need for the person hired to work it. so, the hiree ended up having to have more requirements/skill sets. during this transition. the folks that were hired for one job and one job only either lost their job and career to became car salesmen, or they started to adapt and learned other skill sets.That is what brings us to todays market where an employer seeks individuals that have an array of skills that can be taken advantage of in many different ways. why higher a web developer that only knows HTML, when you can hire one that has server software experience and network administration skills. they may primarily be used as a developer, but their well rounded background provides the employeer an additional resource whenever they least expect needing it and typically means less babysitting - i.e. with the network skills the web developer would be going to the network administration team for all sorts of stuff where one with the skills can find their way around.so, when you see a job posting with a long array of skill sets, the others here are correct, they are not expecting you to know them all. but where I feel they are incorrect is that they often are skills used elsewhere in the organization - just not in the state position. By advertising all of them, the employer is able to see how the hiree will fit into the organization overall. that is what is important to an employer - find someone who fits and feels like they fit, cuz they will tend to stick around more than those that don't.expose yourself to the skill sets mentioned in these jobs enough to be able to hold an general conversation about them - that shows that you can adapt to the working environment if needed.
  10. Skemcin

    Pls help

    use notpad and open the file. there might be something that has corrupted the file or it could simply be empty.once you have created from HTML code, save it, then open it your web browser.
  11. 1. What tool should I use to develop my application :XHTML/Mobile.net/Java Scripts?First, figure out what phone devices you will need to code for. I recently coded some wireless applications for a local municipality. They had just bought 5 Treo phones and that is all I had to code for. Luckily for me, they use the Blazer mobile browser which is WAP and XHTML compatible. So, I just needed to do what I would normally do for a regular website, just code it for strict XHTML and make my user interface 320x320 (pixels). Of course, if you do not have this luxury, then (like I said) found out from your client/employer what devices this application is suppoed to support.Second, pick a server side scripting language, asp, php, or cold fusion ( I prefer the later). That along with the strictly formated XHTML, you will need all you need to build a dynamic wireless application.2. How can I connect the front-end interface with a backend database and what database can be used with what front-end?Again, you can use any scripting language (asp, php, cold fusion) to develop strict XHTML or WAP applications. They have the capabilities to (using the correct doctype) display properly in a wireless device. So, with a scripting language selected, you literally have your choice of databases to select from. The real trick is making the forms easy to use given wireless device logistics - in other words, use check boxes, radio buttons, and select boxes when ever conceivably possible.3. What would be an easy way of sending a link to a mobile phone? Should I use a WAP push?Using a server side scripting language, you can have it sniff the broeser type when it hits your domain. Then, if its a WAP device, redirect them to the folder with your WAP application. I'm not sure what you mean by sending a link, but most phones and users that have internet access will have email addresses (typically their phone number then @ then the provider) so you could email them the link.4. If I need to capture the phone number of the person filling the survey how can that be done?I'm not sure since its been a couple years since I built my last WAP application, and the XHTML strict application I recently built required log in so I already had the number in the session scope. I would imagine it would be stored in with the common gateway interface (cgi) scope of variables (in cold fusion you would execute this code <cfdump var="#cgi#"> to produce a list of all the variables in that scope along with their values - of course that would have to be run on the mobile device in question.Hope this helps at least a little. If I didn't directly or clearly answer your question(s), please feel free to let me know.BTW, welcome to w3schools.com
  12. I first have to let you know that javascript is not an advisable way to authorize user access via username and password. Since javascript is a client site scripting language, all the source of the functions and everything you need to hack it is there - so a username and password validated/authorized solely through javascript is like leaving your door wide open when you leave on vacation and asking no one to go in.
  13. a.) is any of your code available to view?b.) i'll post your other question tomorrow from work, but yes you can have a text link easily replace/change some content within a div.
  14. itis possible to do in any of the major scripting languages (php, asp, cold fusion). you will also need a database (mysql, ms sql server, oracle, or even ms access if you had to).quite a bit of planning would be needed for your idea - you'll have put a little more down on paper so that you can define as many things as you can before you start coding.
  15. I can manage all the different browsers positives and negatives, I've always been able to find some work around or make some compromise that I or my client could live with.However, IE still has one MAJOR limitation that has destroyed two concepts that there is no work around. That is the fact that the only way multiple IE windows can talk/see each other is through a client site written cookie. Any session that is created in one IE window is never visible to another. Any other browser I have test has the ability to log in from one browser window and then launching another from the desktop (important difference from File/New Window) has been able to recognize the logged in session without an issue. Just log into a site in one window and then launch, from the start menu another browser (same one of course). The copy and paste your URL and you are in - unless you are using IE.
  16. have you search the forum for "scrolling div" cuz that was where I was going with my post after I was able to confirm that you wanted a stationary header but scrollable content.Here is an example:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...findpost&p=3872
  17. Skemcin

    External Text

    If you are just trying to pull in plain text as content, google flash external text file If you are trying to parse the XML file and use it dynamically, then that would be new territory for me as well.
  18. Skemcin


    if its a database of code snippets, which is how I would define you interpretation Jonas, then I don't think its an issue. I think that it can be helpful and that it doesn't really defeat the purpose of learning the language because that knowledge would be a prerequisite of using the site in the first place. its a place to see if the wheel has already been invented - hmm, inventedwheel.com - saving your time, saving your a$$.that's catchy!:8
  19. there is really nothing wrong with ****BUMP**** 'ing your threads. I'd prefer to see a little more than one day pass before someone bumps their post, but its all a matter of judgement.I wouldn't be too concerned with bumped threads, there are a few other things that have been catching my eye that are more pressing. A couple new members trolling or using inappropriate tones. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns, they are always welcomed and noted.
  20. so you want the top area (dark grey) to be a fixed width and height and you want it to stay at the top of the page if the content that is loaded in the lower area (light grey) goes below the page fold. So basically, the lower (ligth grey) area is your <iframe>?so your problem is with the hieght and the scroll bars?
  21. post your code so that we can see what you have done...
  22. Skemcin


    sorry to play devil's advocate here, but how does this not compete with the underlying purpose of w3schools? are the scripts you want to collect/publish more like snippets than actualy step by step tutorials (liek w3schools)?just curious...
  23. you will need a server side scripting language (php, asp, cold fusion) to perform this task. you will have to get norton to create a URL with all the form parameters passed in a URL string. that string could then be parsed by your web page which in turn takes the approriate values and assigns them to the respective form values.this assumes that the Password Manager program you speak of is able to dynamically create the URL that you would need.
  24. duplicate post, please refer to:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...indpost&p=15709
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