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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Skemcin

    About URL

    I'm not familiar with that terminology but you might be referring to absolute vs. relative (respectively).Absolute URL:http://www.google.com/search?q=define:absolute+URLi.e. <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp">XML</a>Relative URL:http://www.google.com/search?q=define:relative+URLi.e. <a href="../xml/default.asp">XML</a>
  2. Skemcin

    Web design

    The customer never knows what they want - they think they do but they never do. So, 99% of the time it is up to you to figure that out - the 1% being the folks who may have in house designers or who already hired a design team and you are brought in for the coding.Having said that, there is a distinction to be made here. Graphic design and site design are two different things. You will need to work on a site design before you can work on the graphyic design, both of which come in that order and always before you think of any coding architecture.Meet with the client, learn their needs - your first meeting will rarely include you offering much in terms of design and structure - you need to be a spongue. The second meeting you are more informed and can make better prepared responses to their concerns or requirements - so first meeting is getting and understanding requirements, second is reviewing and recommending. From there it goes back and forth - not many times if you know what you are doing - before a final functional specification is completed.Once your functional specification is drawn, you can begin to figure out the site design - how all the function will need to be structured. Then you follow that with a graphical treatment and finally the code gets developed.That probably over explains it.
  3. Skemcin


    tons - anything specific in mind?
  4. worst case scenario - use iframes with frameborder=0 and scroll=no and properly size it.
  5. not more than I could if we worked at burger king.Seriously, all those are only a foundation for the important skills and knowledge you would need to be a professional developer. As dcole pointed out, you will likely need to learn some server side aspect of the web developing industry to make a legitimate career out of it - pick php, asp, or cold fusion and you are starting down the right path. You'll need to understand some basics about network and database environments as well. In fact, chosing a server side scripting language almost implies that you learn SQL and pick one of the popular database platforms - SQL, MySQL, Oracle.Each builds off the other but you have to start somewhere. That's all I knew when I started out (by accident).:)Check out this post:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3718
  6. Domain Name Registrar:wow, to think the one who started it all has been left out:Name: Network SolutionsPrice: $35 per year.Ads: neverWeb adress: http://www.networksolutions.comAdditional Comments: Network Solutions,beginning in 1979 was the first and only domain name registrar until 1999. This is the most reliable (an expensive) registrar to use. But, when the customer is footing the bill, it is the only one I ever use. My personal ones are with godaddy.com and my clients are with networksolutions.com. They added hosting services in 2003 but I would never recommend using the registrar as your hosting service and vice versa - trust me, I've been there just don't do it.re: http://about-networksolutions.com/corporate-history.php
  7. I wonder if some blogging software maybe an easier, more simplified approach to your problem.If your content is taking a relatively consistant form with the word doc as an attachment, I am not sure you really need as much flexibility as full blown CMS would give you.just my $0.02 - check out some blogging applications to see if they have enough functionality for you.
  8. yes you can. the most basic webcams simply run by having a small camera plugged into your PC. then, every 30 or so it takes a picture and ftp's the file up to a server (your web host).so, if you define an FTP account for each or all the people you talk about and then your site is coded to read their file, then you are set.There are tons of other techniques, that is just one.
  9. yes. you can use a server side scripting language like asp. php, or cold fusion. you read the feed and then simply take them at the respective break points and regenerate them. the problem is that you will need to be sure to include all the copyright information on any of the ones you merge. you can not repurpose someone elses content into your own feed and (whether its your intent or not) make it seem like you are the original author - plagiarism.you might be able to get away with making your own fee and only having your information in the parent node as long as your information directs one to a page that explains how and where you got your sources. be very careful when dealing with OPP.
  10. I can spare a gmail invitiation - where would you like it sent.
  11. yes. each server side scripting language has the ability to do so. In cold fusion, its simply <cfoutput>#cffile.filesize#</cfoutput>. but, each language can only check the file size once it has completely been uploaded. this makes difference since many people tend to want to check the file size before they permit it to be uploaded. the nature of a server side scripting language (being server side) can only work their tricks on the server and therefore cannot check the file until it is uploaded.for a detailed explanation as to why it is not possible in javascript, read this article.
  12. Yes. Review this section of the w3school's XML tutorial:http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_data_island.aspGiven the fact that you are just trying this for a small section of content, it should not be hard to work out using this method.As your requirements expand and get more complicated, you will find folks suggesting using XSL to transform your XML into HTML:http://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_transformation.aspThen, as your code or content becomes even more complex and even database driven, you would then escalate the coding environment to include a server side scripting language like asp, php, or cold fusion where you would perform the transformation, like this (for example):http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...indpost&p=16422Hope this helps.
  13. well, the perl script is looking for recipients but your HTML is only sending recipient as a hidden form item.Try using the plural form of recipient and see if that resolves teh issue.
  14. You make very valid pointa and they have all been considered. There has been communication with w3schools.com to include some of the commonly stated topics to be introduced as tutorials. At the moment, I am not sure of the progress of that situation. With respect to making stickies - as much I I would like think that the idea would work - it wouldn't. We mention clearly in our Rule and "Read before your post" messages that one should search the forum before posting a question. The problem with that post is that people don't read it - and that is what would happen with the post you suggest. It will just be ignored as new comers rarely get past the 'New Topic" button until they get concept we are discussing.What I have found to work is to make sure that I have replied to the solution in any of the previous posts on the topic. Then, since I know I offered a solution, I quickly search the forums specifically on my posts and with certain keywords I know I would have used. Almost always I never have to check more than the first two results. Then, in the upper right hand corner of the post you click on the "Post #5" link and copy the address. Finally, go back to that post and simply say "This solution has been discussed in great detail "here" (paste link). Or, you can do a search on "xxxxx" to find a few related conversations. The search tool is real helpful in finding solutions that have already been discussed and resolved"I understand the annoyance of such repetitive posts - but there is nothing we can do to completely avoid it just as much as there is nothing we can to to stop drunk driving.
  15. Skemcin

    Web design

    Well it seems that Jonas and aspnetguy has beat me to it - what thhey said is exactly what I meant. There is really nothing worse than coding a site in Frontpage, MS Word is a close second. Using Frontpage is like kissing your dog on the lips - its distgusting but people do it - I NEVER would. Anyway, stay far away from it - learn to code using the code(Notepad), then work your way into software that makes the common tasks easier (Dreamweaver).
  16. Skemcin

    Web design

    Yes. I do work for people who are not local. I've recently been in contact with one of my Maryland clients who wants to redesign the sight. I've done work for folks in California having never been to their office or having never met them in person. That's everything from planning to developing to implementation to collecting my fees - all done from the comfort of my home. All that is only possible if you sell trust - just like I said before.Hourly is not the only way to do it. You could sell your work by the project. But I do not recommend that unless you have very detailed functional and technical specifications. The reason why hourly works so well is that it pays you for the work that you do. You just have to make sure you are charging fairly - I charge on the higher middle end of pricing because I want to send the pricing message that I am good enough to be more expensive but reasonable enough not to charge it. But you can't charge what you are not worth. In any respect, hourly is the most accurate way to charge - although when I started out I actually charged per character, but that didn't last.
  17. Skemcin

    Web design

    Every market (city) is different. Chicago can range from $50 to $300 an hour - you get what you pay for. My rates hover just above $100 and are negotiable depending on the project requirements - simply because I already have a fulltime job. However, I still maintain a few clients back in Maryland before I moved out here to Chicago. I still charge them $50 and hour for any work I do - its a rural community, more than two hours to any major city.The best thing to do is research local companies and find out what they are doing. Then, look at their work. Comparing the work that someone does with the rate they charge is a good guage for the target market they are after - attractive graphic intense "impressive" sites/clients, modest businesses with a nice looking site with good functionality, or low ball Frontpage sites for the local travel soccer team.
  18. using flash is always an option as well - most likely to be compatible with more browsers.
  19. Skemcin


    Most meaningful certifications will come for server side scripting languages like ASP and Cold Fusion - I am not aware of an official PHP Certification - someone chime is as needed. This is mainly due to the commercial nature of their existence. A commercial entity will want to "certify" you becuase it means they get to train you, which means they get your money. Of course the positive side affect of that capitalist approach is that it doesn send the message that this person is trained properly be the people who made the stuff.Since HTML is not really "made" by any one commercial entity, by governed by a consortium, there is no one that can really benefit form saying they certified you - someone will always have something to question about the certificate's validity. However, it does send a message that you are sincere and knowledgeable in a specific area.All in all, I can't say that any certificate (HTML, ASP, Cold Fusion) carries much "meaning" to a client. It may impress them and give them some comfort, but yourexpertise, work/portfolio, and the follow up support will speak more volumes than any piece of paper.The most important thing to remember is that in this business you are not selling your skill as a HTML developer, you are selling the trust that you can get the job done.
  20. if the other site is not checking their P's and Q's you might be able to simply change your links:from: http://www.theirdomain.com/theirquotedpage.htmto: http://theirdomain.com/theirquotedpage.htmOf course this, too, is not permanent and would only work if their sniffer is hard coded for the full domain path and not the short.Of course, the easiest, less code intensive solution is to ask your posters to use a linking service like http://www.tinyurl.com
  21. Its been said many times that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder - same is true for websites.The first thing to do is to figure out who you are catering to - that will strongly influence your design - if I was building a site for an automechanic shop, I wouldn't start of thinking it would be pink, unless the mechanic was a female or the shop targeted women for business.Secondly, there are a few simple things to remember.aa.) try not to use more than three colors in your design. You logo is one thing (even though the rule applies there too) but your site should not be too busy (with respect to colo).b.) always use sans serif fonts - those are the fonts that don't have those little feet at the ends of the characters like Times New Romain. I prefer Tahoma, but Verdana is one of the most popular web site fonts.c.) Use a font that is a system default on Windows and Mac - like Verdana - this ensures that the look and feel is consistant from one user to the other.d.) don't get too graphic intense unless that is what the site is about.That should get you started, if not try templatemonster.com or freewebtemplates.com.
  22. no, but I have had a conversation and in house demonstration with my employers Microsoft representative.
  23. lets try to keep this on topic to make sure the original post is able to get the answer.I understand that it seems to be resolved, but there is topic dedicated to broweser discussion.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=2334thanks
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